Sync not completely Syncing


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I have 3 machines sharing a folder; Two run OS X Mavericks, One runs Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. All three are running 1.2.73 (the Ubuntu box is running the i386 glibc 2.3 version), but I've seen this problem on the past couple of releases.


The two OS X boxes report themselves as being in sync, but they report the Linux box is out of sync. I've been running this setup for a couple of weeks and the Linux box does sync files which have been created or changed, but it always appears, from the OS X clients, as being not completely synced.


I'm guessing this is a UI bug because I'm not seeing a continual upload from my OS X boxes, is that correct?


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I'd been noticing it for a while. Then I noticed lines like:

Blocked downloading file com.adobe.reader-20130722-010139.tar.gz due Connection closed


In the sync.log file the other day.


When I went through and removed those files (on RO nodes :-) ) it went fine.


While doing this, I also set these RO nodes to always restore modified files to the original version.


I'd also done this after the latest update, so it may have been a remainder of a bug from an earlier version.

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