Where Is The Data Stored In Windows Phone


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Where is the data stored in windows phone. I have a nokia 820 it comes with 8GB internal memory and external SD card support.


I had synced data to my windows (photos and videos). when i wanted to share these photo with my friends on the big tv screen i could not see it under video section. i can only see and play them from within the Bittorrent Sync app.


When i connect my phone to my computer i do not see the file. So where are the files kept. I hope they are not stored in the phone's internal memory.  


This could be a huge limiting factor for people with lower end phones with expandable memory.


WhatsApp has implemented in such a nice way where they create a WhatsApp folder and store all the photos and videos sent by other people. Making it easy to share with other people.



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  • 9 months later...

We plan to add functionality to save BTSync data to SD card in future and add possibility to add videos in phone's library. 



Is there any news on this?


Windows phone 8.1 gives access to the phone's user folders which are Music, Pictures, Videos, Documents, Downloads (and OneDrive). One can create subfolders there, copy and move files around, etc.


That means it is possible for BTSync to let users select folders on their phone that they want to sync!

It's the only feature I miss right now. Will you implement this?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

It is implemented now. Sync can be installed to SD card and provide access to files inside it's jail to other applications.

That's more of a workaround than an actual solution. What about phones that don't have an SD card slot (lumia 920 f.e.)?


We want to be able to pick the folder where it syncs, please. It is possible on WP8.1 and up.

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That's more of a workaround than an actual solution.

Well, it actually a solution to initial request: @t1279k required to get access to files in Sync's jail by 3rd party application which is perfectly done with extension.


Although, I understand what you need: you want Sync to deliver files outside of its jail. In short: it's a matter of research. Sometimes API developers only implement basic file API which is enough for reading and writing files, but it hardly usable for more sophisticated purposes. So we are not 100% sure now if it is possible, although we plan to give it a try.

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  • 6 months later...

hi , i assume that saving bt sync on sd cart is a good begining.

i am trying to make the file i sync across my device : Music mostly or word. Discoberable by the windows app...

i dont realy mind bein able to see the file i just would like groove to add my music , or there will be no point into sync for phone... Do you think that is possible and if not when we might expect it to arrive ?

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To add music from Sync to another app, tap and hold the file -> Share. Se if your app is in the list of available apps. Or you can tap-and-hold the file and "save to library". 

Actually, Sync's job is to deliver the file to the phone. Then, opening it in other apps is also determined by the platform itself and the possibilities to integrate it gives. On WP these are pretty limited. 

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thank you for your response , i didnt know this fonctionality exist.

this change my life.

the only thing i think that could be code is a feature tu select a selection of file or a complete folder like, for example in my case.

I have a subfolder for an album, what if I can download all the sub folder there ad it entirely in the library then stop having it on my phone...

what do you think ?

but that's ok... Now I can use my music

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/10/2016 at 0:42 PM, Helen said:

picking a subfolder is currently not possible, cause platform doesn't give this option. though with files it's doable and will be considered for future releases. 

Actually, it is possible:


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