Manually Edit Device Name


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I'd like to provide more obvious, user-friendly device names for my Android devices. For example, "S4" instead of "GT-I9500." The default on Windows is OK because it's the name I've given to my computer. But the Android device name apparently defaults to what the manufacturer has named it, and those names are hard to track.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Isn't this functionality already implemented in Just tested renaming and I can change the name of my Nexus 7 within the application using settings in the My Device pane. The name appears to propagate to other machines running BTSync v2 immediately.


Try changing it a second time, and you'll find you can't! - You can only set (change) the device name once.

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Oh, I see it now: the three-dots menu in the My Devices pane. I had been trying Settings>Identity details. I would think that allowing to change the device name under settings is at least as intuitive as under My Devices--perhaps allow both places?


Try changing it a second time, and you'll find you can't! - You can only set (change) the device name once.

Eh?--2.0.44 just let me change numerous times. I only did a quick install to re-check the renaming ability, and my phone has no other 2.0 peers.


EDIT: crap, I just realized that 2.0.44 upgrades and doesn't do a parallel install. So now my Android is running 2.0.44, but my Linux and Windows devices are all 1.3.109. Android 2.0.44 marks the syncing folders as "1.4" and it appears to be working correctly, propagating the device name changes as expected, but showing none of the external devices in the My devices pane. I sure hope Android 2.0.44 is compatible with 1.3.109 as well as 1.4.

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