Bts Placeholders Not Resolving Into Complete File


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First, I'm using BT to sync between 2 of my own PC's (saves schlepping a laptop around).  I "manually" setup several devices (copied same root files to each device) and then setup BitTorrent on each. 


After several days of modifying files on various machines, I noticed I've got about 100 files on 1 PC that have somehow ended up being BTS placeholders!  None of these are files I've modified since the original setup.


Worse yet, on the other PC, about 50% of the files are now BTS placeholders, INCLUDING the 100 that are BTS on the other PC - Where did the original file go????


BitTorrent is acting as if everything is synced.  I manually try to open/sync the BTS placeholder, and I get an error "XXX file already in Queue".


There's no rhyme or reason to which files are placeholders; in some cases, and entire folder is BTS, in others some (or most) of the files in a directory, but not others.  Some folders have all the files.


I've appeared to have lost the 100 originals from the one PC (I can restore from a backup, but I don't want to do that until I figure out whats causing this problem).  In some cases, I'm going to have to restore from the backup, which is about 2 weeks old.  In most cases, I'm going to have to manually compare last modified dates to restore my originals.




Windows 7 x64 (on both PC's), Free version on both, setup with Pro trial.  Pro trial has expired on one, but not the other.  Both PC's setup with OWNER and SYNC ALL.  Devices setup with Sync on 6 folders. 


The folder drive is encrypted (DiskCryptor) on one PC, not on the other (yet).  Unencrypted drvie on 2nd PC is receiving files through BT with no encryption issues.  I thought I'd have issues because the 2nd PC's drive hasn't been encrypted yet, but the files that are syncing appear to be "arriving" and "sending" correctly.





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I just found GreatMarko's response in thread. 


I tried this, and did find the Queue list.  However, none of the "missing" files (with only BTS placeholders) are in the queue.


I tried to access the files again, but I still get the "XXX already in Queue" error.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi HFC3,


We too are having a very similar issue with our desktop computers not syncing properly, creating these .bts files as placeholders for the original file and BTSync is acting as if everything is sync'ed properly, yet these files are missing from all the computers.  Trying here to bump your thread in hopes we can get some help with this issue.


Also, if this helps you any, we've been able to access our missing files by going through the hidden folder .sync/Archives (this is usually located in the root directory of your sync'ed folders.  This may help you avoid actually trying to restore a backup.  The only downside is you'll have to search for each file one by one and place them back in the appropriate location.


In any event, if anyone can help us with this issue, Please do.



A ConcernedCitizen

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Same issue here. We are pro users with multiple licences in our company: files get deleted on one machine, and on the other we have found the .bts leftover files... renaming those .bts files resolves the issue, but a few days later other files are missing... We are seriously considering dumping BTSync as this is too much of a show stopper for us.


Bernhard Sturm

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  • 2 months later...



with backup, your PC is the RO peer, and if you have "Overwrite any changed files" option enabled in sync folder, and then delete a file, it gets re-sycned from the phone 


if .bts files remain in a folder on a downloading peer, it means either that :

1) this peer has Selective Sync on, and the files are not picked to download.

2) the downloading was interrupted and did't get resumed.


If you also see "The file is in queue" message, then the file is/was indeed marked for download, but for some reason the source is no longer available, or transfer is not possible. 

To analyze why exactly, please submit logs to support team 

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