No Owner Permissions Available


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I'm not sure whether this is one or two bugs, but the problems are manifesting like this:


1. A friend shares an "owner" link with me, but I get only "read & write" permissions. When I hover over the share button, it's greyed out and says, "Only an owner may share an advanced folder."


2. I add a folder, but my only share permissions available are "read only" and "read & write".


I've got six shared folders, but in fact only the first one lets me share "Owner" permissions.

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Indeed I don't have pro, but I should be able to share Owner permissions without that, no? No one else in the group I'm sharing with has pro, but they can all have owner. It's also strange that of the folders I've added to my own client, I only have Owner on the first one. I'm running in Mac OS X 10.11.2 btw.

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Owner permissions are available for Advanced folders, which in their turn can be used only in Pro (or Trial) Sync. In Sync Free standard folders are used and there are only RW and RO permissions, without owner. 

Perhaps, people in the group added those advanced folders while they were using Trial.

Was this folder shared with you before, with RW access? 

I suggest writing to support for investigation. Please attach screenshots from both - sender and yours: of Sync UI, and Share menu. Also, please send debug logs from both peers. Don't forget to mention this forum topic. 

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