Remove or Disable "Remove from All Devices" context menu?


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I am looking to order the pro licenses but have 1 major issue with the context menu option "Remove From All Devices".

I would like to provide write access to a user so they can work on selectively work on files locally, and let it automatically sync back to the server without user intervention.

However, the user should never be permitted access to accidentally remove from all devices so easily, which deletes it from all other users, AND the server. Can I remove just this 1 context menu option?

I cannot use NTFS permission to forcibly prevent deletion, as they can and do delete files as part of daily operations. But it is a much more conscious decision, vs. a potential misclick of "Remove from This Device" and "Remove from All Devices".

Other than this one potential problem, it is solid as a workgroup app.

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unfortunately, this cannot be done right now, but we'll take a note and add this feature to feature request. 

As a workaround, try using system calls, not context menu: Delete (move to trash) performed on a file will do "remove from this device". And Delete (move to trash) performed on a placeholder = remove from all devices. The problem's here is to be careful and visually differentiate files from placeholders, the latter are a bit grayed out, and are of 0 sized. . This can be tricky if the file manager is set not to show files' extensions. 

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Thanks for the reply.

What happens if the user deletes an entire folder that is synced or not synced?

As a feature request, I would suggest on top of being able to remove the context menu option, is also add another permission in the Pro version that allows a non-owner to read/write Owner "created" files/folders, and read/write/delete files/folders users' "created" and added to the sync folder. Obviously this would introduce some major headache (adding ownership to files/folders), so I don't foresee this as being a simple thing to do. You're essentially walking down the path of re-creating ACLs in NTFS.


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>if the user deletes an entire folder that is synced 
it will be reverted to placeholder = foldername.rsls 

>if the user deletes an entire folder that is... not synced 
it will be removed from all other peers. Note that it's not removed for good there, but moved to <your_share>/.sync/Archive and stored there for 30 days. 

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