Resilio Sync folders mounted as network volumes


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Hello everyone, 

I need of a solution for a problem I have. I have about 80k files between two NAS synced together with Resilio Sync, and everything works beautifully.

Often I need to access those files on my laptop, that has limited storage. I access those files from the NAS with SMB, but  
because they are quite big files, I struggle with the upload speed of the WAN connection of the NAS.

My dream would be to have a Resilio Sync folder mounted on my laptop as a network drive, so I would be able to access those files without storing them on my laptop - but more importantly,
in a much faster way - as I'd be able to download them from the combined upload speed of multiple synced point of presence.

In other words, something similar to Google file stream, but private. 

Am I dreaming or this is a possible feature request?

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15 hours ago, cinghialino said:

My dream would be to have a Resilio Sync folder mounted on my laptop as a network drive, so I would be able to access those files without storing them on my laptop - but more importantly,
in a much faster way - as I'd be able to download them from the combined upload speed of multiple synced point of presence.




Assuming that \\diskstation is your NAS on Windows Network:

just write a .BAT file with this row:

net use R: "\\diskstation\mysharedfolder" /persistent:yes

Replace R:, diskstation and mysharedfolder according your needs.


If you want mount a directory instead of a drive, write this in the batch file:

mklink /d "D:\MyFolder" "\\diskstation\mysharedfolder"

Replace D:, MyFolder, diskstation and mysharedfolder according your needs.

Make sure that D:/MyFolder don't exist, otherwise mount will fail.




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Hello Carlo, 

it appears that I did not convey well what I would like to achieve, as I am not trying to just mount a network drive:

I would like to see a way to access a Resilio Sync folder (from those already available within your identity) without actually reside on your computer.
You know the whole process of selecting a location for the folder you'd like to connect? I'd like to be able to skip that for a true "cloud folder" that resides
only in those devices you select. Folders available and accessible but not synced.

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