Relay server with Port 443 (https://)


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In many times I use my computers and Smartphones in a company environment, which are restricted and closed. Mainly the ports 80 and 443 are open and requests to open the ports 3000 or such like that is not accepted by the IT departments.

Since Resilio's Relay servers do not work with ports 443 and 80, I'm forced to evade. Either I then use a ownCloud portable client or Syncthing, since the former already uses web-based only these ports and the second can provide corresponding Relays with these ports 443 and 80.

This has the consequence, that I have to use Syncthing for the same directories in addition to Resilio, that's not very clean, but in principle it works with a few special ignore settings.

But it would be better if Resilio could be operated with relay servers with the ports 443 and 80th Would that be feasible?

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Usually, companies don't like to actively circumvent the firewall protections that you're under, unless it is to get around draconian censorship. 

The solution is to change your firewall to allow it. That is of course, you're not authorized to be running this software in the first place.  That's your problem, not everyone else's.


Hint: use a VPN and your problem is solved for any software, not just Sync.

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I do not understand your attitude.

For this I need a VPN software that does not interfere with the system, especially if I also use computers of such a company. What VPN software can do what you mean?

Otherwise, I find your attitude a bit strange, to say that I can not use such a software anyway. You basically speak against yourself. In all the companies I can not change anything, not even the firewalls. But - I'm allowed to use: http: // (port 80) and https: // (port 443). So I'm allowed to use the software that works on it. Because my favorite Resilio is not working, I dodge to Syncthing, ownCloud, and nextCloud. Syncthing I take because it basically works more or less as well as Resilio. So, you're talking against you, because that's why I turn to your competition products, whether I like it or not. And you think I'm alone with that? Then I like to leave you alone.

I do not like doing such detours, because it involves some administrative work, because the directories overlap with Syncthing and Resilio, which I use in such companies. Everything works, so no problem. It would be nice if Resilio also had Relayserver, which can dominate the port 443

A list of valid Relays.

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19 hours ago, Andy+ said:

I do not understand your attitude.

For this I need a VPN software that does not interfere with the system, especially if I also use computers of such a company. What VPN software can do what you mean?

Otherwise, I find your attitude a bit strange, to say that I can not use such a software anyway. You basically speak against yourself. In all the companies I can not change anything, not even the firewalls. But - I'm allowed to use: http: // (port 80) and https: // (port 443). So I'm allowed to use the software that works on it. Because my favorite Resilio is not working, I dodge to Syncthing, ownCloud, and nextCloud. Syncthing I take because it basically works more or less as well as Resilio. So, you're talking against you, because that's why I turn to your competition products, whether I like it or not. And you think I'm alone with that? Then I like to leave you alone.

I do not like doing such detours, because it involves some administrative work, because the directories overlap with Syncthing and Resilio, which I use in such companies. Everything works, so no problem. It would be nice if Resilio also had Relayserver, which can dominate the port 443

A list of valid Relays.

Your company will have a policy on allowed software. They only want traffic going through port 80 and 443 so they can monitor it and make sure they don't have security issues.  You're wanting to use software that isn't using http/https protocol to circumvent the companies policy.  Resilio wants to sell their software to businesses, and they're not going to take kindly to a change like this.  You're putting the "detour" effort on Resilio instead of yourself, which I think is wrong.

Try and configure your Sync peers to listen on ports 80 or 443. Then you can put in the address of your peers and you won't need a VPN or need the relay.

Since you want to use Resilio in business setting, you'll have a Pro license, you can do a feature request or contact support directly and get an official response from Resilio.



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11 hours ago, Andy+ said:

Port 443 and 80 I can not store. It seems Resilio want a value with 5 digits XXXXX because after Restart any Port is in the field like XXXXX.

Ah, you're right. That might be a privileged port thing like linux.

You'd have to port forward port 443 in your router to the internal 5 digit port number of your sync install.

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Following situation. I am an independent engineer and therefore go for longer periods in companies to handle assignments there. I have different locations and therefore I am always in other companies.

As you have already said correctly, the networks are usually restrictive and allow only certain protocols and thus often enough only http:// (port 80) and https:// (port 443), only a few is more open and even UPnP ports can be opened and Resilio will run as well. But that's more the exception. For that is not possible for me to influence the router configuration in the "external" locations.

That's why I've been using ownCloud and nextCloud in these environments for years, because the alignment of this software fits exactly in that scheme and works great. Unfortunately, the software is server based and not P2P. P2P is a big advantage. Example. I take a picture and have to put it into a presentation. With P2P I get the photo almost immediately on my computer, with server-based software and with the indexing technology of ownCloud and nextCloud this takes some time.

Sometimes, therefore, and because of the P2P technology, I usually take Resilio, where that is possible. In the home network, I have it everywhere, where necessary. Because of this port history now, I have to still dodge. Syncthing could not always control the relays so that in case of doubt the port 443 is used. I tried that again and again and since some month that worked and since then I use Syncthing in parallel with Resilio and no longer ownCloud and nextCloud.

This works because I have set special ignore lists. This is not a big issue with batch files and works fine, but sometimes I have stress with that because sometimes file structures change for the software operation and then I have to adjust all files in batch mode. All of that is not the ideal solution, even if it works well in the end.

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