Predefined hosts purpose


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I have tried to get as much information out of the public help articles on the predefined hosts but they are close to useless. The whole concept of predefined hosts are speculative at best for the end user. Below are my questions I would like to get answered and be available for other users to learn.

  • Do the predefined hosts act as relays and/or trackers?
  • If they can act as relays/trackers, do they have to have the files themselves or they would only need to have the list? i.e. can they be set up with individual sync and never host files themselves?
  • I am not interested in using an OpenVPN like solution but please state if it is necessary or not to what I I want to achieve.

I trust the Resilio Sync public tracker but I am also interested in using a private solution, like set up a sync on an AWS EC2 and let it be my private tracker/relay server for my network. Can it be achieved with defining that AWS EC2 as the predefined host?

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36 minutes ago, vadviktor said:

Do the predefined hosts act as relays and/or trackers?


37 minutes ago, vadviktor said:

Can it be achieved with defining that AWS EC2 as the predefined host?

Yes. You don't need tracker/relay server. Just setup predefined hosts. You don't any vpn solution to achieve your goal.

You can even disable public relay & tracker servers and Sync will work (in case you use predefined hosts)

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Hey Alex,

I don't really understand your 2 answers:

First you said predefined hosts can't act as relays and/or trackers.

Then you say the opposite, that predefined hosts will be my trackers and relay when I set them up on a public facing EC2.

Could you please elaborate on your short answer so the two answers won't contradict each other?


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Ok, so we think differently. Let me try to understand the jargon. Basically, I don't need to use Resilio's relay and tracker. To provide those two functionalities I can put a Sync server out onto EC2 with public facing IP and all my other peers can use that EC2 server as the predefined host, correct?

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