How to configure / set up Resilio as a backup from windows to a NAS

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I have a readyNAS running Resilio with identity (nas) and have installed it as a service on my Windows machine with identity (desktop). I'm trying to get my head around the naming and sharing conventions used.

I essentially want to backup all files in a selection of given folders on my desktop to the NAS so that in the event of a disk failure on the windows machine the files will be on the NAS. When I add files they should ideally be synced to the NAS either on a schedule or immediately. I want to ensure that all files are completely backed up to the NAS at all times. It's unclear to me from the documentation how I can do that. Do I need to share the same identity across the both installations? Seems weird having a windows installation with identity (nas).

Also in this scenario I assume that if I edit or delete a file on the readyNAS from some other connection that those changes will propagate to my windows desktop. Does that happen automatically and if not how does the subsequent conflict get handled if I was to also edit the file in windows before the NAS synced up to it?

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@Paul G 


Do I need to share the same identity across the both installations?

You can just share folder from windows to NAS.


Does that happen automatically and if not how does the subsequent conflict get handled if I was to also edit the file in windows before the NAS synced up to it?

It happens automatically.

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It it possible to do a scheduled sync, too?

I need a backup every day at midnight.

Therefore I intended to use the schedule-tab on my client (SyncHomePro) and blocked the sync during the day with the option "rate_limit_local_peers" activated.

As it is explained on:

Unfortunately the file-deletion-behaviour (files are deleted, even when sync is paused by schedule) is not useful for me.

Anyone knows a solution? (Extra-option in Resilio or running Resilio process only one time per day by windows schedule-planner? Or sync only on startup/shutdown of client?

Thanks, Lukas.

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Thanks Alex. In terms of saving to a NAS do I need to encrypt the folders to keep their content unshared as it seems that the resilio sync folder on the NAS can not be set up in my secured home folder and areopenly available to any anonymous connection to the drive.

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