Sync.conf - Where can I find a list of the exact variables that can be used with the configuration file.

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I think I spent a few hours just looking for how to set the predefined host file to True.  I think I tried every variation like "folder_defaults.predefined_hosts" : true.   I want to check-mark the "Use Predefined Hosts" option in a Folder's Preferences.  Anybody know how to do this via the sync.conf file?

Also, if there is a list of all possible variables that can be defined, that would be great too.

I can't believe this was no included in the help files.

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1 hour ago, eltopo said:

Isn't it "folder_defaults.known_hosts"?

Did you go thru this page?

Running Sync in configuration mode – Sync (

and this?

Power user preferences – Sync (


Isn't it "folder_defaults.known_hosts"?

folder_defaults.known_hosts will only set the known hosts after you check the option "Use predefined hosts".  In other words, only once you check-mark "Use predefined hosts", those hosts IP addresses will be set.  I would not prefer to open the Preferences for every folder of the 50 I have synced and check-mark "Use predefined hosts".

Did you go thru this page?

Yep.  Those are the first and only 2 web pages I consulted.  Is there a web page that lists all possible commands that can be used in the Resilio Sync configuration file?

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17 hours ago, eltopo said:

Isn't it "folder_defaults.known_hosts"?

Did you go thru this page?

Running Sync in configuration mode – Sync (

and this?

Power user preferences – Sync (



Actually, I got it to work!

It looks like you have to install the configuration file before you add folders.  If you add the configuration file as the last step, then you have to go into every single folder and check-mark "Use predefined hosts".  (It doesn't matter if you restart Resilio Sync.)

So, for other people who encounter this problem, make sure you change the sync.conf before you start adding your synced folders.

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On 12/2/2020 at 4:11 AM, FlatEarthisNotImpossible said:



Actually, I got it to work!

It looks like you have to install the configuration file before you add folders.  If you add the configuration file as the last step, then you have to go into every single folder and check-mark "Use predefined hosts".  (It doesn't matter if you restart Resilio Sync.)

So, for other people who encounter this problem, make sure you change the sync.conf before you start adding your synced folders.

Yes, you're changing a "DEFAULT" setting. This is expected behaviour.

However, what is NOT expected, is that when using "folder_defaults.known_hosts", you then lose the ability to add or remove additional predefined IP's per folder.  That might be worse than the benefit of the feature itself. Right now, I got around that by having one side not using folder_defaults.known_hosts, but it'll be a friggin hassle to setup two servers that were setup with this setting and later on need to add more. It would require removing the folder, editing the config file, restarting resilio and then adding the folder back.  Ain't nobody got time for that.

I'd have to assume this is a bug, or else it would be a bad idea to limit this feature this way. The key word is "default", not "limit" or "locked".

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