All the sync'ed files belong to the "Administrators" user, and cannot be modified by a simple user. How to change this ?


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My laptop is synchronized with my NAS.

All the files created directly on the NAS (with a non-Administrator user) are synchronized on the laptop with an "Administrator" ownership and cannot therefore be modified/deleted/... by a regular user. 

How to have Resilio Sync respecting the files permissions/ownership from the NAS ?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sync does not synchronize file permissions. Sync runs as Admin on laptop, right? 
depending on your current setup, few options are:
launch Sync as a user on the laptop
manually (or using a script) adjust the permissions and give the use access
check owner of the parent directory and inheritance rules. add access to the files /folder on the parenting dir and enable inheritance for all children inside. see if it helps

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