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  1. I´ve three months asking same...and nothing... My actually btsync.conf has agregated that 3 lines with 43200 interval, and NAS never sleep...I have to stop and play manually...a big shit.. If anyone could paste their btsync.conf ...
  2. @TigerB please could you paste your config, I put these lines and i follow same...
  3. Nothing...I have been two days testing and if i dont stop service hds follow without sleep. Any Way? Arm..seems not catch these Advanced configurartion
  4. Hi. Now this is my config. I added config_refresh and folder rescan and HDDs don´t sleep... /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc # cat btsync.conf{"device_name": "DaniNAS","listening_port" : 0,"storage_path" : "/usr/local/zy-pkgs/var/btsync","config_refresh_interval" : 43200,"folder_rescan_interval" : 43200,"check_for_updates" : false,"use_upnp" : true,"download_limit" : 0,"upload_limit" : 0,"webui" :{"listen" : "" ,"login" : "dani","password" : "aaa"}}/usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc # I´m using btsync 1.4.110 beta...I don´t know what to do...
  5. Ok GreatMarko I follow step by step: 1º) At btsync binary I dumped config: btsync --dump-sample-config >> btsync.conf cp btsync.conf /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/ <---- This overwrite actually config 2º) I patch de config btsync --config /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/btsync.conf <---- All ok, btsync and GUI works ok! 3º) I add interval lines: /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc # cat btsync.conf{ "device_name": "My Sync Device", "listening_port" : 0, // 0 - randomize port /* storage_path dir contains auxilliary app files if no storage_path field: .sync dir created in the directory where binary is located. otherwise user-defined directory will be used*/ "storage_path" : "/usr/local/zy-pkgs/var/btsync", // uncomment next line if you want to set location of pid file// "pid_file" : "/var/run/syncapp/syncapp.pid", "check_for_updates" : false, "use_upnp" : true, // use UPnP for port mapping /* limits in kB/s 0 - no limit*/ "download_limit" : 0, "upload_limit" : 0, /* remove "listen" field to disable WebUI remove "login" and "password" fields to disable credentials check*/ "webui" : { "listen" : "" // ,// "login" : "admin",// "password" : "password" } /* !!! if you set shared folders in config file WebUI will be DISABLED !!! shared directories specified in config file override the folders previously added from WebUI.*//* , "shared_folders" : [ {// use --generate-secret in command line to create new secret "secret" : "MY_SECRET_1", // * required field "dir" : "/home/user/bittorrent/sync_test", // * required field // use relay server when direct connection fails "use_relay_server" : true, "use_tracker" : true, "use_dht" : false, "search_lan" : true,// enable sync trash to store files deleted on remote devices "use_sync_trash" : true,// specify hosts to attempt connection without additional search "known_hosts" : [ "", "myhost.com:6881" ] } ]*/ // Advanced preferences can be added to config file.// Info is available in BitTorrent Sync User Guide.,"config_refresh_interval" : 43200,"folder_rescan_interval" : 43200 }/usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc # GUI and btsync is Ok, but HDD follow spinning 24h. When I stop btsync service It go sleep at 15min, so btsync is the only using HDD in all moments. What have i done bad?? Thanks for all!!
  6. Ok thanks. I have a file.conf with valid config. Now to configure in our Nas NSA32x: - Where we put "folder_rescan_interval" lines?¿ (I need can hibernate our NAS ) - Where we save config file?. Now we have btsync service at /usr/local/zy-pkgs/var/ and there´s created a btsync.conf at /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/ . Overwritte lastone? Thanks for all!
  7. Hi, try here: /* storage_path dir contains auxilliary app files if no storage_path field: .sync dir created in the directory where binary is located. otherwise user-defined directory will be used */ "storage_path" : "/home/btsync/data/", "folder_rescan_interval": 36000,