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  1. @Helen, sorry, but I disagree with that. In the Web UI, you can add a folder. Then you have an interface to browse on your (remote) local file system (see attachment). So technically it IS possible. It's just not implemented... This would really be an added value, so please consider this to implement in next releases! @guillaumeb: I use another tool for web access to my (remote) local file system: Tonido: free, has also a sync client (which I don't use), and a relative good webinterface for browsing. Can run as a service too. So my "server": WIN10 + Resilio + Tonido.
  2. Hi @stijnos I just tried to configure BitSync on my iPad, but it works exactly the same: on my iPad, I can create new folder that I can share, or I can configure "Camera Backup", but this only syncronises the "camera roll" of my iPad, nothing else. Do I mis something here?
  3. Hi @ivarson, I just tried to configure BitSync on my iPad, but it works exactly the same: on my iPad, I can create new folder that I can share, or I can configure "Camera Backup", but this only syncronises the "camera roll" of my iPad, nothing else. Do I mis something here?
  4. Hello @stijnos: Thanx for quick reply. this would be great. But I can't find this setting on my Windows Phone :-( I f I choose "share", I can only select folders I created within the app. I would like to select the root of the picture folder. As you can see in the attachment, this folder consist of several subfolders.
  5. Hello @ivarson: Thanx for quick reply. this would be great. But I can't find this setting on my Windows Phone :-( I f I choose "share", I can only select folders I created within the app. I would like to select the root of the picture folder. As you can see in the attachment, this folder consist of several subfolders. Can you point me to some information how to configure BitSync to select this (root)folder?
  6. Hello, It would be nice to have the possibility to select a period for syncing my camera backup. I.e. "only sync pictures from january 2016" or "sync 2015", ... Reason: I sync my pictures to my PC and there I copy the pictures to my own folders, rename pics, etc... I would like to move the pictures and have BitSync only sync pictures from within a period. kind regards, B
  7. Camera Backup only takes "Camera Roll" into account. What about other pictures: (screenshots, saved pictures, ...). Is there a way to sync the whole "picture" library
  8. I configured camera backup on my Windows Phone App. First time sync to my PC is done perfectly. However: if I remove a picture from my phone, it remains on PC. Is there a way to have a real "sync": just keeping both libraries in sync with the same information?