non-stop 'indexing'

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Just installed btsync on two laptops, both running Ubuntu 12.04.

Created a ~/btsync directory, put the btsync executable in each,

ran ./btsync. Made a secret, put the secret in on the other

laptop. The WebUI showed that the folders on the two laptops

were recognized. I copied some files into the ~/btsync directory,

it sync'd up. As easy and straighforward as I could hope for. Cool.

Not too long after, though, the webui showed that it was 'indexing',

and the computer became very slow. 'top' showed that several

instances of btsync were very very busy. The hard drive light was

on constantly. The webui showed that it was still indexing, and that

it had indexed hundreds of thousands of files. WHAT!!?? I only

put a few hundred files into the ~/btsync folder - is it indexing my

entire hard drive? If so, why?

Whatever it's doing, it's really reducing the usabilty of the computer,

to the point where I finally killed the btsync daemon.

How can I change this behavior? Can I tell it to just index the

~/btsync folder? Why is it indexing everything? (it makes me

just a little bit paranoid, a daemon with network access could

share all my files with the world and I wouldn't know... <_< )

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Did you put btsync executable into shared folder? Please move it out.

By default on Linux btsync creates .sync folder with metadata in the same folder where executable is located. If you put .sync folder into btsync shared folder, it may create infinite loop.

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Did you put btsync executable into shared folder? Please move it out.

By default on Linux btsync creates .sync folder with metadata in the same folder where executable is located. If you put .sync folder into btsync shared folder, it may create infinite loop.

That is exactly what I did, and I will fix it right away. Thanks for your help.

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Did you put btsync executable into shared folder? Please move it out.

By default on Linux btsync creates .sync folder with metadata in the same folder where executable is located. If you put .sync folder into btsync shared folder, it may create infinite loop.

This seems to be quite a common problem on the public secret shares ( <_< hmmm) I've seen, I assume something will be done about it, like forcing the current .sync folder on to the .SyncIgnore list.
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  • 7 months later...

Hey Sergey & Trombiggs - 


Can I confirm that the solution for this was to ensure that the .sync folder was not in the same folder that is being synced?


I have:

  • home/pi/desktop/btsync.exe
  • home/pi/.sync
  • media/SYNC/folderBeingSynced

Originally .sync and btsync.exe were in the same folder (not the one being shared), but I dragged the .exe to the desktop. Still seeing these infinite (or interminably long) "Indexing". Could this just be the slower processor of the pi?


Thanks for the help.


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Hey Sergey & Trombiggs - 


Can I confirm that the solution for this was to ensure that the .sync folder was not in the same folder that is being synced?


I have:

  • home/pi/desktop/btsync.exe
  • home/pi/.sync
  • media/SYNC/folderBeingSynced

Originally .sync and btsync.exe were in the same folder (not the one being shared), but I dragged the .exe to the desktop. Still seeing these infinite (or interminably long) "Indexing". Could this just be the slower processor of the pi?


Thanks for the help.




I have same setup and I still get never ending indexing. Please help us!

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I have the same problem.

I am using it on debian 7, btsync version: 1.2.82

I installed btsync through repository and my shared folder is under /mnt/download/shared/... so the btsync is not in the shared folder.


Although the number of shared files are pretty high: 119 844 Files, 23 054 Folders (several projects..)


Every file and folder was synchronized couple of hours ago, but it is still indexing: 4.4 GB in 103785 files (Indexing...)

But the number (103785) isn't changing.


I even restarted the btsync but nothing has changed.


Do you have any idea what could be the problem?




Edited by Tozo
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Sorry, I couldn't edit my previous comment.


I forgot to mention that the client I am syncing from, is a windows client (version: 1.2.82) and I am using soft links within the sync folder.

I mean the various project folders linked via mklink.

The command I used to create these soft links:

mklink /D sourceFolder targetFolder


I will try out without these folders, but I don't think that is the problem.




Edited by Tozo
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I am having the endless indexing issue as well. I have files that are created in directories on the source drive that all start with ~$**** these are the files that show up in the transfer window for a second then dissapear. These files are what seems to be causing the loop the same file will appear, not sync, the reappear over and over again. The original file that was edited without the ~$ ahead of the file name are in the folder as well. The only way i have been able to get the sync to work is to delete the file with the ~$ ahead of the file name. Then the sync will finish and show up as fully synced. These files seem to be originating from Word and Excel. I have made the changes suggested on a forum regarding eliminating the creation of these files. Does anyone have any other suggestions. 



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys - I've installed BTSync 1.2.82 on my Pi with Raspbmc installed.  I'm currently experiencing the same non-stop "indexing" issue and I've tried everything above and on other posts.  I have a 32GB flash drive in on of my Pi ports that is the actual sync location so I know it's not a problem with ./btsync being in the sync folder.  I am syncing mine and my wife's iPhone pics as well as our iPad's.  Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.

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Hey guys - I've installed BTSync 1.2.82 on my Pi with Raspbmc installed.  I'm currently experiencing the same non-stop "indexing" issue and I've tried everything above and on other posts.  I have a 32GB flash drive in on of my Pi ports that is the actual sync location so I know it's not a problem with ./btsync being in the sync folder.  I am syncing mine and my wife's iPhone pics as well as our iPad's.  Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.


Just for anyone with the same issue - I had changed the “folder_rescan_interval” to 86400 like other posts suggested and nothing seemed to happen.  However after a decent amount of time, the problem seems resolved.  BTSync service now running at a cool 2.5 to 3.0 % CPU consistently and no constant indexing.

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