Android - Sync To Encrypted Node Does Not Work


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I'd like to sync my Android-Pictures to my Laptop and an always-on-RaspberryPi.

Following setup after creating Secrets via API:


Laptop: ReadWrite

Android: ReadWrite

RasPi: EncryptedSecret


For testing purposes I closed BTSync on my Laptop, and expected a transmission of pictures to my RasPi. But nothing happened.


BTSync showed a connected Peer, even correctly displaying the amount of Data and the numbers of Files, but my Android-Phone just did not want to sync.


I turned my Laptop on, and my Phone started syncing to my Laptop - which succesfully synced to the RaspberryPi. Turning my Laptop off after a while - sync from Android to RasPi wont continue.


Adding the ReadWrite Secret to the RaspberryPi works like a charm - but other people have access to the attached storage as well, so I would like to store my pictures encrypted....

Any Ideas?


Just Reinstalled BTSync without Backup/Restore, did not help.

FYI: I'm encountering the "App crashes regulary error" (Already discussed in some other topics) as well, before the reinstallation just as afterwards, stopped crashing when attached to a power source [did not].


Thank you very much in advance




edit: after the reinstall BTSync on my RasPi does not receive the correct number of files anymore, on my Laptop it does.

edit2: well, it does get the number of files after a while.... and even whilst crashing everytime, the backround-sync does work anyway

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