0K And Disapearing Files...


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We have a problem. Some of the files we have are disappearing. The file name is left, but the file shows 0k and it is empty.

I just did a search for empty files and found about 15 file that this has happened to.

Apparently, it appears that it mostly happens with files that are renamed or moved (cut and paste).

I think I have ruled out it being a single computer issue as the files have been added from different computers.

All computers (5 in all) are running the most current versions of BitTorrent Sync and all are running Windows 7 or 8.

I tried Customer Support after I could not find a similar issue in the forum. Apparently they no longer provide help, only to Pro and Ad-Free (not sure what that means).

Anyway, any ideas?

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The clocks on all computers are set to auto sync to the same site. I thought there might have been an issue with one computer being on DSL instead of Cable, but it happens with files generated on that computer as well.

It seems to happen when either saving, renaming, moving, or copy/pasting the files... File that are there seem to stay, but I am not 100% sure.

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I tried Customer Support after I could not find a similar issue in the forum. Apparently they no longer provide help, only to Pro and Ad-Free (not sure what that means).

Now Sync team provides support to everyone. There was some confusion and you've submitted your case to BitTorrent Client app, not to Sync app. Later, when it was figured out, you were informed about it and your ticket was redirected to Sync team and reply was provided. 

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This is somewhat true, I followed the links provided to submit my problem. After I received the initial response I posted here. By the time the confusion was worked out, I could no longer edit my posting.

For all others, it should be noted that the Sync team has found the issue and the fix will be coming out in a future update.


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At the moment, I am on the shelf regarding 2.0. With the limitations on the new version (especially the number of folders) I am still trying to figure out how make it work for my data structure. I am not sure I want to restructure all my data just to use a program. Anyway, that is another issue.

So if the causes are not going to be fixed in the 1.4.111, what do I need to do to collect logs for the 1.4.111 and get it to the appropriate people?

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  • 2 months later...

I also encounter the same issue several times. The solution is to turn off BT Sync while you are working on that computer. Note pausing sync will not avoid this issue. You must turn it off completely.


If the issue happens, don't be panic. You can still find the original file from the ".sync\Archive" folder.

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