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Everything posted by sudowtf

  1. My only working solution was to remove v1.4, then install v1.3 from then upgrade to v1.4. Starting with v1.4 and stopping & editing .conf failed for me.
  2. The only place i have found that i can type a key is: "Update Key: If you have received a new key: ____________" which, by the verbiage, to me does not translate I can add my own NEW key. (maybe I can but the wording should state so) otherwise it says "Generate new key", which does NOT let you type. My point of view is coming from the Desktop perspective. I think rather than a "launch email" function, it should simply allow you to copy the link and let you decide if you want to mail it or do something else with it. I'm not saying emailing is useless, but rather a button that *launches* an email-compose is useless. I much rather have the three options Copy Link, Copy Key, or View QR and decide myself what to do. Furthermore some people may have software email-clients, others may have web-mail. by having a launch-email-compose function it assumes the desktop is configured properly which may or may not be the case. Simplified Copy Link, Copy Key, View QR would remove that dependency. But yet this is my own humble opinion, as a power user / admin for almost 30 years cross-platform.
  3. key / key-length: i don't like that i can no longer create a custom key or append custom text to a pregenerated key. I prefer to use purposely extra long custom keys by appending text to pregenerated keys. it seems i can no longer do this in v 1.4 and am unhappy about it. i understand and like that i can set limits and approve connections, but i still prefer my extra-long practically un-bruteforceable custom keys. email vs copy: i think "email" is unecessary and the two options should be called "copy link" and "copy key", and thus the word 'copy' is redundant and removable; therfore in the end it should be the following 3 options: "Link", "Key", "QR Code". -- Further simplification could be that all three be presented on the share-dialog directly without having to click into them.