I want very fast speed !!!


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Hi :D ~!

I am Newbie!! kk.

I had a problem, but I don't know what to do.


I want to sync very fast file system that consists of an internal network of 10 raspberry pie.

We must be synchronized faster than P2P general model.

So I've used the BittorrentSync but speed was very slow.

Perhaps, there seems to be a limit on the maximum number of peer BittorrentSync.

I want to know how that can be synchronized to the high speed by using the Bittorrent protocol.


Thx for reading. XD.

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This is likely a Raspberry Pi IO issue.

The network port on the Raspberry Pi is essentially a USB to Ethernet adapter. If you have heavy network activity and store the data on a drive connected via USB you will not get great performance. I recently ran btsync on my Pi with a 4TB USB HDD attached for storage. BitTorrent Sync activity reported to be around 1.8-2.5 MB/s with heavy CPU load. For comparison I get around 25 MB/s when using an old PC with Debian and btsync.

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This is likely a Raspberry Pi IO issue.

The network port on the Raspberry Pi is essentially a USB to Ethernet adapter. If you have heavy network activity and store the data on a drive connected via USB you will not get great performance. I recently ran btsync on my Pi with a 4TB USB HDD attached for storage. BitTorrent Sync activity reported to be around 1.8-2.5 MB/s with heavy CPU load. For comparison I get around 25 MB/s when using an old PC with Debian and btsync.

We have some tests, but When synchronizing the raspberry pi entire socket communication general ─ like FTP, speed was faster than bittorrent.

I think, is not a problem with the IO, this is a configuration issue or a matter of bittorrent sync.

I want to know how to set up a torrent client and how to set the bittorrent sync.

Thank you for your reply.! :-)

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This is a limitation of the Raspberry Pi unit itself. The internal processor is unable to handle the needed calculations to chunk the data and send it downstream.

Test the bittorrent sync, I had a check in real time the status of the network and cpu of raspberry pi all.

As a result, cpu occupancy rate of raspberry pi which send files are 50-70%, 20-40% maximum network share was (100Mbps full-duplex).

Raspberry pi some only to send / receive files, the problem is, not work raspberry pi most.

Number of peer that is enabled seems to have been limited.

The early sync, I was expected raspberry pi some become peer, after the first, peer and will increase.

However, the results of my test, until all the files are sync, raspberry pe as a peer, there is only one to three.

I want to know how can I raspberry pi all to send / receive at the same time.

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