Empty Folder List on iOS


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Hi, I added a single folder sync on an iPad MC775TY/A with iOS 7.0.3(11B511).

Sync went fine and I was able to browse the files and folders.

This folder is 16.9G.


If I close the btsync proccess (or reboot the device), then the sync folder list is empty.


Files are still on the iPad.

I undesrtand that by the used space.

If I re-add the folder, it will fast check-sum it (no re-download).


The same folder is synced on another iPad and the isse seems to not happen there.

I know this iPad is more recent but I can't report iOS version now.

I'm going to retrieve this information.


btsync version is 1.2.9.


What do you think?


I also sent a feedback directly from the ipad so the developer may find usefull info in the logs.


Thank you.

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This bug was fixed long ago. We cannot reproduce it now. Can you please provide more details about your case - iOS version, iPad model, Sync version on all peers? Do you share standard or advanced folder? So you set to "show synced" files on iPad? 

Any details would be much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I am having the same problem--folders disappear when ipad is offline. Apparently the bug has not been fixed.  Anyone know when it will be?


According to the logs, it was related with many files in the folder. After Sync launched it reads information about files from the database. Because there are many files, it takes some time to read the database. So it's not related to internet connection, it is necessary to just wait until Sync reads all information from the database.

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