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Posts posted by Helen

  1. drjones,


    - Not sure what exactly you mean about "does the amount of files increase accordingly in backup"??


    I mean after you take or download new photos to Camera Roll, does iOS Sync app shows that the number of files to backup has increased accordingly? E.g, you say it shows  30GB of photos in around 6,500 files, and after you take some 5 photos, will Sync say is has to backup 30+ Gb in 6005 files? 


    Yes, your plan is OK.  After you encounter the reported problem and sync stops, send feedback from your iPhone and agree to attach logs. When you receive acknowledgement mail, reply to it and attach logs from a NAS.  Put the link to this forum topic in your message. Thank you. 

  2. sailatlas,


    Please, provide more details. What devices are involved? on which of them you see .!sync files? 


    .!sync extension appears while the file is being transferred. Once the file is fully downloaded, .!sync will be removed. The fact that .!sync has remained means that the file for some reason could not be downloaded to the device, thus it cannot be opened.

    Try removing the folder from BitTorrent sync on the sending (uploading peer), delete .!sync files from the downloading peer and add the folder back on the uploading peer. 


    Make sure that files are not used/changed/locked during syncing.


    If it doesn't help, please, collect full debug logs from both peers (uploading and downloading) and send a mail to syncapp@bittorrent.com. Put the link to this topic in the message and provide the details about your environment and devices. 

  3. chillicane,


    The most likely reason for the problem is that in 1.3. the way Sync reaches tracker (and thus learns about other peers) has been changed compared to 1.2. 

    now it goes to http://config.usyncapp.com/sync.conf for tracker and relay servers. Do I understand it right and those 160 Win peers are located all in different networks? Any of them might have HTTP port 80 to config.usyncapp.com blocked. I suggest trying to reach http://config.usyncapp.com/sync.conf from browser on those peers which cannot get connected to others. 


    And yes, please, mind 50 peers limits. 


    I'd love to help, please write to syncapp@bittorrent.com. Put the link to this topic, describe which of the mentioned peers (those 160 or those from which Linux takes files?) have the issue, network details and debug logs from at least two of them. Thank you! 

  4. TomW1992,


    Yes, as stallemanden correctly noticed BitTorrent Sync is for syncing. The way you seek for it to work (delete on FTP and not propagate deletion to remote storage) works only for backup on WP and iOS. We'll consider making it possible for big machines in some future releases. 

  5. ibramall,

    Conflicts appear due to letter cases. Probably on your Computer 2 with NAS mounted folder you had two subfolders with the same name but different lettercase. These folders would produce conflicts on Windows. Or you had a 'subfolder' on WIn and "Subfolder" on NAS which would also produce Conflicts on WIn. 

    Other causes are also possible: with composed/decomposed characters specific to certain languages (umlaute in German, e.g.)

    So a solution here would be to make sure that all files have the same letter case when folders with files are added to BitTorrent Sync on different platforms. Also, make sure that there is no any other app or sule set to change the lettercases in folders/files/ 

  6. Gimpymoo,


    That subforum was closed and is now accessible only for those who had previously sighed up for alpha testing. 



    cannot revert my 1.4 to current stable without starting from scratch. I have a few Syncs so this would be awkward.


    Yes, you need to uninstall 1.4. and install 1.3. from scratch. Sorry, that's the rule, described in the thread where you've downloaded it from.

  7. @all, 


    Please check one thing: when Sync is in background and not syncing, go to Android settings -> Apps -> Running and see if Sync has processes running (0 or 1?). 

    This issue is indeed known to us and the interesting this is that it is characteristic for Nexuses and Android 4.4. (the latter kills the apps if they are swiped away from 'recent apps')

  8. anyway, on what systen do I have to do a folder rescan and *what is* a folder rescan?


    Each ten minutes by default BitTorrent Sync rescans each sync folder and files in it. It is done automatically, you don't need to do anything.  This is necessary for BitTorrent Sync just is case it skipped some files' updates or didn't receive update info from the system (just as in your case). 



    will the messages go away without me doing anything?


    It should go away after the mentioned rescan (in this case you do not need to do anything) or after you manually 'touch' the file (with copy /b FooBar.ext +,, command), if you do not want to wait for the rescan.