No Connected devices and no sync


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Hello ,

I installed btsync on my raspberry pi . Everything was good . But today i noticed that its doesnt sync any more . ( See the attached ss pls ) . First folder " /media/2tb-460C8DA80C8D9419/tv " is on the same network with raspberry . 2nd and 3rd folder is at another location . Yesterday 2nd and 3rd was running great . When i check windows btsync client i dont see any connected device . Both computers are online . I double checked secrets .

The most important issue is i tried to reboot and check if it will work . When i rebooted there is no folders in btsync gui . But the files sync before is still in folders . If i add manually again its start sync without problem . How can i fix that ?

Edit : After a few minutes i saw the folders in gui . But still no Connected devices with 2nd and 3rd folder .

Edit 2 : I've made btsync gui password protected , but after reboot it didnt ask any password ?


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I seem to have a simular issue.


Situation: I want to sync my desktop at home with my netbook I use when I am travelling.I Installed BitTorrent yesterday on both computers (Nebbook Windows 7 Home Premium and desktop Windows Vista Home Premium). I would likt ot sync both computers via the Internet without storing the files in the cloud. 


Remark: I am not a Techi. Please answer on end user level. thx


My Questions:

1. Is BitTorrenthe right tool?

2. Now BitTorrent is installed on both computers. I do not see any devices in the Device tab. How should BitTorrent know which devices should be connected?

3. I have added a folder on my desktop computer. How do I start the sync process with my netbook computer now?

4. I tried to enter the secret key from my desktop computer on the netbook computer. Additionally I added a destination folder. But nothing happens. 


What do I do wrong?




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First of all, many thanks for this great product, I'm loving it :)


It seems that I experience a similar problem with various Windows flavor but it's always the same issue, no connected device so no sync.


I got over 150 computer connected to a read only share and only few aren't able to connect.

** Those are all windows 2003, 2008 and win8


At first I tought it was something related to firewall or network issue on their side but when I configure a temporary share it works flawessly.


Note that all those computer share the same ntp server so they are all at the same time.


There's not much in the debug log except "Sending broadcast ping..."

Anyway here's an exemple of a debug log on an affected windows:

** Note that I've replaced the share identity with XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX



[2013-09-18 13:03:41] Loading config file version 1.1.70
[2013-09-18 13:03:41] Loaded folder \\?\T:
[2013-09-18 13:03:56] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:03:57] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:03:58] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:03:59] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:00] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:01] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:02] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:03] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:03] Requesting peers from server
[2013-09-18 13:04:04] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:05] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:06] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:07] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:08] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:09] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:10] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:11] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:12] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:13] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:13] Requesting peers from server
[2013-09-18 13:04:14] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:15] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:16] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:17] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:18] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:19] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:20] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:21] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:22] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:23] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:23] Requesting peers from server
[2013-09-18 13:04:24] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:25] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:26] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:27] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:28] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:29] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:30] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:31] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:32] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:33] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:33] Requesting peers from server
[2013-09-18 13:04:34] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:35] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:36] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:37] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:38] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:39] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:40] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:41] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:42] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:42] Got 2 relay ips
[2013-09-18 13:04:42] ip
[2013-09-18 13:04:42] ip
[2013-09-18 13:04:42] Got 3 tracker ips
[2013-09-18 13:04:42] ip
[2013-09-18 13:04:42] ip
[2013-09-18 13:04:42] ip
[2013-09-18 13:04:43] Sending broadcast ping for share XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2013-09-18 13:04:43] Requesting peers from server



Any idea's what can be the cause or other tests that I could do?

Any help would be appreciated. :rolleyes:


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I forgot to elaborate about tests that I had done so far


This issue occur with version 1.1.48 and 1.1.70


- Deleting .SyncArchive & .SyncIgnore and re-creating the share didn't change a thing

- Opening the listening port on both side didn't help

- Enabling the DHT network didn't change anything

- Trying to use "predefined hosts" didn't change a thing

    ** Associated ports were open on both side also


Why is it working with another read only secret with the same source computer/network and same destination/network?

The only thing I change is the shared key, how is that possible that it worked with one key and not another?


I'm a little bit out of ideas, please help!?


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  • 1 month later...

I have run into the same problem. I have two desktops syncing with a QNAP TS-112 NAS; everything seems to be working fine with those machines (BTW one is running Win7, the other is still on XP). When I tried to add a Win7 notebook to sync with the NAS, I get the "no connected devices" message in the client and I cannot sync any of my existing shared folders. I can create a new folder pair between the notebook and the NAS, but I cannot sync any of my existing shares with the notebook. This is with the latest 1.2.82 client.

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