Latest Desktop Build 1.3.86


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Hi all,


The build 1.3.86 for desktop platforms is available now.


Change list

- fixed issue with transfer speed wrong calculation

- fixed issue with handle leak for Linux and Linux-based platforms

- fixed issue with unicode characters in filenames on Mac platforms

- fixed issue with limiting traffic for LANs

- fixed app crashes

- added columns configuration in Devices tab


Previous change list.

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I had a Problem. 

There is a folder created with the command - "mklink" 

Starting with version 1.3 can not create a task synchronization for this folder. Get an error - not enough permissions to write. 

In version 1.28 and 1.29 of this no problem.







Edited by stalk
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Thank's for this version ^^


I think I have discovered an translation error in french in the notification :



Translation : the syncronisation with OFFLINE devices terminated


A correct translation could be "Current a terminé la synchronisation"


EDIT: Windows 7, 64bit ^^

Edited by vlmath
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Thank's for this version ^^


I think I have discovered an translation error in french in the notification :



Translation : the syncronisation with OFFLINE devices terminated


A correct translation could be "Current a terminé la synchronisation"


EDIT: Windows 7, 64bit ^^


Il n'y a pas de difference entre ce que tu as ecris et ce qui est affiche.

What you wrote is the same than what is displayed.

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Il n'y a pas de difference entre ce que tu as ecris et ce qui est affiche.

What you wrote is the same than what is displayed.


@vlmath a pourtant raison, il serait difficile de faire une synchronisation avec un appareil hors-ligne !

La ligne original dit : "%device%" finished syncing with online devices

Ce qui se traduit par : "%device%" a terminé la synchronisation avec les appareils en ligne.

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Il n'y a pas de difference entre ce que tu as ecris et ce qui est affiche.

What you wrote is the same than what is displayed.


Perso, je vois la différence entre hors-ligne et en ligne.

ça fait aussi une différence sur la facture électrique à la fin du mois ...


@vlmath a pourtant raison, il serait difficile de faire une synchronisation avec un appareil hors-ligne !

La ligne original dit : "%device%" finished syncing with online devices

Ce qui se traduit par : "%device%" a terminé la synchronisation avec les appareils en ligne.


Simplement plus rapide que moi ^^


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