Can't download file


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I am running Sync 2.72 on windows 10 PC. I have several clients used as a backup; in read only mode; overwrite & archive. Some of the clients are Android. Everything seems to work, but on the Android devices I occasionally get a message "Can't download file" and the program sits at 99% complete. I cannot find what file is the problem.

How do I do this?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I realise this is an older topic, but I am having the same issue. Fairly sure I can resolve it, but not sure what to look for in the log? I've removed & re-added the folder in question, same issue came up again, but stuck with the logs. Any suggestions, is there a particular error to look for? "can't download file' without any further details is frustratingly hard to troubleshoot!


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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I had the same issue and the biggest problem is that the History page is nearly useless.  It tells me what top level folder is affected, but not the specific location of the file in question.  It would be beneficial if it would at least show the complete path of the problem file. Better yet, a clickable link to it.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

my solution is...

at only trouble equipment

"not use archive"  <- may be...... this is not chacing for rename or change...only copy from another peer   

                                     this option has risk no backup file

"use changing file overwrite" <--this is only viewing at 'read only mode' 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

MacOS 13.4

Ventura upgrade (i.e. 12.62 to 13.4) trashed my EXT4 system (I paid for ext4 license) - so gave up on EXT4 - using APFS (encrypted) now - and seeing this error - but I cannot believe you haven't fixed this yet!  


How am I supposed to figure which file it's missing???  

I just upgraded to latest client on your downloads - and SAME ERROR!  

Note: also - I also running 2.7.3 on another MBP running Ventura - and that's perfectly okay - not seeing the error there.

HOW DO I FIND OUT WHICH FILE?  so I can decide whether I even care?

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Fourth time trying this - still getting "Can't download file" but not telling me which file!

Gave up... 

Reformatted drive again - used a Linux host (instead of my FreeNAS, and when that failed I tried another MacOS M1 MBP and same deal) to copy a sync link... and it's now working - but CAN'T you fix this so it can tell use which file it couldn't copy?  I know there's a list somewhere, but sometimes it's like 1000 files below the most recent entry...  It's not re-assuring... Makes me not want to trust your product...


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  • 3 months later...

I found a fix that I haven't seen anywhere, so I figured I'll post it here for others to see.

All done from on the "complaining" instance:

  1. from Resilio Sync GUI, right-click the problematic folder > "Disconnect".
  2. from you file browser of choice (Finder, Nautilus, Terminal), delete the folder named ".sync" hidden (literally) inside the problematic folder.
  3. from Resilio Sync GUI, click "Connect" at the right.
  4. pick the appropriate location to match the existing folder, then click "Connect"
  5. Resilio Sync will warn about the folder not being empty: click "OK".

Leave it alone while it indexes and syncs files.

YMMV, of course. But it worked for me™ at first try.

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On 9/11/2023 at 6:38 PM, maclm said:

I found a fix that I haven't seen anywhere, so I figured I'll post it here for others to see.

All done from on the "complaining" instance:

  1. from Resilio Sync GUI, right-click the problematic folder > "Disconnect".
  2. from you file browser of choice (Finder, Nautilus, Terminal), delete the folder named ".sync" hidden (literally) inside the problematic folder.
  3. from Resilio Sync GUI, click "Connect" at the right.
  4. pick the appropriate location to match the existing folder, then click "Connect"
  5. Resilio Sync will warn about the folder not being empty: click "OK".

Leave it alone while it indexes and syncs files.

YMMV, of course. But it worked for me™ at first try.

That did not work for me. I have tried it 4 times now. Deleted the .sync folder from both my Android and Windows folder and restarted the folder sync pairing from scratch. It still fails with "can't download file".

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  • 4 months later...

How is this still a problem? It happened to me years ago and I had to start from scratch. Happening again today, have re-indexed and it's still happening. I have 40TB of data being synced, I'm not reindexing again. Just results in the same error - "Cannot download file". Great. WHICH ONE????? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

For me it was deleted/quarantined files which were treated by anti-virus so they "weren't there". They were there in file explorer but trying to delete them couldn't do it (I'd get a message in the likes of "Could not find this item. This is no longer located in..." and "Verify the item's location and try again."

My setup: Windows 10 (source device), Windows 10 (destination device). "One-way" sync, shared from source device as "read-only", links added into destination device.


  1. "Hunt down" the files/locations
  2. Use command prompt to force delete the parent folder which contains the culprit files.

1. The hunt:

  • In Windows Explorer, you want to right-click your folder with an issue (or all folders ONE-BY-ONE on a partition if you're doing the entire partition as I am)
  • Select properties
  • Then in un-check the "read-only" checkbox and click apply
  • It will start applying attributes to your gazillion bazillion files and the culprits will be reported. Something like "Can't apply attribute to this file"
  • Don't click ignore all!!!
  • Write down the (poorly provided, uncopiable) file location information which is displayed in a separate text file for later and click "Ignore" (NOT "Ignore all"!)
  • MAKE SURE YOU DON'T MAKE A TYPO when writing down the file location information because it will most likely be only the end of a location and you'll need the exact term when you later use Windows search to locate the folder.
  • It will take some time but all these files (locations) should pop out.
  • When done you'll have a list
  • Either you'll know exactly what the file/folder to look for, or you'll need to use Windows search to locate it (for example if you saw something like "Some Folder\...\Last Folder" you'll search for *Last Folder* (with asterisks before and after)
  • Hopefully you'll get to the actual file/folder causing the issue. 


  • Click search icon on the taskbar
  • type cmd
  • Right-click Command Prompt and run as administrator
  • When in C:\Windows\system32\ paste in rd /s "\\?\ (DON'T PRESS ENTER)
  • In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder where the culprit file is and copy the path from the address bar (something like D:\Some Folder\Some Other Folder\Third Folder\)
  • Back in Command Prompt paste in the copied path and click enter
  • when prompted are you sure, type y and press enter
  • There you go
  • Check that the folder is actually deleted
  • Repeat for all locations that you wrote down (hope you didn't have a pandemic of these files on your computer)
  • Here's a video showing the deletion process ( )

3. Back in Resilio, the safest but longest way:

  • Disconnect/remove the folder in question from Resilio (not from your computer) on all locations (your source device and on destination devices)
  • Delete all contents/files inside your destination location/folder, including the .sync folder (DON'T DELETE FILES ON YOUR SOURCE LOCATION)
  • Delete only the .sync folder from the folder on your source location
  • Set up the folder again in Resilio and share it (set it up as if you're doing it for the first time)

I hope this helps.

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  • 7 months later...

How to fix "Can't download file" error with ResilioSync:

I had the problem that ResilioSync only showed "Can't download file" in the status column.
Checking the History tab i found some files that ResilioSync tries to download every few seconds but fails.
The following files made the trouble in my case and it is related to different filesystem restrictions using a Synology Diskstation with BTRFS, MacOS and another Diskstation with EXT4 Filesystem. All these filesystems have different restrictions regarding length and characters of filenames.
So i found out that the following files had to be renamed to fix the problem.

Filename contains UTF8 special characters with UTF8 code u00A0U+A0 that are not allowed on destination filesystem:

M8293 [@323]                                              .URL

Filename to long for destination filesystem:

JPG Mit einem sehr langen Dateinamen JPG Mit einem sehr langen Dateinamen JPG Mit einem sehr langen Dateinamen JPG Mit einem sehr langen Dateinamen JPG Mit einem sehr langen Dateinamen JPG Mit einem sehr langen Dateinamen .jpg

It would be very helpful if ResilioSync would show these problematic files so users can fix the root problem.
Just renaming these files fixed all my problems and everything shows up as synced without errors.

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