BitTorrent Sync for iOS Bug reports and feature requests


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I have iPhones and iPads (use one of each). seems I *may* be wrong about the source of the issue--it may not be the iOS app that is the problem, but rather the Desktop application instead. I had been trying all versions of 1.4, which appeared around the same time as iOS8, and today after reading here about people unhappy with 1.4, I uninstalled 1.4.99 and installed instead, to my WHS2011 PC, the last version of 1.3 namely 1.3.109. I need to do more testing to verify that updates to the synced folders result in proper updates to my iOS gizmos, but at least 1.3.109 worked great with my iOS8 apps 1.4.103 to get all the files to my devices w/o hiccups.


1.3 is a little more fiddly than 1.4, but has the advantage of WORKING!!!! ;)


Maybe Robson the difference is your NAS vs my WHS2011, which is 64-bit Windows very similar to W7 (no I haven't tried on any of my W7 platforms lately but I recall that early on I used 1.3 with a W7HPx64 machine and it was just fine.

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That's feature available for the top folder level only. We'll consider improving it in future.

Search works only for current folder - though we plan to make it going over all subfolders.



Do I understand correctly that after you updates desktop clients, your iOS device does not download files from the bottom of the folder with huge amount of folders?


If no - could you please elaborate? Could of screenshots can make it easier.

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Hi, @RomanZ!


I'm not pretty sure it happened after the update on the desktop and the NAS, because I didn't try to open files at the end of the list until yesterday.


Today I found that the iOS app needs to be open for a really long time to be able to download a file from the bottom of the folders. Nested folders at the bottom of list are even worst.


It looks like the iOS app keeps receiving forever after it starts, but just for this folder, which has 8.015 files. 544 on its root and the others inside 397 folders.

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I still do not see the whole scenario to attempt repro. I'll describe how I see it - please correct me if i'm wrong.


1. You've got a folder shared between your PC and iOS with selective sync mode.

2. Top level of a folder has a long list of files and subfolders (several hundreds).

3. You scroll it to the very bottom and tap some file to download.

4. The file download speed is extremely slow.

5. If you tap to download file from the beginning of the list it downloads quickly.

6. After you readd the folder - the issue has gone.


Is it correct?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. I've started using the iOS app yesterday. Awesome so far.
Some feature requests I want to put out there:


1) When auto-sync is enabled the app should use Background App Refresh to refresh content. It would be the best


2) The photo gallery would be even more awesome if it could go full screen by hiding the navigation bars on a single tap on the photo. Tap again to show the navigation bars. A grid view of the folder would be awesome, or at least thumbnails on the list view.


I know this is closed source. I offer my help as an iOS Developer to code this features.
I'm looking forward to having an SDK to play with someday. It would be awesome to create music/video players based on the sync + stream.


Sebastian from Argentina.

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Are you aware that there is already an API available for Sync? (it's not available on mobile devices yet, but is available on other platforms)


Yes! I was aware that there's an API, but I believe to unleash the true power behind Sync on a mobile device there must exist an SDK that allows us developers to worry about the logic on top of the syncing.

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  • 1 month later...

iPhone 4S

iOS 8.1.1

BTS 1.4.103


First time I have tried sync'ing a video from my iPhone.  The file uploads to my PC folder but the file name remains K. Bahrami's  2014.11.29_5.MOV.!sync


BTS on PC says "Out of sync" for the folder.


The !sync is what I don't understand; what does that mean?


I tested the folder by uploading a photo and that file transferred fine in parallel with the failed MOV file.  


Tried renaming the !sync out of the filename but the video would not play.  PC folder shows the correct file size for the file.


Please advise if you recognize this issue.


And, thank you for an excellent app and interface.



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@kbahrami, no this thread isn't closed - closed threads are locked, cannot be replied to, and are denoted with a padlock icon in the thread list.


In relation to your question - .!sync files are essentially incomplete transfers - they're "placeholders" for incoming data. Once a file has been fully received, it is automatically renamed to have its .!sync extension removed.


The persistence of .!sync files indicate that transfers were not completed. To resolve, exit Sync on all your devices, manually remove any .!sync files, and restart Sync on your devices. This will prompt Sync to restart the transfer of these "stuck" files.

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Thank you for the reply.


I performed what you recommended and small files work but this larger file never can sync.  The file size is correct but the name never transitions from .!sync to the correct extension.


I wonder what could be causing this?



@kbahrami, no this thread isn't closed - closed threads are locked, cannot be replied to, and are denoted with a padlock icon in the thread list.


In relation to your question - .!sync files are essentially incomplete transfers - they're "placeholders" for incoming data. Once a file has been fully received, it is automatically renamed to have its .!sync extension removed.


The persistence of .!sync files indicate that transfers were not completed. To resolve, exit Sync on all your devices, manually remove any .!sync files, and restart Sync on your devices. This will prompt Sync to restart the transfer of these "stuck" files.

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I usually erase the files from sync after open them on the appropriated app. But I notice that Sync was taking too much storage for any downloaded files.

After I add several files to the Sync folder on my PC, the storage used by Sync shifted from 214MB to 339MB. I Just wait for the file list be updated. I don't download any file. Then I disconnected this folder and the storage dropped to 15MB. After I connected it again, it turned 21MB.

What is wrong?


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Sounds strange. Technically, Sync may store 2 massive entities in its sandbox: database and actually files. The rest of data is rather tiny. I can suspect 2 things that could happen:

1) the DB increased to 339 Mb. Though, this will happen only if the files you added are huge (under "huge" I mean their size is measured in terabytes). Also, this should repeat after you re-add the folder.

2) Some of data was actually synced (not deleted - even if you see it as non-synced) .


If you encounter such a thing again, could you please install the DiskAid app and see what actually takes the space in Sync's sandbox?


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