.sync/archive Directory


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Please take a few moments to read the Unofficial FAQ:

.SyncArchive (pre 1.4) / .sync/Archive (1.4+) = BitTorrent Sync, by default, won't actually delete any of your files/folders. If a corresponding file/folder is deleted on another device, it will simply be "moved" into the .SyncArchive folder on all other devices, rather than being permanently deleted. (In Sync pre v1.1.40, this folder was named .SyncTrash and was later renamed to .SyncArchive as this folder now stores both local files deleted on remote devices, as well as "versioned" files. From Sync 1.4 onwards, this folder has again been renamed to .sync/Archive)

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Thanks, but the files in the Archive directory haven't been deleted from my phone.


Precisely - that's because they will have been deleted from one of your OTHER devices!


"If a corresponding file/folder is deleted on another device, it will simply be "moved" into the .SyncArchive folder on all other devices, rather than being permanently deleted"

For example, if you have 3 devices, A, B, and C, and physically delete a file from B, the matching file on both A and C will be moved into the "archive" folder of A and C respectively.

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I only have two devices syncing currently.


Ok, so if we name your two devices A and B:


If you physically delete a file from A, the corresponding file on B will be moved into the "archive" folder on B, rather than be deleted outright


If you physically delete a file from B, the corresponding file on A will be moved into the "archive" folder on A, rather than be deleted outright

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There are 57 files in the "live" directory, 178 in the Archive directory, and 7 files which are common across both. It is possible that I have modified some of these 7 files, but I'm sure some of those 7 I haven't modified.


I now notice too that some of the files in the Archive driectory are duplicates and end in .1.jpg or even (2).1.jpg

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  • 4 months later...

To me, this does not sound good. What is the idea of this archiving?

I have not seen an option to view previous versions or other uses for it.


If I have big files that are temporary, or use syc to transfer files from one mac to another, now this ends up with a huge invisible archive.


Can one turn this option off? Does the archive have some kind of size / time limit, or does it just keep growing?



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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

To anyone starting out - please DO NOT disable Archiving. There are quirks that without intention (using across Android nVidia Shield TV have caused my source files (to the tune of 700GB) converted to 0KB files. Through accident I found the .sync folder (just before I was going to Google) and was able to restore all my files. God bless the soul of whoever thought it was a good idea to enable Archiving instead of deleting by default. I have still not been able to figure out why the source files were changed to 0KB files. This has already happened twice however there is nothing else that give me 20MB/s speeds and the consistency of Reslio so I am stuck with it for now. Personally, I have made the sync one-way only for now so that source files are not be modified.

I strongly suggest, that you leave Archiving and perform a manual cleanup of the folder for a few weeks of continuous syncing so that you have enough test cases for any quirks that may set in.

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11 hours ago, makapav said:

I strongly suggest, that you leave Archiving and perform a manual cleanup of the folder for a few weeks of continuous syncing so that you have enough test cases for any quirks that may set in.

You don't need to "perform a manual cleanup" of the archive folder - there's a setting in Sync (sync_trash_ttl) that automates this. By default, files will persist in the archive for 30 days, but you can increase/decrease this to suit your particular needs

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