Latest Desktop Build 1.3.93


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I updated my pc/servers to the latest release 1.3.93 and have a few issues. I think, they occured also in former releases.


1. The i386 Linux release runs on a hosted server with debian 6 (32 bit) and seems to change his port-number by itself, perhaps while update to a new release.


2. If I want to delete a predefined host under BSD (FreeNAS FreeNAS-, the deletion affects not to the chosen item, but to another (Chrome Browser).


3. I tested a crypted key folder. It does not sync to the Debian and another remote Windows 7 PC, but to the (local) FreeNAS.


4. I checked any items in the folders properties and defined predefined hosts, too. The Windows and FreeNAS PC have also an IP from Some of my devices are connected directly, some not. (The amount of not directly connected devices changes, even when I change nothing but wait a few minutes.) 


5. Do I understand correctly: If a user doesn't want to use relay, tracker and DHT, he cannot use the android or IOS apps?


If I can help with logfiles or so, I would do.


Nonetheless thanks for the new release.





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What's with all the "hostname not found" error messages in my log?


Error downloading file mom-songs/04 After the Fire.m4a/ Pos
tDownload: hostname not found                                                   
Error downloading file mom-songs/03 Young and Beautiful.m4a/
: PostDownload: hostname not found                                              
Error downloading file mom-songs/03 Wake Me Up (Acoustic).m4a/
fo: PostDownload: hostname not found                                            
Error downloading file mom-songs/03 Silver Thunderbird.m4a/
 PostDownload: hostname not found                                               
Error downloading file mom-songs/03 Learn to Dance.m4a/ Pos
tDownload: hostname not found                                                   
Error downloading file mom-songs/03 I Can't Stop.m4a/ PostD
ownload: hostname not found                                                     
Error downloading file mom-songs/01 Karma Chameleon.m4a/ Po
stDownload: hostname not found   
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BTSync can't sync apple's xattrs to one of your Unix machines. This is known issue, will be fixed in future releases, for now you can put appropriate xattrs to the .syncignore



1. Please recheck, most likely an upgrade issue indeed.

2. Will check in lab.

3. Please share more details - how did you gen keys, where did you put them, what are the symptoms.

4. Do I understand correctly that you are using dynamic names from Please check if they get resolved into correct IPs.

5. There is no such option for mobile apps now.

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BTSync can't sync apple's xattrs to one of your Unix machines. This is known issue, will be fixed in future releases, for now you can put appropriate xattrs to the .syncignore

Got it - I knew that, but that didn't seem to match the "hostname not found" log message, BUT... glad that's just the basic issue. As it's something that will be fixed eventually, I won't implement the workaround now. The FreeNAS box has been online for a few days without a crash... that's good - hopefully it never crashes :-). But if it does, the log output is going to a file, and I'll send that.

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Great. But if something crashes - I'd prefer to get core / crash dump, as it usually contains at least a call stack which can point us to the problem location.

If / when that arises, how do I get a core / crash dump on FreeBSD? Also, I THINK the issue that other people, including myself, saw was that the process continued to run but was unresponsive. In any case, it's behaving just fine right now!

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Hi, I saw 1.3.94 is out and couldn't resist to update - and test again ...


Here are my answers to your comments on my issues.


1. Yes, the problem is reproducable, but this time with btsync_i386.tar.gz (Linux 32 bit under Debian 6), and not as before with btsync_freebsd_x64.tar.gz (FreeNAS 64 bit). (The unwanted change was from port 35221 to port 47598.)


2. Only the remote Windows 7 PC is at the moment not directly connected with two different shared folders. But the same host is with an other folder directly connected (there is a sync at the moment).

So I don't want to lose this pretty situation through deleting the now nearly proper configuration ... ;-)

(Can you reproduce the deletion of a non choosen item?)

Update: After a few hours of waiting and doing nothing than to restart bittorrent sync (!) I see, that all devices on at least 4 hosts are connected directly. BTW: the Windows 7 remote server isn't still available via ping. 


3. I will test this again, so that you better can reproduce what happens.


4. One of my local hosts got a new IP from DHCP... Sorry, my mistake. Now it works with a static ip.

One Windows 7 remote host is definitively on, but cannot be pinged ("Host is unreachable"). Nonetheless he gets an IP over (There is a special application from witch shows that). Is this behavior critical? At the moment, I see a direct connection to this host.

Mysterious: One of my local hosts get pinged over - but he is shutdown...


5. I'm looking forward ...



Perhaps a new issue:


6. The Upload of a 424 MB zip-File is now at 42-55 kB/s, the download at 0.3-1.4 kB/s. It started with more than 1 MB/s (16000 kB/s DSL). Why is it so slowly after a while?



Thanks for your help.





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There's a few options during BTSync installation.


In addition, could you add entries to:


1) Not to create start menu shortcut

2) Not to create quick launch shortcut




Edit - I just had a thought... it is possible to just replace the downloaded BTSync.exe direct into installation folder similar to like you can do with BitTorrent and uTorrent?

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Well, AFAIK FreeBSD will automatically drop the core dump file to the same folder where the binary runs. No special settings required.



For convenience, I've organized our question-answer session below for not yet addressed / answered issues.


>1. The i386 Linux release runs on a hosted server with debian 6 (32 bit) and seems to change his port-number by itself, perhaps while update to a new release.
1. Please recheck, most likely an upgrade issue indeed.
>1. Yes, the problem is reproducable, but this time with btsync_i386.tar.gz (Linux 32 bit under Debian 6), and not as before with btsync_freebsd_x64.tar.gz (FreeNAS 64 bit). (The unwanted change was from port 35221 to port 47598.)


I tried to reproduce the issue in the lab - and failed, the port does not change. There is a logic in BTSync which changes the port if it is occupied (say, previous instance of BTSync is running and bound to the port). So - how do you upgrade? I suggests checking if the port is available when you run new Sync.

>2. If I want to delete a predefined host under BSD (FreeNAS FreeNAS-, the deletion affects not to the chosen item, but to another (Chrome Browser).
2. Will check in lab.
>2. Only the remote Windows 7 PC is at the moment not directly connected with two different shared folders. But the same host is with an other folder directly connected (there is a sync at the moment).
So I don't want to lose this pretty situation through deleting the now nearly proper configuration ... ;-)
(Can you reproduce the deletion of a non choosen item?)


No, we did not reproduce it in our lab.
6. The Upload of a 424 MB zip-File is now at 42-55 kB/s, the download at 0.3-1.4 kB/s. It started with more than 1 MB/s (16000 kB/s DSL). Why is it so slowly after a while?
There is a known issue with the speed in certain cases. It is very complex to debug, as it requires a special set of debugging information. We are now preparing a debugging tool for speed issues, so please follow this topic as I'll update it once tool is ready.
As a quick solution I may advise turning off "low_disk_priority" advanced option as it helped people in couple of cases.
Thanks, we'll consider your proposal for next release. However, IIRC - we don't put our icon to quick launch, do we?
As for binary replacement - it should work. When you upgrade, all necessary changes to the DB and config files are done on first actual BTSync launch, not during the upgrade itself.
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Minor bug

If you have Windows client, and have the preferences tab selected, then click advanced and then you don't close the "Advanced Preferences" pop up window, then in the system tray right click on the BTSync icon, and select exit the icon disappears and the Adv Pref Popup goes to "Not Responding" and you have to do a force close on the window. It seems like some miscommunication between threads/processes, but I'm not too sure of the cause but you can replicate it.


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Minor bug

If you have Windows client, and have the preferences tab selected, then click advanced and then you don't close the "Advanced Preferences" pop up window, then in the system tray right click on the BTSync icon, and select exit the icon disappears and the Adv Pref Popup goes to "Not Responding" and you have to do a force close on the window. It seems like some miscommunication between threads/processes, but I'm not too sure of the cause but you can replicate it.


Hmmm... I'm unable to replicate here! (on either Win 7 x64, Server 2003, or Server 2008)


What specific version of Windows are you using?

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here is an update to this issue:
>1. The i386 Linux release runs on a hosted server with debian 6 (32 bit) and seems to change his port-number by itself, perhaps while update to a new release.
1. Please recheck, most likely an upgrade issue indeed.
>1. Yes, the problem is reproducable, but this time with btsync_i386.tar.gz (Linux 32 bit under Debian 6), and not as before with btsync_freebsd_x64.tar.gz (FreeNAS 64 bit). (The unwanted change was from port 35221 to port 47598.)


I tried to reproduce the issue in the lab - and failed, the port does not change. There is a logic in BTSync which changes the port if it is occupied (say, previous instance of BTSync is running and bound to the port). So - how do you upgrade? I suggests checking if the port is available when you run new Sync.




In the past I killed the process btsync, copied the new release to  and startet it again:


On debian 6 with ./btsync --config sync.conf


On FreeNAS only with ./btsync


Since yesterday I also use a sync.conf on FreeNAS and changed both sync.conf files. 


freenas# pwd
freenas# ps aux|grep btsync
root       3076   0.0  0.7  54128  14564 ??  Ss    9:14AM  0:02.70 ./btsync --config sync.conf
root       3116   0.0  0.1  16272   1872  0  S+    9:15AM  0:00.00 grep btsync
freenas# kill 3076
freenas# ls -al
total 6204
drwxrwxrwx   4 root  wheel      512 Apr 27 17:49 .
drwxrwxrwx  19 root  wheel      512 Apr 18 17:13 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel     1536 Apr 28 09:14 .sync
-rwxrwxrwx   1 root  wheel  4110232 Apr 21 13:54 btsync
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel        5 Apr 28 09:14
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  2097570 Apr 22 16:41 btsync_freebsd_x64.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x   6 root  wheel      512 Apr 22 16:46 old
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel     2514 Apr 27 22:09 sync.conf
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel     2034 Apr 27 17:47 sync.conf-ok
freenas# ./btsync --config sync.conf
BitTorrent Sync forked to background. pid = 3122
Here is the sync.conf of the FreeNAS (** only for anonymizing):
  "device_name": "freenas.local [192.168.178.**:32725]",
  "listening_port" : 32725,                       // 0 - randomize port
/* storage_path dir contains auxilliary app files
   if no storage_path field: .sync dir created in the directory 
   where binary is located.
   otherwise user-defined directory will be used 
  "storage_path" : "/mnt/NAS1GB/btsync/.sync",
// uncomment next line if you want to set location of pid file
 "pid_file" : "/mnt/NAS1GB/btsync/",
  "check_for_updates" : true, 
  "use_upnp" : true,                              // use UPnP for port mapping
/* limits in kB/s
   0 - no limit
  "download_limit" : 0,                       
  "upload_limit" : 0, 
/* remove "listen" field to disable WebUI
   remove "login" and "password" fields to disable credentials check
  "webui" :
    "listen" : "192.168.178.**:8888",
    "login" : "admin",
    "password" : "**********"
/* !!! if you set shared folders in config file WebUI will be DISABLED !!!
   shared directories specified in config file
   override the folders previously added from WebUI.
  "shared_folders" :
//  use --generate-secret in command line to create new secret
      "secret" : "MY_SECRET_1",                   // * required field
      "dir" : "/home/user/bittorrent/sync_test", // * required field
//  use relay server when direct connection fails
      "use_relay_server" : true,
      "use_tracker" : true, 
      "use_dht" : true,
      "search_lan" : false,
//  enable SyncArchive to store files deleted on remote devices
      "use_sync_trash" : true,
//  restore modified files to original version, ONLY for Read-Only folders
//    "overwrite_changes" : true, 
//  specify hosts to attempt connection without additional search     
      "known_hosts" :
// Advanced preferences can be added to config file.
// Info is available in BitTorrent Sync User Guide.
"disk_low_priority": false,
"rate_limit_local_peers": false,
"folder_rescan_interval": 600,
"sync_max_time_diff": 600,
"lan_encrypt_data": false,
"sync_trash_ttl": 2147483647,
"log_size": 10,
"send_buf_size": 5,
"max_file_size_diff_for_patching": 1000,
"recv_buf_size": 5,
"max_file_size_for_versioning": 1000
As you see, the listening port 32725 is now set to the portnumber in the sync.conf (and also to 32725 in the web interface; [bTW: Which one "wins"?]). I hope, that the port now doesn't change while updating to the next available release.
One question: Is the section "known hosts" used for every folder I share? So can I delete "known hosts" defined for every folder in the web interface?)
Thanks for your attention
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Actually I see that you use port 8888 for webui interface so it should not collide with BTSync's core listening port. Answering your question - the first one binding to the port should win. Most likely that would be core.

The predefined host section goes per folder, so you actually need to duplicate it in every folder to be functioning..

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Windows offered to download 1.3.94 automatically, but I can't find the /normal/ online links that I am used to, such as:


Going to the expected link gives a 404 ....:


I much prefer direct downloads that I can use wget, with the download containing the version details.

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Thanks Mike.


Yes, I found that link already, but the downloads are sans the version number in the file name and are not as easily gotten for simple wget.  I like wget and one of the main reasons is that it usually keeps the original file date/time where the server supports it.

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I have the same problem.


The missing of the versioned download links for 1.3.94 (and the missing Geode version and the missing changelog) is the reason, I was not able to update the Linux Packages for Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/Respian. In the last days I sent several messages to RomanZ asking for the reason of that, but I got no answer :-(

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