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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. 1) Save/make note of the current key for your c:\test folder 2) Remove the c:\test folder from Sync 3) Move the "test" folder from your c: drive to your d: drive 4) Add your d:\test folder to Sync using the same key from step 1
  2. The simplest way is to change the folder's key (secret). This will then automatically disconnect all other peers. There is presently no way to "revoke access" to an individual peer, although this has been previously mentioned in the Feature Request forum.
  3. @rangerveo8, no need to triple post, as you've done here and here! Posting your question once in the forums is sufficient, and if you've already posted your same question to two other existing threads, there's no need to create a brand new topic just to post your question a third time as well.
  4. There isn't a "use lan broadcast" advanced setting, so I'm not sure I quite understand what you're referring to? @rangerevo8, Sync by its very nature connects your devices in a "mesh" network arrangement, that is to say that all devices under normal circumstances will connect and share data with each other. If you have 3 devices in your "mesh", let's call them A, B, and C, you can't configure Sync to just sync a folder between A and B and then that same folder to sync between just B and C separately without using A; all 3 devices using the same key (secret) on a folder can potentially share data and sync with each other - that's what a "mesh" network is.
  5. But surely you can already do this!? i.e. add the 8 folders you want to sync between 3 laptops into a single folder, and then just share that one folder (and so by association, all its 8 sub folders as well), then add your other 4 folders into another single folder and share that as your "client access" group?
  6. It's a known issue that the devs have indicated will be fixed in the next update to Sync. In the meantime, you can either use a build of Sync earlier than 1.4.82, OR run Sync with a config file, and specify a fixed port in that.
  7. Just to clarify, all generally available public releases of Sync to date have been Betas. This includes 1.0.x, 1.1.x, 1.2.x, 1.3.x and 1.4.x builds. It's been recently made much clearer to users that Sync remains in beta for anyone not sure - but just to clarify: Sync 1.4 has not been "demoted to beta" - it's always been Beta!!
  8. So, your post doesn't relate to BitTorrent SYNC then at all? This forum is for troubleshooting the BitTorrent Sync application (a program used to synchronize your files between your devices) - this is a completely different application to BitTorrent Client (used from downloading torrents) The correct forum to post in would be the BitTorrent Client Troubleshooting forum, not this forum.
  9. Allow me to jump in here just to highlight what BitTorrent's Senior Customer Support & Outreach Manager said last month in relation to people's concerns with 1.4, for those who missed it:
  10. Yes, Sync doesn't currently install/run as a Windows service - meaning when you're not logged in, files won't Sync. Consider adding your voice to this thread in the Feature Request forum.
  11. Once again for those who haven't read the above replies: as RomanZ has indicated, this "should be fixed in next update".
  12. Ah! Right, got you! Given the tooltips are HTML/CSS/JS generated, they can't appear outside of the bounds of the containing application window (which includes the title bar). I guess that such tool tips nearer the top of the screen should probably appear below items they relate to, rather than above them to avoid such clipping
  13. I'd hazard a guess that your Arris Media Gateways are not able to handle the volume of network traffic that Sync is generating on your network. There are a few things you can do to reduce the amount of network traffic: 1) Turn off Search LAN (this is a per-folder setting in Sync) and use pre-defined hosts where necessary 2) If all your Sync devices are on the same local LAN, also turn off relay/tracker/and DHT options (again, per folder-settings) 3) Rate Limit Sync's upload/download rates, and set the advanced "rate_limit_local_peers" setting to "true"
  14. As RomanZ has indicated, this "should be fixed in next update". If you can't wait that long, the options available are either to specify the listening port in a config file, or use an earlier 1.4 build of Sync prior to 1.4.82 (i.e. 1.4.75) which doesn't suffer from this issue (but may suffer other issues which have been subsequently fixed since 1.4.75) Not quite sure I understand your issue? Tooltips generally display over the top of other content - is your issue that you'd like the tooltips to be solid (opaque) as opposed to translucent? You'll need to edit your StreamsList file - see this help article for more information.
  15. This is a known issue that will be fixed in the next update - please see this post
  16. Sync 1.3.x was beta as well! 1.3 is still the default download for Windows XP/2003 users, despite 1.4 now being installable & usable on XP/2003
  17. Not at present - but I've moved this over to the Feature Request forum for you. (For others reading this and wanting the same on Windows, there's a similar thread for that request here)
  18. If you lost all your settings, you have two options: 1) Retrieve the folder keys (secrets) from the other devices you were previously syncing with, and then use these to add back the folders on your reinstalled device 2) Add the folders back to Sync on your reinstalled device, and then update the keys on the corresponding devices you're syncing with The first option is simpler, but assumes that you were previously performing read-write (full access) Syncs with your other devices. If not, you'd have to follow the second option and generate new keys from your folders, and then update them on your other devices
  19. No it's not - please read the unofficial FAQ: Note: If you currently use the auto-update feature of BitTorrent Sync, it may inform you that your "Client version is up to date" despite a newer build being available. This is intentional whilst Sync remains in "beta" - new builds are currently announced here in the forums in the first instance. Not every "beta" build is pushed via auto-update, only those considered significant/more stable. Even then these may not be pushed out to existing users via auto update until several days/weeks after they are first announced on the forums
  20. Yes - this is a known issue (in fact it's been a known issue for the last couple of builds!) The devs are aware of this, and I'm sure it will be fixed at some point. In the meantime, the workaround is to set the listening port via the config file instead.
  21. Ok, so basically, if you've lost/forgotten your WebUI password, you need to reset it in a config file and then run Sync with that config file. On Windows XP, you'll need to exit Sync and then do the following: 1) Open Notepad and add the following code (adjusting "storage_path" according to where the application data from Sync resides on your system): { "storage_path" : "/Documents and Settings/Username/Application Data/BitTorrent Sync", "webui" : { "listen" : "" } } 2) Save the file as "reset.conf" to C:\Program FIles\BitTorrent Sync (or wherever you installed Sync to) 3) Start a new blank document in Notepad, and add the following line: START BTSync /config reset.conf 4) Save this second document as "reset.bat" to C:\Program FIles\BitTorrent Sync (or wherever you installed Sync to) 5) Run the reset.bat file (when you do, your default browser may open and show a warning that the "WebUI does not seem to be installed" - ignore it) 6) Exit Sync and then start it normally (without using the .bat/config file) 7) You should then be able to access the WebUI!
  22. As per the initial post, the changleog is "to follow"
  23. Once you've generated/shared links (rather than just Keys) from Sync, the device name becomes "fixed" and cannot be changed (as it forms part of the link/certificate) The only way to change a device name at present is to completely uninstall Sync (and all settings), reinstall and add back your folders. If you wish to be able to regularly change your device name; share Keys (instead of links), and the "Edit" option for device name will remain.