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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. It's a known issue - please see the "Known Issues" section of the Changelog for the latest build UPDATE: This issue has now been resolved as of 1.4.99
  2. This has nothing to do with 32-bit vs 64-bit - it's to do with what version of Internet Explorer you have installed on your two machines. If you have IE8 or earlier, Sync will open in your default browser. If you have IE9 or later, Sync will open in its own window.
  3. Yes, you can still share and use keys (formally secrets) in 1.4 Go to Options (cog icon) -> Advanced -> Show "Copy Key": On each folder's Preferences menu, there will then be "Copy Read Only Key" and "Copy Read & Write Key": ...and these respective keys can be viewed by opening that folder's preferences dialog: To add a new folder to Sync using a Key, click Options (the cog icon) and select "Enter a Key":
  4. Sync needs to update its index each time it starts - otherwise it has no way of knowing if the contents of the folder's its monitoring have changed in any way whilst it's not been running! This "index update" process shouldn't take anywhere near as long as the "initial index" process when you first added the folder to Sync Not at present, Sync will just indicate "Indexing...". I suppose ideally the Status or Progress column should indicate how far through the indexing process Sync is... so perhaps this is a suggestion for the Feature Requests forum.
  5. First, make sure the "Peers" column is showing, then click that column's corresponding entry for the folder you're interested in. Sync will then show transferring/queued files for that folder
  6. Yes, with the "Peers" column showing, click its row entry for corresponding folder, and you'll see a list of files transferring/awaiting transfer for each peer.
  7. When you said you tried "ignoring" it - was this in .sync/IgnoreList? In which case, that will have no effect - things like* belong in .sync/StreamsList For more information, please see this article.
  8. lan_encrypt_data encrypts data being sent. It doesn't encrypt data being received. Therefore if you have it enabled on device A, but not device B, data sent from A will be encrypted, data sent from B won't be. Both devices can still decrypt received data.
  9. Sync 1.4 by default only listens for connections on the loopback address (i.e. localhost/ You'd need to change this in the config file if you wish to connect to Sync via a different address. For more information, please see "Why can't I connect to the Web UI on myip:port in 1.4? - I could in 1.3!" in the Unofficial Troubleshooting FAQ
  10. They should be interchangeable, however, I agree the documentation is inconsistent, and I'll flag that up. Yes, you code fragment looks ok (of course, if you need to specify multiple advanced preferences, you'd then need to comma separate them)
  11. artexx/trevellyan - I've spoken to the devs about this; it's currently a limitation of the Web UI, which is planned to be fixed, however there is no specific ETA for this at present. In the meantime, the workaround - as indicated above - would be to set any advanced settings via a config file instead.
  12. Yes, that's correct. If the folder on PC A is identical to the folder on PC B when you add them both to Sync, nothing will transfer over the internet.
  13. If the two folders are identical to begin with, Sync will index them but nothing will transfer, as Sync will recognize that they are currently identical
  14. Have you tried passing the "force" parameter with a value of "1" along with your API call?
  15. @mbob, the issue is more to do with the way that Office saves files - it doesn't seem to save changes directly back to the file you're working on, instead, when you save, Office (Excel, Word, etc) appears to do the following "behind the scenes": Creates a temporary file in the same folder Writes the document you're working on to the temporary file it's just created Deletes the original file Renames the temporary file to have the same name as the original Opens this new file in place of the original you were working on It's this creation/deletion/renaming/opening process that appears to be causing the problem, and causing the problem for Office, rather than Sync - as Office seems to then have trouble re-opening the file created in Step 4 above if Sync happens to be accessing/indexing it at the same time. This is likely why the issue wasn't present in 1.3, as the "10 second delay" that Sync had allowed all 5 steps above to complete before Sync took any action. Now, Sync starts doing its stuff as soon as Step 1 completes!
  16. There's a dedicated thread in the Feature Requests forum for this. That's not feasible - the contents of the .sync folder (notably the ID file and Archive folder) are unique to each device.
  17. Hmmm... that may be a bug. None of the advanced settings appear to be available via the Web UI on Win XP/2003. The Windows client doesn't use a config file by default, however you can run it with a config file if you run BTSync.exe with a "/config" switch followed by the name of your config file.
  18. In earlier 1.4.x builds, the minimum width you could reduce the UI window to was >768 pixels. As such, those using screens smaller than 769 pixels wide (i.e some Windows tablets in portrait orientation, etc) had the UI window overflowing the width of the screen with no way to reduce the width. In 1.4.93, the UI window can be resized to a minimum width 768 pixels. From what I can tell, however, the minimum height you can reduce the window to hasn't changed. That's a fair point - and I agree, it would be much better to have the "Share" and "Three Dots" icons always visible on each row in the UI rather than just appearing on "mouse over" (this becomes especially important on touch-enabled devices) The "row highlight" you refer to when you "touch" a row is the same affect as if you "mouse over" a row. The the current row remains highlighted as long as the mouse remains over it - this is essentially the same as a touch action - i.e. "touching" a row moves the mouse cursor to the current row where it remains in the same fashion a "mouse over" would.
  19. Sync cannot log you into Windows. Sync cannot start unless you are logged into Windows. There have been a number of user requests to have Sync start before you login (or when you're logged off) - which is the thread I've referred to you.
  20. Have you tried setting the advanced "disk_low_priority" setting to "true"? Whilst this won't prevent indexing (which Sync needs to do each time its run), it should help concede disk access to other applications.