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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Information on where log files are stored on Mac may be found in the Help Article that RomanZ linked to previously.
  2. Please see: Guide to Linux Unless you can separately remote into your Linux box from your office, you can't - You need to specify the listening command on your Linux box itself, you can't set this "remotely"
  3. Of sorts; you can use a read only key, that way any "uploaded" files which are deleted won't propagate back to other devices. So whilst this won't prevent deletion, it will mean that deletions will be ignored and corresponding files on other devices won't also be deleted. For a true "none-deleting node", consider adding your voice to this thread in the Feature Request forum.
  4. Direct links are actually provided to the last few Beta builds as well as the most recent. However, if a bug is discovered in the latest beta build, it can be identified/fixed a lot quicker if people provide feedback/submit bug reports/debug logs, and work with the devs/Sync Support to narrow down and identify the problem. If users just decide to revert back to an earlier build instead, that doesn't help the devs identify/resolve the cause of your issue! Therefore, users are generally encouraged to use the most recent beta build for their operating system wherever possible, and if a bug is encountered to work with the devs to provide feedback in order for the bug to be fixed - that's the whole point of Sync being in "Beta" right now!
  5. Let's just be clear; only the first public "preview" on Windows 10 was released. It has not gone on full/general/final release (that's not estimated to be until mid-2015). I've no doubt that Sync will be fully compatible with Windows 10 by them, but don't hold your breath for such support in just a matter of few days after a technical preview of a new OS has been made publicly available!! The Sync teams priorities right now are on compatibility and ironing out issues with current/widely used OS's. Future Windows OS's will be supported, but at this stage of Sync's development they're not the immediate priority. Remember, Windows 10 Technical Preview is just that - a "preview" of an upcoming operating system - it's not intended for production environments. So in summary, Windows 10 support will undoubtedly come, but I doubt there's a specific ETA for this just at present.
  6. Agreed. @anyone, please take a moment to search the forums before posting to see if your issue/question is already being discussed or answered elsewhere here first.
  7. If you want a "/latest"-type link format, what's wrong with the existing ".../track/stable" links?! i.e. ...etc
  8. Click the "3 dots" icon to the far right of a folder's entry in the main Sync window and then select "Disconnect":
  9. Please be aware that the main download site ( and the site where direct download links are published ( are generally not both updated at the same time! They can often be several days or more out of sync.
  10. Have you tried adding a rule in your .sync/IgnoreList to exclude the syncing of .part files?
  11. Sync on Android has always been able to save/access files on an external SD card. In more recent versions of Android, however this has been limited to a single location on an external SD card (a restriction imposed by the OS - earlier versions of Android don't have this same restriction) How is this any different to what, according to the link you provide, Dropbox can now do?! Can Dropbox sync files at ANY location on an external SD card?(!)
  12. But BitTorrent Sync isn't a cloud storage service! The process for saving a file from Office to a folder on your hard disk would the same process for saving a file from Office to a Sync folder on your hard disk! - there's no difference! - files are stored on your devices, not in some arbitrary 3rd party "cloud"!
  13. Be default, access to the Web UI in Sync 1.4 is restricted to the loopback interface (i.e. "localhost" / "") If you need to access the Web UI via a different URL/IP, you'll need to specify it in your sync.conf config file (via the "listen" parameter) ...or alternatively, run Sync with the command line switch --webui.listen <IP:port> (see this article for more details)
  14. Be default, access to the Web UI in Sync 1.4 is restricted to the loopback interface (i.e. "localhost" / "") If you need to access the Web UI via a different URL/IP, you'll need to specify it in your config file (via the "listen" parameter)
  15. That makes very little difference - If it's Server 2008 or later, just download the x86 or x64 package for "Windows 7 or later" from here. If it's Server 2003, you can either download the "Windows 7 or later" package (which will allow you to access/configure Sync via your server's default browser - in which case, make sure you install Firefox, Chrome, or Opera on your server as IE8 isn't support, and IE8 is the highest version of IE you can run on Server 2003) or download the "XP SP3" package, which also works on Server 2003.
  16. You'll need an API key in order to use the API, otherwise the API will simply return empty responses as you've found. If you've requested an API key it may take a few days for your to receive it, as API key requests are manually processed. Please see this post for more information.
  17. What version were you using previously? Proxy support was added in 1.4.72
  18. There isn't anything at present. However, you could consider using the API to achieve your desired functionality. Also, please see this related thread in the Feature Request forum.
  19. Version numbers between Sync for various different operating systems do not run, if you'll excuse the pun, in "sync". For example, the latest build for Windows is 1.4.83, whereas for Android it's 1.4.50, and for iOS it's 1.4.60
  20. Basically, it'll be ready when it's ready! - there's no schedule as such for new "beta" versions; it essentially depends on the number of outstanding issues/bugs discovered or reported in earlier versions (i.e. 1.4.82/83) that can be reproduced - and there's quite a few! - and therefore can go on to be addressed. Please be patient and keep your eye on these forums - the devs are certainly not just siting back and twiddling their thumbs - they're actively working to address as many issues as possible for the next updates.
  21. Andrew, please see my previous post above - the devs are aware of the various issues with Sync on iOS8, and are currently working to resolve them. An update will be available via the app store in due course.
  22. colinabroad, this is an extremely old thread! (the last post here was over 15 months ago!) ....are you actually experiencing this issue with the latest versions of Sync?!