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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @Merk7 1) Non-saving the setting. I'll need a debug log to find out the root cause. I'll open a support ticket for you so you can attach it there. 2) Crash on Android. We know of this issue and will address it soon. As a workaround you can create a separate identity on your Android device - it won't crash then. 3) Sync reinstalling. On Android simply uninstall Sync. It will also clean up Sync's service files. On Destop - same, remove it and while uninstalling confirm Sync's files removal. 4) I advise to install fresh 2.0.125 - it should get this issue fixed.
  2. @NNois, @pattulus I suggest checking which version of glibc library your NASes have. I suggest it is 2.3 - which does not support inotify and therefore Sync can't receive timely notifications from OS.
  3. @Merk7 Do I understand correctly that you change the setting, close "My devices" open it again and it jumps back?
  4. @pdx_beagle Bug was in the core and was fixed for all platforms in upcoming update.
  5. @zeropluszero There is an advanced setting "Autoupdate Gallery" on your Android. I wonder, if it is checked? If it is, Sync is going to send notification to Gallery every time it gets some media file synced, so it will appear in Gallery. If it is checked, another possible reasons are: 1) file .nomedia in sync folder. It prevents Gallery from indexing files. 2) some rare extension of your media files. Is it mp3 or something else?
  6. @kramb0l Its barely usable if you browse files in landscape mode. Although, we'll consider implementing landscape for photo browser. Thumbnails are already in feature requests.
  7. @Seb AFAIK Internet routers already use alternate routes when they are transferring data between 2 nodes, so it is kind of implemented already. So the bottleneck is very likely going to be either in node connection to internet (asymmetric connection) or on ISP side.
  8. @Devonavar Seems I misunderstand you and thought you are asking about package in official Synology repository. I'll check it and let you know.
  9. @ispyridis Just share the folder between all your devices. All mobiles has "on-demand" turned on by default due to storage limitations. See here step-by-step guide to sync between phone and desktop and here from desktop to desktop.
  10. @Seb In such setup FTP is going to be faster. Sync is using extensive cryptography (SSL) and also pays some resources to keep dirs and files tree in sync.
  11. @notmepromise Free users just can't sync files on demand. They are either syncing whole folder or not syncing it. User who has pro account can add folder as "on-demand" and sync only those files he needs.
  12. @waregle82 All. Although, it you are using My Devices feature it is significantly simplified as you don't need to manually copy link everywhere.
  13. @KawateTadako Process sample should be rather small. Could you please collect it and send us? You can attach here, note in the message subject that it is for @AlexanderD from support team.
  14. @mobilediesel Identified and fixed. Will be available shortly in upcoming release. @Devonavar Unfortunately, no updates here. We are highly dependent on how quickly Synology approves packages.
  15. @jfarkas Yes, you can. Didn't you get contacted by our Business department? Please send me a PM if you need further assistance.
  16. @rcookerly Oh, got you. Well, yes, they should get deleted from your MBP... only if MBP did not change these files. If MBP changes some files, by default Sync is going to stop tracking them and won't update them with new changes done on RW peer (and won't delete). You can alter this behavior by setting the "Overwrite any changed files" checkbox on your MBP in folder preferences.
  17. @Seb Not sure if I get you correctly. If you got only 2 peers, they are not going to send file pieces to somewhere, only to each other. Even if they know of other peers existence with the same folder they share - they will send data only if it shows online. This is not the only benefit. Another benefit is that peers are syncing data directly, avoiding the intermediate server. The first advantage is that you won't need to wait until upload completes. The second one is the fact that your data is not stored on 3rd party servers.
  18. @Shaav IgnoreList exists only in .sync subfolders, which are in synced folders. There is no global IgnoreList. The Sync's service folder for Linux-based devices is also called .sync and is stored in the same folder as binary by default. Although, it should not contain IgnoreList inside. I'm really curious how it get there.
  19. @Radiovan It will remove files from other peers. When you disconnect the drive and then connect it back, sync is going to rescan files and folders. And Sync knows that it synced everything here, i.e. files should be there. Once it sees that files are gone, it decides that they were removed by user and will also remove them from all other peers. Note, that it will only work if 2 hard drives that you replace connect synced folder to completely same path AND the folder has the same ID (ID assigned to folder when it first connected to Sync OR when it gets shared from other peer. If you sync the folder across different devices - it will always have the same ID)
  20. Jacob, I'll forward your request to our business department and they will contact you soon.
  21. @k4n30 Please, be patient. More features and good bugfixes are coming.
  22. @fnordsensei This is weird and should be debugged. For the crashes: crash reports should be saved to ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports For the CPU consumption - make a process sample when it consumes so much CPU and send to me. I'll be happy to help and fix the reasons of both crashes and cpu consumption.
  23. @casperghst42 Unfortunately this is not something supported by iOS itself. As soon as you release a new version and you have auto-update - iOS will update it. And iOS does not allow granularity to disable auto-updates for some particular apps.
  24. @MisterRider Actually, the issue was fixed long, long ago - 1.4 should contain the fix for sure. We've tried to Sync non-system drive on Win8 in lab with no issues. I'll be happy to look into debug logs and find out why your Sync does not want to sync all the other folders.