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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @STUBR.BS, @wimbit, There is known issue in installing / upgrading Sync in multi-user environment (i.e. when you do it under non-admin account). The fix is on the way, meanwhile you can indeed copy Sync's binary to "%AppData%\BitTorrent Sync\" as the binary itself is also installer.
  2. @Shabazza23 It is going to be a commercial use and it is licensed differently. I've forwarded your e-mail to our business department, so you can contact and discuss details.
  3. @Acumen Sync can do it. When size of a file exceeds advanced preference max_file_size_for_versioning, Sync will only keep one copy in archive. So just lower it to appropriate value.
  4. @rothschild86 Sharing read-only is possible in Sync 2.0, though note that your phone should be linked to a different identity.
  5. @GFreak01 Sync is doing it by default. The old file is saved to .sync/Archive subfolder and is stored there for 30 days by default.
  6. Zennith, I believe this is already implemented, no? My Devices allows you to control folders. Please elaborate if I misunderstand.
  7. @Wicus It depends. Lets see live scenario: Peer A is infected. Peer B is synced, though not infected. A's files are encrypted with CryptoWall. Here are outcomes: 1) A's .sync/Archive content is very likely also encrypted. So, no way to restore files without having access to B. 2) If B did not Sync after encryption - you are safe and sound. Take your files from B. 3) If B synced after encryption - it is going to sync only files, NOT .sync/Archive, so go to #4 4) If your files are below 1Gb - you have good chances to get some non-encrypted version on B's Archive. You need to hurry up, as Archive lasts for 30 days only. Grab whole archive, see which file version is the latest and non-encrypted. 5) If your files are above - 1Gb - Sync will only store one copy of each file, no versioning. Now you hardly depend on how your implementation of CryptoWall works with files (i.e. if Sync will manage to sync something DURING encryption or not). If CryptoWall will force Sync to create numerous versions - you won't manage to restore your files using Sync. Hope it helps.
  8. @necrosis We are working with Symantec to get this one resolved. This is a false-positive indeed.
  9. @cpellerano Send us a dump - we'll take a look what happens.
  10. @volvo64 You may also try to disable UPnP / NAT-PMP in Sync. Some routers, printers and other network entities does not like UPnP packets.
  11. Hi Jamie, If all your 5 devices are united under one identity - you can't hide the folders. Indeed, some of them may stay in "Disconnected" state, but are still visible and available to get synced in couple clicks / taps. You can make separate identities to all your devices. In this case, folders won't propagate automatically between identities and you'll need to share them with links right as you did in 1.4.
  12. Bernhard, What happens after you pass the installation wizard? It simply closes and thats it? Could you please check if any files are copied to program files or to %appdata%\bittorrent sync?
  13. @Merk7 Sync Free is designed to act same as Pro, minus few features: - My Devices automatic folder propagation, - Selective Sync, - Permissions Control, - Unlimited folders. We've got a lots of free Sync users who are using Sync just fine. I understand your frustration, but the issues you describe are not intentional / punitive for Sync Free and rather look to be (bugs / interoperability issues / misconfiguration). We'll be happy to investigate and solve them (or help you to reconfigure Sync) once you contact us via support form.
  14. @father_gorry I'll check what could be wrong with "Error with DNS", I don't think it is related to time diff error. As for timediff - it means you've got either time or timezone setting error on either peer. There is a way to check precise GMT time on your computer. What is the OS you use on both computers?
  15. @giammin Is this static or Sync is doing something? It might happen that some data was already deleted, though that was not determined by Sync yet.
  16. @all Could you please collect a process sample when btsync usage climbs so high? Couple of samples would be great. Submit sample here and in message subj please mention this forum topic and that data goes to Roman. Thanks!
  17. @jsrivard There is no "btsync" user in official package on Synology (though it was in unofficial SynoCommunity package). Sync runs under Admin account, so follow instruction below: 1. Shut down Sync using Synology webui 2. Login as "admin" via SSH 3. Find Sync's storage folder and delete settings.dat and settings.dat old (it should be somewhere in /volume1/@appstore/bittorrentsync/var/). Note that all app global settings will reset, but all folders and their folder settings will stay 4. Run Sync using Synology webui
  18. @farhanaftab6600 It depends on amount of users. If you are the only user - you need a single license. If second peer is going to be user by another person, you need two.
  19. @Pasha_49 You can disable UPnP / NAT-PMP in Sync preferences to prevent it from sending UPnP requests (and crash your DLNA server). Although, Sync should not send the zero byte packets. Could you please share a wireshark traffic capture with these 0-bytes packets? Thanks!
  20. @Catsrules That's interesting. What if music files are stored in some other folder in ExtSD? Do other music apps see your music files then?
  21. @acurcione You removed a folder only from one device. It still is present on others, and other peer(s) know that it is 1.4 folder. You should disconnect it completely from Sync (i.e. disconnect and then click "remove" button), then it will disappear from all linked devices and you can add it as 2.0 folder. Although, when you remove it on this computer, Sync forgets all the data associated with this folder - and has to index it from scratch when you re-add it. Files should not be removed from disk when you disconnect the folder. Only if you check the checkbox. Could you please check what is the value of advanced parameter "delete_folder_from_disk"? (Cog button -> Preferences -> Advanced -> More options)
  22. @arlinsandbulte Sounds like an issue. What kind of permission it gets at the end of day? RW?
  23. @Antonavt Isn't it the 11th folder you add using API?
  24. @Catsrules TL;DR: We are researching this possibility. In details: Android Lollipop has a specialized API to access ExtSD. It is very different from native file management API and it is not fully clear if we can retain full Sync functionality using it. This is subject to research and implement it in future. For now Sync is only capable to fully sync data to its home folder (though it can backup data from any location on your ExtSD).