Syncapp Mobile: Wishlist


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Sync iOS Wishlist:

I use this Sync on my iOS devices primarily to have my music synced across them, but I find it extremely difficult to do so without these key features.


-Automatically play the next track after one finishes.

-Ability to skip to next and previous tracks in Control Center, and on the Lock Screen.

-When you're playing a song in the Sync app, there aren't any play/pause, skip, or volume controls. Add them.

-Allow the user to be able to browse through other folders within the Sync app while still playing the track. In order to browse now, you have to close the music and browser separately. 

-Possibly the ability to stream the music rather than having it stored locally. Personally, I have unlimited data so it wouldn't be a problem for me.

-Perhaps the option to enable or disable background refresh in the Settings. I'd rather my things be synced all the time, not just when I have the app open.


Besides that, I'm loving it! I don't have any clue how easy it would be to implement these, since I'm only a HS CS major, but I'm hoping that they will be added!

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I would like to ask for "Sync on wi-fi only" per-folder option, please. Combined with existing Selective Sync, much flexibility can be achieved. I wrote about it in this thread before I found the current one.

Actually, the same feature has already been asked for. See:

On 24.04.2013 at 11:45 AM, Dantounet said:

option to chose, per folder, wifi/3G sync.

On 22.11.2013 at 2:39 PM, mitch911 said:

select Mobile Data setting per folder on mobile app :D

On 18.02.2014 at 8:41 PM, QuackerSnacker said:

I would like to see a per folder mobile data enable/disable option.

Some data is small enough to not impact mobile data rates, while others can.

On 11.01.2016 at 0:30 PM, chi11ax said:

Is it possible to choose to sync certain folders on WiFi and others on 3G?


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I try to manage my android phone as a terminal which recieves many sort of files from my everyday utilisation, and that I want on my home computer so that I dispatch them and delete from the phone. It is actually possible, but really difficult, because there are too many folders to sync, and worst, somme folders may be changing without warning from SD card to internal memory.

For instance, the pictures : I have two complementary photo apps, this makes 4 possible folders. I want to sync all my downloaded files, and also some written memo and some spoken memo, and also some links, and other thing. For the moment I declare 5 folders but I always loose something, never remembering if the folder is on SD or memory... In fact I should have ten folders synced or even more. This is complicated, not my case, but possible if one changes SD card... 

I was wondering if the mobile sync app could do something like letting me add many folders to only one sync folder, so that on my computer I could find out my ten subfolders placed inside only one, so that I could sort a search on them all by date to find out all I want... I suppose I'm dreaming!


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+1 for the "Sync on wi-fi only" per-folder option in the mobile app.

I have several folders in sync that I don't want synced when not on WiFi because they are just too large, but there also some folders that should be able to sync over the mobile network. A per folder setting would be a great addition.

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