Syncapp Mobile: Wishlist


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1. I often use my mobile devices (Android or iOS) to transport data from one computer to another using BT Sync (sneakernet).

If I want to connect a new computer to the BT shares, I have to know the secret. Sadly, there is no option in mobile app to display the secret. My workaround is to place a "btsecret" text file in my BT shares.



2. I recently experimented with secret lengths. The QR code reader in the Android app failed reading the QR code for an approx. 60 chars secret. The iOS App read the QR code successfully.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

In mobile client, all data (folder to sync) is downloading on sdcard, but the folder is very big! 


- Please do in mobile client future download simlync or just list of folder and file (not all offline copy, just a list or thumbails). And if user click on the file - the client download the file full size.


Thx a lot.

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I (and I guess others as well) are using the Android client (also) on an Android mini-pc.

This mini-pc is my always-on device (and media center) so I can leave the big 'ol pc off when I'm not using it.


So, I would like so see some features in the Android client that make it more useful as a Bittorrent Sync 'server':


  •  Remote management like the PC version.
    Right now I use AndroidWebkey for remote management, but it's a bit cumbersome.
    It also means we can't watch a movie or display photo's when managing BTsync.
  • Generate new secrets instead of just being able to accept them
  • Option to set some smart restrictions on bandwith usage... e.g. if network is not used by other apps, transfer on full speed, otherwise reduce bandwith used to 123kbps

Best regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there !!! 


I tested the iOS app and is perfect !! When i sync a folder with my desktop i can inport images from my mobile to that folder and practicaly send them to my desktop but i can not do the oposite !! I can see the images in the Synced folder but i can not exoprt them in my Camera roll !! Is it possible that and i can't find it or will be a good addition for future version ??


One othe thing is will be good to able to do multy select files so i can delete them , export them etc !!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right now files larger that 2GB seem to be broken on Android. The problem is that it keeps trying to sync the file unsuccessfully. If you could set it to just ignore files that size then it would be OK until you get the sizes supported.

This will be a problem if your Internal storage is FAT32. If you use ext4 or exfat, you won't see this problem. But indeed, Btsync shall account for it.

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I'd like to be able to re-download a file in a read-only share. Here is the situation:

Suppose I have 10GB of music in a shared folder on my server that I sync to my phone as read-only. I don't have room for all of that on my phone, so I only sync over an album or two. When I get tired of that music, I delete it from my phone and sync something else.

I have shared it to my phone read-only, because I don't want to actually delete any of it off my server.

But now I can't go back and redownload the original albums I deleted off my phone, because btsync sees that I deleted them locally, and assumes I'll never want them again. I understand that this behavior may make sense for a normal read-only workstation client, but I'd rather the mobile app be different in this respect.

Actually, what would work for both would be a "forget I ever deleted these files" option or something along those lines.


This is what I described in this post:

it seems it will be added in the future, perfect!

The function is called (available on desktop versions, but not yet on Android:)

- Restore modified files in read-only folder

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I would like to see a QR code "pass through" feature that sends a file/folder to a different device than my phone.  If someone wants to share something, they put up a pic of a QR code, and I'll pick that up with my phone, but instead of it downloading to my phone, it goes to a different spot, like my notebook.  Let me explain with an example.


I like to help people in online forums with their Excel problems.  Sometimes, the best way to show a solution or try to understand where they're at is to actually have a look at an Excel file.  To do this currently, I'll upload my file to Google drive, copy the link, and post the link to the forum. The other person will click the link and download the file.  Pretty easy.


But, what I'd like to do with the Sync app is post a QR code to the forum as an image.  The other person then whips out their phone and scans it so as to send it to their notebook.  I'm never going to look at an Excel file on my phone, but the phone is very useful to facilitate getting that file going to a different location.


Just about everything for this feature is already in place, but the desktop app doesn't make QR codes, does it?  How cool would it be to have a right-click option in Explorer for "Make QR?"  If the file is called "My Vacation.mp4," it would create "My Vacation--QR.png" or something like that in the same folder.

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The Android client uses a database stored on the system partition. (That is, not on the SD Card.)  I have ~3300 files synced, resulting in a >25MB database.  Mobile devices are often limited in the space available on the system partition.  Can this database be moved to the SD card in future releases?  My phone is a bit older, but 25MB is about 1/4 of the total available space on that partition. Newer phones are probably affected too.  This giant database on the system partition makes btsync a much less attractive sync option.  Installing the app to SD doesn't make much difference if a giant honkin database is going to be stored on the system partition.  I just don't have the space in the right place, ya dig?

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  • 2 weeks later...

As some other people already mentioned, thanks for the great work! I am currently using BTSync to sync 4 desktop clients - and it works like a charm. Unfortunately, there is one big feature missing in the mobile apps:


Custom fixed port & predefined hosts - I was never using any "multicast detection", "trackers", "dht" oder whatever. I was always using predefined hosts, thats why I would need that feature in the mobile app. Please do not tell me to use "Search in LAN network" or how it is called, this feature does not work over VPN connections...




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  • 5 weeks later...

Android SD Card automatic "Media Rescan"


When using a folder on an external SdCard, a "Media re-scan" is needed after each file is downloaded especially for apps like Gallery... or else you must wait forever before seeing the new photo folder added or movie in the Gallery... (or next reboot since a sdcard media scan is done at boot)


Feature request to android BTSync client : add an automatic call to the the android media scanner after each "media" file is downloaded (maybe with a 1 minute incompressible interval so the rescan is not done too often). I think it has something to do with this :



Until this MANDATORY ;) new feature is added, a solution is to use an app like this :



Edited by ejuggy
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to see the iOS "automatic backup" feature allow you to use the new protocol secrets (Not 'A' and 'B', but, 'D', 'E', and, 'F', (I.E. type=encrypted)). Currently it's only using the legacy, unencrypted model and I'd much rather prefer to encrypt the files (Using the R/W key) on the iPad, then sync it to an encrypted node (Using the 'encryption' key):-



So, basically, what I'm asking for is for me to manually be able to input a code (I.E. R/W) into the iOS device for it's 'backup' mode, not just it's 'sync' mode.



More info here:-

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