Ability To Set A Name For A Sync (Other Than The Folder Name)


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In all but a single aspect BitTorrent Sync is perfect for my needs.....  I would however like to have the ability to have friendly names available on the NAS side of a sync.


To cope with the demands of some media apps on the NAS here, each user has a separate subdirectory under the general Music, Images, and Media directories.  This means that my three syncs on the NAS client each have the short name "Keith"!  If I mouse over them I'll get "/volume1/Music/Keith" but it would be nice just to have a descriptive short name!

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It would be great if the name of a sync could not be dependent on the folder.


We use BT Sync for my team at a digital production agency, and with every project we have an "assets" folder. Looking at a listing for multiple projects, all you see is multiple "asset" folders listed. It'd be great if these could be renamed to "Project X: Assets" or something to that degree.

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Hey there.


I really +1 this.


Let me give you another use case:

Since each of my shared folder is encfs, each of my shares is just a couple of random ASCII characters to me. Comparing 20GB music libs from a 500kB folder of only some SSH keys obvoiusly works, but increasing numbers of shares makes it increasingly harder to just distinguish them by folder size :).


So if the feature is "whatever the file system folder is named, just pick a differnt name in sync UI", I would love it.





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Hey there.


Here's an update on this.

Windows provides a feature called "junctions". Their behavior can be compared to symlinks on linux or unix systems.


I just created one folder ",7l-jsfX,oe" (the encfs encrypted version of "music" on my EncFS setup) and made a junction "music" pointing to "ljsfhoegsf".

Goes like this:

mklink /J music ",7l-jsfX,oe"

I disconnected the ",7l-jsfX,oe" folder from btsync and reconnected "music".


The UI shows ",7l-jsfX,oe" in the "name" column but "D:\encrypted\sync\music" in the "path" column. Double clicking the sync linke in the UI opens "D:\encrypted\sync\music" as well.


So seems the selected folder name is used like I thought it would although it's not the real folder but only a junction, but the "name" colum is just wrong.


Can this be called a bug? Should I create a new thread in the "bugs" forum? If you do not call this a bug because btsync is just not intende to handle junctions that way, then I'll not create a new thread for this.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Similarly, I'm using it to organize multiple projects/sub-projects. So I may have multiple folders call "Media Assets" or "Documentation".. impossible in the current interface to tell which is which.

Would love to be able to rename the bookmark AND add sub folders to the interface to keep them organized.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Another +1 for this feature request!!


If multiple computers are storing a /music, /documents, /desktop, and /photos folder to a single machine, you end up with multiple 'desktop' folders and get stuck with trial and error. Renaming shares as "Alice - Music", "Bob - Music", and "Carole - Music" would be a huge help!!

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  • 2 months later...

Currently, a folder is shared and will appear on my other devices (using their default sync setting) as soon as I add the folder to share or select "Share folder with BitTorrent Sync Alpha" from Finder.


It will appear in the default folder (if default sync setting is "connected" or "sync") with the same name as on the system it is being shared from. It can be renamed on the other devices once it is sharing, or its destination can be chosen if the default sync setting is "available", but using the same name as the existing folder as the default can be confusing.


For example, if I have several "Backup" folders, one for each client or server, and I want to share one of them, the first will simply appear as "Backup" with no indication as to which client or server it is for. And if I then share a second with the same name, I'm not even sure what would happen.


When a folder is selected to be shared, instead of opening the share dialog immediately (email/copy/QR), it should first ask the user what name remote devices should use for the share. It can default to the current folder name, but the user should have a chance to change it and then hit "OK" or "Share" or "Add" to confirm it. Then I could rename "Backup" to "FOO Backup".


Any new devices that are linked to my account should start syncing it (depending on the device settings) as "FOO Backup", regardless of what any other devices have renamed the folder to.


I should also be able to change the default share name at any time from the preferences for that share. This would avoid the problem Dropbox has where you can rename a share on your local device without impacting another device, but you cannot rename the actual share name on Dropbox which is used as the default share name for new devices. You have to disable sharing, rename the folder and re-share it.


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Suppose I sync photos with friends named Jack and Bob. They go to folders C:\Photos\Jack and C:\Photos\Bob. I also sync documents with Bob, these go to C:\Documents\From Bob. My list of folders looks like this:


– Jack

– Bob

– From Bob


That's awful. Please let me modify this to:


– Photos from Jack

– Photos from Bob

– Documents from Bob


without having to sync them to e.g. C:\Photos\Photos from Jack.

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  • 2 months later...

+100 for this feature request.

Btsync installed on a qnap, two desktops, a tablet and two phones. 

Mobile device backups all create instances of the same folder name ( Pictures, Pictures(1), Pictures(2) ) There is no easy way to keep them organized if you can't even name the destination folder on the target device.


Additionally, for each backup/sync partner, allow for choosing destination for each job rather than just blindly creating directories in the default destination folder.


(Plus, I would love to see the Backup style sync jobs for desktop/web-based btsync instances rather than just on mobile devices)

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  • 1 month later...

Was just looking for a way to rename one of my synced folders just in the GUI. The reason is that I'd like to easily differentiate between multiple folders sharing the same name but in different locations.


For example, if I want to synchronize my saved games, several different games might have a "saves" folder or whatever.


The Path column in the main window is one way currently, but is hard to read at a glance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rename shares wouldbe the next feature killer.


This new metadata name should accept directory separator "/" and allow us to browse/expand/collpase by directory name.


Example :


directory name -> E:\....\www

share name -> My website\www


directory name -> F:\....\graphics

share name -> My website\graphics



Would be browsable as :


[+] Other website

[-] Mywebsite

    [+] www

    [+] graphics

[+] Another website

Edited by Syam.
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  • 2 months later...

+1 for this feature. I'm currently using btsync together with owncloud, files are stored in username/files directory in owncloud and therefor all sync folders are names "files" in btsync..Also using it with my phone to backup camera pictures and since most phones use "DCIM" as folder name it's hard to tell them apart when sharing amoung several phones and tablets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there.


I would like to set a name for a given share in the UI which does *not* reflect the file system folder it points to.


I think about creating an arbitrary sync share, go to folder preferences in the sync UI and find there a blank field "display name" being blank by default and showing the current folder name as placeholder.


Here is my use case:


I run a couple of EncFS mounts where an individual fragment inside is shared by sync.


Think about this unencrypted structure:

* EncFS

** Private

** Music

** Stuff


This results in an encrypted structure:

* EncFS

** qwihvlkergoiu

** knwefiu32rlkj

** jlghrjlgrj


Now I only want to sync "qwihvlkergoiu", so I created a share that only points to that directory -- but I don't want it to be named "qwihvlkergoiu" in my snyc UI but "Music".


On Winsows that's pretty easy by utiliziung "mklink". Just create a link named "Music" pointing to "qwihvlkergoiu" and make sync not share "qwihvlkergoiu" but "Music". That works pretty well.


Now I don't only use Windows but OS-X as well, where that kind of link isn't possible. I tried creating a regular symlink and make sync use that "Music" symlink as sync source folder, but the UI fetches the original name "qwihvlkergoiu" and displays exactly that.


This goes for every situation where the actual folder name is not up to me as a user but forced by other software, like the "/etc/configuration" folder if I decide to use sync for maintaining my OpenWRT settings, or like the "/etc/apache2" folder if I decide to use sync for maintaining my linux based apache setup.




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