"cannot get the list of trackers"


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I too get this, starting with 2.3.3.

Applies to both win10 and arm/rp2 installation. These two are on the same lan


Although, my third device, also a win10 pc does not have this message while idle. This one is in another city..

Kinda sounds like network related, but neither i changed anything.


In prevous builds like 2.3.2 i did saw "could not get list off trackers" flashing for 1 second and then dissappeared when launching, but now its persistent in 2.3.3



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I have this issue as well and I'm running 2.3.1 so i don't think it's an issue due to 2.3.3

Parts of this site, including the forum and other help sections have had intermittent connectivity over the past few days. My assumption is that maybe the tracker servers are experiencing the same intermittent connection, causing this message in all clients, regardless of client version.

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I've been using BitTorrent sync for several years, mostly without significant problems. However one of my peers now reports "No tracker connection available. Cannot get the list of trackers" and shows zero peers connected even though all my other peers can see each other. Sync is not happening as a result.

There are a few tracker-related messages in the logs but they seem fairly benign. The only thing I can think of is that my local IP is which is obviously not public - but I haven't changed anything so that seems unlikely.

Any ideas what's going on?

[20160301 08:22:35.287] TRACKER[5496] requesting peers from - la:

[20160301 08:22:35.287] Creating TCP tracker connection to

[20160301 08:22:35.287] Creating uTP tracker connection to

[20160301 08:22:35.288] TRACKER[3093] requesting peers from - la:

[20160301 08:22:35.288] Using existent TCP tracker connection to

[20160301 08:22:35.288] Using existent uTP tracker connection to

[20160301 08:22:35.288] TRACKER[CB10] requesting peers from - la:

[20160301 08:22:35.288] Using existent TCP tracker connection to

[20160301 08:22:35.288] Using existent uTP tracker connection to

[20160301 08:22:35.288] TRACKER[33F6] requesting peers from - la:

[20160301 08:22:35.288] Using existent TCP tracker connection to

[20160301 08:22:35.288] Using existent uTP tracker connection to

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I’m having the same issue – just one of my pears can no longer connect to my server.  I turned on the relay option which allowed it to connect but I would prefer to connect directly for speed.  It’s also getting the error no tracker connection available.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm still trying to fix this. I have added the following entries to my hosts file to test:    t.usyncapp.com    r.usyncapp.com

I've mapped port 3000 tcp/udp and 22222 (configured in Sync) tcp/udp to my machine.

... and the results are the same.

What am I missing?

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Same here. Suddenly BTSync on Linux PC shows "Cannot get the list of trackers". Tried both, with/without relay and with/without tracker server. All devices are on the same LAN. Two mobile devices see each other and sync fine. On Linux Desktop I have even re-installed and re-configured BTSync and still getting the same error.

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Tracker and relay have 3 addresses, which are picked randomly. Did you use predefined hosts for peers to get connected? If still no luck, can you please submit full log to support? with a few details about your network setup. Thanks


Tracker is not necessary for LAN connections. If your peers connect all right, you can ignore that warning.  Please also share the logs to support. Instruction for collecting logs is here

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Same problem here.

I have two sites that are doing the same behavior as described.

- OS on both site is Debian 7

One site I just upgraded 2.27 to 2.36 and it wouldn't see any tracker/peers after the upgrade.

** Before the upgrade, it was working fine!

I even tried to uninstall/reinstall and redo all the shares from scratches and it's always the same result

On the other site, because of some bad clusters, I had to change the HDD and I installed rev. 2.3.6 on the new HDD.

Note that the OS installation came from a staging IPX server so, except for btsync, it is exactly the same as the old HDD.

If I put back the old HDD that was having 2.2.7 installed, it connect to PEERS very quickly and as soon as I reconnect the new one with 2.3.6 it show "cannot-get-the-list-of-trackers" ...

It seems it can see peers but for some reason broken pipes happen.

Not sure if it is related to this issue but here's what I can see in the logs.

[20160404 15:00:39.424] PD[2429] [6AA5]: checking tunnel connection to peer, transport: TCP, endpoint: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:56634
[20160404 15:00:39.424] PD[2429] [6AA5]: checking tunnel connection to peer, transport: TCP, endpoint: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:56634
[20160404 15:01:00.422] SyncSocket[0x00007f33b8044080]: an error has occurred - code: 32, message: "Broken pipe"
[20160404 15:01:00.422] SyncSocket[0x00007f33b80405e0]: an error has occurred - code: 32, message: "Broken pipe"
[20160404 15:01:00.422] PD[2429] [6AA5]: failed to open TCP tunnel - endpoint: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx :56634, status: "Broken pipe", enc: SRP, socket: 0x00007f33b8044080, tunnels: 0
[20160404 15:01:00.422] PD[2429] [6AA5]: failed to open TCP tunnel - endpoint: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:56634, status: "Broken pipe", enc: SRP, socket: 0x00007f33b80405e0, tunnels: 0

I don't have access to the firewall so I can't test if it is working with predefined host but since it is working with 2.2.7 and not with 2.3.x the problem isn't a firewall issue.




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The fact that plugging back the HDD with 2.2.7 is working, it doesn't seems to be related with blacklisted IP or a network issue.

At least on my end...


I was reviewing my posts and I saw that I forgot to mention that I am using the unofficial sync repos

I'm not sure it is relevant because it seems to happen with other OS.


Edited by noiime
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