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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Yes, re-add your folder(s) to Sync again! Sounds like you were previously running an older, incompatible, alpha build of Sync! The auto-update does clearly warn you that "BitTorrent Sync 1.1.27 is not compatible with versions earlier than 1.1.25"
  2. The auto-update does clearly warn you that "BitTorrent Sync 1.1.27 is not compatible with versions earlier than 1.1.25" You will therefore need to re-add your folders again if you were previously running 1.0.134. Welcome to "alpha" software! Protocol changes and incompatibility between alpha builds is to be expected! If that's not for you, you'd probably be best waiting until Sync migrates out of "alpha" and "beta" phases into a "stable" release!
  3. Check the Unofficial FAQ - a direct link to the latest Android build is there!
  4. You obviously didn't read my previous post, directly above yours:
  5. What version of Sync are you running? There were CPU & Memory issues in previous alpha builds. If you're not using the latest 1.1.26 build, please update. Also, please see "Is there a limit on the number/size of files I can sync?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  6. Yeah, basically, if the current time on one device is say 08:50, and on another device the time is 09:13, Sync may not be able to correctly sync your files in the way you'd expect (i.e. newer files could get overwritten by older files, etc) From 1.1.22 onwards, a new advanced "sync_max_time_diff" setting was introduced. Set to 600 seconds (10 minutes) by default, this tells Sync not to sync with other devices with system times that are more than 10 minutes different from the current device's system time. This is why it would be worth checking that the clocks on all your various devices are correct, as if they're not, this could be one of the reason files are not correctly syncing for you.
  7. If you're running Sync v1.1.22 or later, this contains "versioning", whereby changed files will be copied to .SyncTrash and renamed (i.e. myfile.txt, myfile.1.txt, myfile.2.txt, etc), allowing you to compare current versions of your files with their recent counterparts! +1
  8. First and foremost - are all your devices running the same, and latest, version of Sync? (1.1.26) Assuming they are, the next thing to check is that the system time is correct, and the same on all your devices. Assuming the clocks are all correct, the next thing to do is close down Sync on all your devices, locate any ".!Sync" or ".SyncPart" files in the folders you're sharing and delete these. Do this on each device without Sync running. Once you've removed any ".!Sync" or ".SyncPart" files, restart Sync on all your devices. If this still doesn't resolve your issue, please check that the contents of .SyncIgnore files within each folder you're sharing are the same on each device.
  9. Well, an interim workaround would be to lower the advanced "folder_rescan_interval" setting... whilst this is be no means a "fix", it would at least allow changes to be detected a lot more frequently than just every 10 minutes!
  10. Yeah, I've just loaded up Microsoft Narrator and had a browse around Sync's interface with Narrator running.... an you're right, screen readers really struggle with Sync!! This is certainly something the Sync team should look into, however, obviously at present, Sync is still very much in an "alpha" phase (which has only been publicly available now for a little over two months!)... and therefore, I suspect screen reader accessibility won't currently be at the very top of the developer's list of priorities. However, you do raise a very valid issue, so thank you for posting your feedback in the forums! The developers do frequent these forums, and so will undoubtedly pick up on this! ...therefore hopefully at some point in the not too distant future, Sync will have better accessibility support for screen readers!
  11. These are per-folder settings, so you would need to do this for all your folders Are you using the latest Sync version (1.1.26)? The build before that (1.1.22) had some pretty big CPU/Memory issues, but these have been fixed for 1.1.26
  12. tuxpoldo is usually pretty quick - so expect the updated builds soon! (he usually gets his builds out a day or so after a new Sync build is made available by BitTorrent Inc) Do bear in mind that he doesn't work for BitTorrent Inc, and creates these special Debian/Ubuntu builds in his own time.. so give him chance, and I'll sure updated builds for Ubuntu/Debian will appear very soon! ...and keep your eye on his threads, linked below, as tuxpoldo usually updates them each time he has a new build ready! Unofficial Sync builds for Ubuntu/Debian (Servers) | Ubuntu/Debian (Desktops) In the meantime, Sync 1.1.26 on Windows and Android Sync 1.1.7 should work with each other.. they just won't work with Sync 1.1.22 on Ubuntu!
  13. Have you tried "mapping" the network path to a drive letter in Windows? 1) From any Windows folder select Tools → Map network drive 2) Select a free drive letter, for example Z: 3) Enter your network path in the "Folder" field, i.e. "\\SHOWME" 4) Select "Reconnect at logon" 5) Click "Finish" Does this work?
  14. If you have enabled "Check for updates" in Sync, you will be alerted within a day once a "stable" alpha build is made available outside of the forums ...or, alternatively, to get notified of new builds before they are pushed to the homepage/auto update - and click the "Follow This Topic" button near the top of this thread
  15. Downgrading Sync from 1.1.22 → 1.0.134 is really not recommended, and will likely cause 1.0.134 to not work correctly (even if it was working before!). Your best option now would be to completely uninstall Sync from BOTH devices (after you uninstall, also make sure that the "%AppData%\BitTorrent Sync" folder has also been removed on both devices - if not, manually delete it), then do a fresh install the latest version of Sync (now 1.2.26) on both devices, and report back if that's then not working for you!
  16. What you're after is essentially a ".SyncInclude" file in addition to a ".SyncIgnore" file. Do a quick forum search for "syncinclude", and you'll see this has been suggested before... probably worth adding to the Wishlist
  17. External Outside Disable Relay, Tracker, and DHT options. Turning off "Search LAN" should also give you a noticeable improvement in speed, and also changing the advanced setting "lan_encrypt_data" to "false" may also give you a speed boost!
  18. Try deleting the existing .SyncID file in the folder, and then re-add the folder back to Sync
  19. It's likely that either, the existing .SyncID file within the folder is corrupt (in which case, delete it, and then try re-adding the folder to Sync), the folder is unreachable (if the drive/partition is disconnected/corrupt), or you've only entered a secret and not also specified a folder when trying to add the folder to Sync There's also some hints in the Unofficial FAQ
  20. Please read the unofficial FAQ - Sync isn't supported on 64-bit versions of Windows XP, and won't be!
  21. Yes, as stated in my previous post, it is MB
  22. The Android "alpha" is already available to all! - please see the Unofficial FAQ