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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Ok, well, in which case, have you tried setting the advanced setting "folder_rescan_interval" (the interval at which Sync fully rescans folders) to something very high? (default is 600 seconds (10 minutes))... this may then allow your disks to sleep?
  2. Are you using the latest version of BitTorrent Sync (1.1.15)? As of 1.1.12 there were some improvements made which should allow disks to sleep.
  3. You can of course disable the tracker all together if you're worried about your "IPs being logged abroad"! ...and also the "predefined hosts" options already within BitTorrent Sync, can be used to essentially create your own pseudo-"tracker"!
  4. I wouldn't get too hung up over timezones - what's more important is to ensure that each device's time is accurate within in the timezone its running in. For example, if one device is currently showing 2 minutes past a particular hour, and another device is currently showing 8 minutes past the hour - obviously one of these clocks is either 6 minutes too fast/slow - this could cause Sync an issue when determining which file is to be considered "newer" when syncing! So my advice; don't worry about the timezone - instead focus on getting an accurate time on each clock!
  5. Please read the Unofficial FAQ entry, "Will BitTorrent Sync remain free, or will they start charging for it once it comes out of alpha?" BitTorrent Sync references file timestamps back to UTC, so no, in theory, moving a server to a different continent will not trigger a complete re-sync of everything
  6. Some things to check: 1) Are you running the same version of BitTorrent Sync on all devices? 2) Are the corresponding .SyncIgnore files identical on all devices? 3) Does your mailserver keep any files you're trying to sync open/locked? - if so, it may be worth excluding these from syncing 4) With BitTorrent Sync not running on any of your devices, locate any .!Sync files (incomplete transfers), manually remove them and then restart Sync on all your devices.
  7. Well, you could enable debug logging (on Windows, right click the BitTorrent Sync tray icon and select "Enable debug logging") - but be warned this generates a LOT of data!
  8. Firstly, welcome to the forum! Secondly, have you tried searching the forum for "delta" or "diff", as there are a number of topics discussing this issue - for example here and here According to the developers "actually Sync supports delta copying if file size stays the same. However implementing rsync like diff in distributed environment without dedicated server, is kind of complex task." (Source) Given the "alpha" nature of Sync (Sync has only been publicly available for the past two months!), and the complexity of implementing true "diff" sync, this is likely something that will be implemented at a much later stage. There are several requests already for it in the wishlist thread, and the developers "do understand importance of the diff and its advantages." (Source) So please be patient and remember that Sync is only an "alpha" at this stage - the developers can't implement EVERY feature request at once, it will take time! Secondly, your understanding of "secrets" as .torrent files is incorrect - please read the FAQ and Unofficial FAQ for more about how secrets actually work (The unofficial FAQ also gives you answers as to the partial "delta" sync that's already available in Sync!)
  9. I suspect because BitTorrent Sync is currently in "alpha", and therefore the developer's focus at the moment, quite rightly, is more on getting it working & stable on its own, and less on achieving compatibility with specific 3rd party applications. Again, this is quite a specific use case that will only affect a very small subset of users - i.e. those using Picasa AND also syncing a folder that Picasa is monitoring. You can certainly follow the steps in this thread for reporting your issue directly to the developers, but do bear in mind that issues relating to 3rd party applications are not necessarily the responsibility of BitTorrent Inc to resolve - if Picasa can't monitor folders that BitTorrent Sync is "syncing", maybe the problem lies just as much with Google and Picasa than with BitTorrent Sync? Finally, seeing as this thread was started back when 1.0.134 was the latest version of Sync available - does the issue still occur when running the latest version of Sync? (1.1.15)
  10. You don't even need to do that - just simply accept the prompt to reset ownership!
  11. Can you confirm that ALL your devices are running 1.1.15? The OP indicates that this issue may be caused by running different versions of Sync on different devices (i.e. some running 1.0.x builds, others running 1.1.x builds)
  12. ".!Sync" files are temporary files created by BitTorrent Sync to receive incoming data transfers. Once a file is fully received, it is renamed to have its .!Sync extension removed For example, let's say a file named "tune.mp3" is to be transferred from Device A to Device B. At the start of the transfer a new file "tune.mp3.!Sync" will be created in the destination folder of Device B. Data will then be added to this "temporary" file from Device A as it is received. Once device B has fully received all the data for the file "tune.mp3" from Device A, the temporary file "tune.mp3.!Sync" on Device B will then be renamed to "tune.mp3", and voila! you have your completed file transferred! If you have .!Sync files in your shared folders, they are likely to be files currently in the process of being transferred, from other devices, and therefore you should let the transfers complete on their own, and the .!Sync extension will be removed once complete. If you delete these incomplete .!Sync files, it will cause BitTorrent Sync to transfer the compete original file again
  13. It's likely that your work network is blocking certain ports/traffic, which may be why you are unable to connect. Please see the "I can't connect to other devices - I think it's a Router/Firewall issue?" entry in the Unofficial FAQ
  14. Please see the first post in this thread - the latest ARM build (1.1.15) is there.
  15. The only viable solution at present, as mentioned previously, is to NOT sync the parent folder, but rather sync each sub folder separately. This will allow you to sync all these sub folders to one device, and then individual sub-folders selectively sync'd to other devices as required.
  16. If you're quick, you can recover lost keys from the backup "sync.dat.old" file (found in %AppData%\BitTorrent Sync on Windows) If you open this file in a standard text editor, whilst it will look very messy, search for the phrase "secret32:" - each folder you were sharing will have it's key within this following context: ....<folder path will be here>6:secret32:<folder secret will be here>15:... ...this will only work if you're quick though and do this immediately after you inadvertently remove a folder from Sync, as the "sync.dat.old" file is an automated backup of the main "sync.dat" file, and is therefore updated at regular intervals! I agree with you though, there should really be a confirmation dialog before you remove a folder from Sync!
  17. There are no additional parameters/command line switches available for BitTorrent Sync on Windows at this time Yes, other users have reported that there is no interface available using this particular method. Have you tried running as a service by one of the other methods mentioned? i.e. running a scheduled task upon startup? Again, do try some of the other various Windows-related suggestions in the previously indicated thread (such as running as a scheduled task), and do do a web search for "run exe as a service" as there are a wealth of different tutorials/apps to help you get .exe's running as a Windows service... but I'm afraid if none of those work for you, you'll just have to wait until the ability to run Sync natively as a service is implemented by the developers - but do add your voice for this feature to the Wishlist. Whilst it's already on the wishlist, and is planned by the developers, the more requests they see for "running as a service", the quicker it's likely to get implemented! (...and FYI, the ability to run Sync as a Windows service is actually my number one request at the moment! ...I personally can't wait for it to be implemented!)
  18. Are all devices using the same version of BitTorent Sync? (1.0.x builds are not compatible with 1.1.x builds)
  19. Please read the unofficial FAQ - Running Sync natively as a service is planned, however there are also a number of user-contributed workarounds in the interim. If none of those work for you, do a general web search for "run exe as a service" - there are many tutorials available out there for converting an standard .exe into a Windows service
  20. Please see the unofficial faq - there is no CLI for Windows, and an API is in development.
  21. New builds have generally been released in the following order: 1) In this thread in the first instance 2) via the general download page 3) via auto-update ...they don't necessarily become available in all 3 of these locations simultaneously, and there may be a delay between each. Therefore, if you believe there to be a new build available, but auto-update tells you you're running the latest client version, and the general download page also doesn't offer a new build either, check this thread!
  22. Step 1) Make a note of the folder's current secret (don't just copy it to the clipboard, as you'll likely loose this in Step 3 below) Step 2) Remove the folder from BitTorrent Sync Step 3) Physically move the folder and all its contents to a new location Step 4) Add the folder back to BitTorrent Sync using the original secret
  23. Whilst an interesting concept, may I propose a change to the title of this thread? "Vole is a P2P social network backed by Bittorrent Sync" implies that your "social network" is endorsed/financially supported (backed) by BitTorrent Inc. Secondly, in relation to the "lack of a BitTorrent Sync API"... an API is in development - please see the unofficial FAQ Thirdly, you could perhaps consider clarifying your legal/licensing text on your homepage, as it currently claims "Vole gives you full control and ownership of your data." ...which if your app is merely a "wrapper" for the BitTorrent Sync service, then it's not Vole but rather BitTorrent Sync that's actually offering users "control and ownership" of their data. Also text which states that Vole is "open source" and "available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute" - well, that's not completely true, it's not fully "open source" given that BitTorrent Sync itself - on which your app relies - isn't open source and its code isn't available for "anyone to use or modify". Finally, it would be unwise to publicly launch your "Vole" service en masse whilst BitTorrent Sync itself remains in an "alpha" phase, as there are likely to be issues/bugs, and significant changes in Sync before a full "stable" release, which could impact/cripple your "Vole" service in the meantime.