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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. He means "Use predefined hosts" - this is a per folder setting which you can find through the user interface of Sync via the Folders tab. Select a folder, then select "Show folder preferences". A dialog will open, where you'll see the "Predefined hosts" options at the bottom.
  2. Are they both running the same version of Sync? i.e. if you've been running it for a while and not updated (latest version btw is 1.1.15), but your son's friend has only just downloaded, it may be that you're running incompatible versions of Sync.
  3. The first question would be, is BitTorrent Sync indicating in the interface that your devices are connecting directly (two-way arrow icon) with each other, or via the cloud (cloud icon)?
  4. Sync monitors your files in realtime. In addition, as a fall back, it also rescans your folders every 10 minutes (this interval is configurable through the advanced "folder_rescan_interval" setting) Pausing syncing should also pause indexing, but I'm not sure that "pausing" ceases all network activity completely i.e. I think when in "paused" state, Sync may still communicate/pings with other devices. If you only want "sync on demand", and your feel the "pause" option is using up too many of "resources" - the only real option at present would be to only run Sync when you want to sync, and then exit the application when you don't! Incidentally, what version of Sync are you using? There were some big improvements made to the amount of "resources" (CPU/Memory) that Sync uses in 1.1.x builds - if you're still using a 1.0.x build, please update
  5. I know there were issues surrounding "real time" monitoring of files on OSX, so instead of your files syncing in "real-time", they may only sync on the 10-minute rescan fallback interval (this interval is configurable through the advanced "folder_rescan_interval" setting) So the question would be, Are your files also not syncing even after this "rescan" interval?
  6. The total number of concurrent connections depends upon the actual size of files you're trying to sync (it's essentially 1 for large files, and up to 15 for small files) - There's a previous related discussion that may be of some interest here
  7. Ubuntu specific server builds (and instructions) may be found in this thread. Other various Linux builds are available from the main site, and there are various instructions in the forums for getting Sync configured and running on Linux servers. Yes, because sync monitors files in real-time. At present there's no built in "scheduler" to specify only syncing at certain times. If you only wanted it to Sync every 6 hours, you'd have to create a cron job to run Sync every six hours (but then you'd somehow also have to detect when each sync has been completed, so the process can be killed accordingly?)
  8. Also, turn off the "Use relay server when required", "Use tracker server" and "Search DHT network" options
  9. Please see the Unofficial FAQ entry, "How do you define multiple shared folders in the config file?"
  10. Please update to the latest version of BitTorrent Sync (1.1.15) Fundamental changes were made between 1.0.x builds and 1.1.x builds - Sync no longer creates a separate metadata file for each file, now all metadata is stored in a single database file. Once you've updated to 1.1.15, the "metacache" folder and its contents may be safely deleted Also, you shouldn't sync your "%AppData%/BitTorrent Sync" folder. If you are syncing its parent folder, you should exclude this directory from the sync through the use of .SyncIgnore
  11. If you believe you have an issue, you can report it directly to the developers
  12. Indeed. Please see the Unofficial FAQ - there is no API at present, but it is planned, and specific functionality requests for the API should be posted here
  13. I assume you're using the latest build of BitTorrent Sync (1.1.15)?
  14. There are numerous threads already discussing security: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 The whole point of BitTorrent Sync is that it doesn't use/require a centralized server!! ...if you wish to run your own "pseudo-tracker", you can use the "predefined hosts" options that already exist in Sync to "get all clients to use known hosts only" Correct! At present, you would have to re-issue a new secret in such instances as there is currently no way to "ban" or "revoke" specific hosts. (Feel free to suggest this in the "Wishlist" thread though, as it would certainly be a useful addition to Sync!) Sync can already be made "private" - just disable the Relay, Tracker, DHT, auto-update options, etc Finally, do bear in mind the current "alpha" nature of BitTorrent Sync, it would be unwise to consider rolling out any software in "alpha" stage, especially if you intent to be syncing "very sensitive data". It'd be better to wait until Sync migrates out of its alpha/beta phases.
  15. Hmmm... yes, looks like a system time issue with your Pi A timestamp of "1371893371" equates to 22nd June 2013 09:29 UTC... so the "bad time" error is basically being thrown because Sync has encountered a folder that it believes has been created in the future (as your Pi, and therefore by association Sync, believes incorrectly that the current date is currently 22nd May.. so anything with a timestamp after this date will be considered invalid) Whilst I'm no expert on the Pi, my understanding is that in order to keep time, the Pi updates the date and time automatically over the internet via Ethernet or WiFi, but that if the network connection is removed, it reverts back to the standard date and time settings (usually 30 November 1999). So, perhaps your Pi got a bad update when last updating its date/time, which may be resolved the next time it updates? I suspect once your Pi knows what date it actually is (i.e. 22nd June, not 22nd May), this "bad time" problem with Sync will be resolved and your files will resume syncing.
  16. There is no "stable" version as such at this time - all builds are "alpha" builds, the latest of which is currently 1.1.15. 1.1.x builds are NOT compatible with 1.0.x builds - therefore, if you have a mix of 1.1.x builds and 1.0.x builds, the devices running 1.0.x will all sync with each other, and the devices running 1.1.x will sync with each other, but 1.1.x devices won't sync with 1.0.x devices, and vice versa. So if all your Windows 7 machines are running 1.1.x, but all your Windows XP machines are running 1.0.x, your Win7 devices won't be able to sync with your Win XP devices. Therefore, I'd encourage you not to carry on running 1.0.134, and instead update ALL your devices to 1.1.15. 1.0.134 is a now obsolete alpha build, and therefore for any issues encountered with this build, the advice from the BitTorrent Sync team & forum community will always be to "upgrade to the latest build and see if this resolves your issue" So please do update everything to 1.1.15, and feel free to report back with how you've got on!
  17. Ha! The remainder of your post is the proof!! - you cannot add sub-folders to BitTorrent Sync separately if their parent folders have already been added! This is why you are seeing a "This folder cannot be added to BitTorrent Sync as it is part of a folder that is already syncing" error when trying to add the folder "/nas/sync/foo/bar" to sync, if you've already previously added "/nas/sync/foo/"
  18. Please check that the system clock on all your devices is correct, and also update to the latest build (1.1.15), as this may solve your problem No, you can add folders with existing content to Sync - the folders you add don't have to be initially empty! I say, please update to the latest build, and report back if you're still experiencing an issue once all your devices are running 1.1.15
  19. I agree, and I did actually suggest to the developers way back in April that it would be worth implementing some kind of "vote" system for feature requests. Obviously, the developers have had their hands full with developing Sync itself, and so implementing a "feature voting system" has been a low priority, but they assure me that they "...have a list and count every suggestion - But we will add something like that.". So whilst no timescales for such a system have been given, I would expect that once Sync comes out of "alpha" and "beta" that a better "feature request" system, where users can "vote" for features, will be implemented by the team. Until such time, it's advisable to post feature requests in the relevant dedicated "wishlist" threads, which are: General "Wishlist" Mobile "Wishlist" API "Wishlist"
  20. ...or add them to the official "mobile wishlist" thread, started by the developers, which may be found here
  21. If all your devices are on the same network, you can disabled the tracker, relay, and DHT options to reduce the amount of network traffic. Also, disabling the "Search LAN" option, and enabling the "rate_limit_local_peers" setting will significantly reduce the amount of network traffic
  22. I'm not quite sure how this relates in anyway to this particular thread?!! Please post your questions in a relevant thread, or if no relevant thread already exists in the forum, feel free to create a new one. Your post here bears no relevance to the subject matter of this particular thread, which had - until your post - been dormant for almost a month!
  23. Files are monitored in real-time. In addition, as a "fallback", folders are additionally re-scanned every 10 minutes (this interval is configurable) At present it's not possible to "schedule" scans directly with BitTorrent Sync. I suppose the workaround would be to create scheduled tasks that would run BTSync.exe at specific times/kill it at others. There are no limits imposed by BitTorrent Sync on the number of files you can sync. In relation to running multiple instances, one of the developers has previously commented "If you configure different ports I think it should. But I haven't tried this combination."
  24. It's a per-folder setting, which for devices with a "sync.conf" file it appears in the config file as "search_lan", whereas via the GUI it's simply a tick box that can be found via [select folder] -> [right-click folder] -> Show folder preferences -> Search LAN
  25. Have you tried disabling the "Search LAN" option, as this might explain all the pings!?