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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Debug logs on Windows may be found in your %AppData%\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync folder and not in the actual application folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\BitTorrent Sync),
  2. According to the developers, a "137 error: <NULL> meta: 1" message is "just a status message" and doesn't indicate an actual error - please see the Unofficial FAQ
  3. The BitTorrent Sync team are currently working on reducing the amount of memory consumption that Sync uses, and there should hopefully be some noticeable improvements for the next update! Personally, I'd prefer they focus on optimizing Memory/CPU load, rather than make a 64-bit edition simply in order to "allow" BitTorrent Sync to eat up to 4GB memory! - No file synchronization app should need that amount of memory!! surely the with the team working on actually substantially reducing memory consumption, that's a better use of their time!? P.S. BitTorrent Sync isn't yet in "beta", it's still in "alpha"!
  4. There are no official, scheduled release dates for updates at present, given that BitTorrent Sync is still in a "alpha" phase. However, if previous releases are anything to go by (there have already been 5 updates this month alone!), I'd say it's likely that there will be another update within the next couple of weeks!
  5. Are you sure they weren't deleted on another device you're syncing with?! When a file is deleted on a particular device, the corresponding file on all other devices it syncs with is moved to its respective .SyncTrash folder!
  6. Please see this thread - "This is just a log record. This is nothing wrong with the Sync. Some leftover from BitTorrent p2p client". This doesn't prevent you from syncing with the computer it is "banning" On the Shared Folders tab right click a folder and select "Show Folder Preferences". Then in the resulting dialog, use the "predefined hosts" options at the bottom to list your known hosts
  7. BitTorrent Sync "will work tomorrow exactly like it works today, no matter what we will do". Please see the unofficial FAQ entry, "Will BitTorrent Sync remain free, or will they start charging for it once it comes out of alpha?"
  8. My guess is that there already is an undocumented silent switch, as I suspect this is how the auto-update system currently works. I don't know what the actual switch is mind you, as it's not something that's been mentioned as yet by the BitTorrent Sync team
  9. There's been a discussion on previously on delta sync here, with some responses from the BitTorrent Sync team, which may be of interest
  10. It's not currently possible to use your own tracker - the nearest alternative is to make use of the "pre-defined hosts" options in BitTorrent Sync to list all the devices that BitTorrent Sync should connect to
  11. mimmo3, please avoid cross posting! You've posted the exact same post here and here as well as in this thread!
  12. mimmo3, please avoid cross posting! You've posted the exact same post here and here as well as in this thread now!
  13. Please see this thread for more on the issue of preserving file ownership, including responses from the BitTorrent Sync team
  14. Hmmm... well, you don't say which operating system you're on, but if it's Windows, you can simply backup your "%AppData%/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync" folder. If you then have to re-install your OS for whatever reason, you can do a fresh install of BitTorrent Sync, then copy back your previous backed-up "%AppData%/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync" folder, start BitTorrent Sync, and all the folders you were syncing should be right back there in Sync! (The above assumes that the folders themselves that you were previously syncing are still present and in tact - as a fail safe, you could also backup the individual .SyncID files in each folder you're syncing, and restore these as necessary)
  15. There is no official Android client at this time - Please see this thread An official Android client, however, is in the works - Please see this thread
  16. On the point of memory usage, please see the unofficial FAQ entry "Why is BitTorrent Sync's CPU/Memory usage high?" ...this in itself, however, doesn't explain your "freeze" (assuming your computer has enough free memory?) Therefore, you might want to follow the steps here for reporting your issue
  17. Didn't you want to specifically exclude files that STARTED with a "~"? "~*" would theoretically only filter files CONTAINING a "~", (rather than only filtering just those files actually starting with a "~") i.e. it would match both the following examples: ~somefile.dat some~file.dat
  18. I don't believe at present you can do "beginning with" matches in .SyncIgnore - it would be great if you could do full REGEX matches in .SyncIgnore, but at present, only the "?" and "*" wildcards are available (in REGEX syntax, matching files that start with a "~" would simply be "^~" (no quotes))
  19. Correct! (although when you add a new folder to BitTorrent Sync, a .SyncIgnore file should be automatically created in the folder you've just added) Add the lines: folder1 folder5 This has been suggested a number of times (for instance, here) - a sort of ".SyncInclude" alternative/addition to ".SyncIgnore" to include, rather than exclude files/folders - unfortunately, at present time, such a feature isn't available, but do suggest it in the wishlist thread!
  20. Is it just coincidence that the 5 files you highlight all contain accented characters in their paths/file names? ...are other files with accented characters in their paths/file names syncing ok?
  21. Yes, this is a known issue - if you have disabled "Delete files to Sync trash", .SyncTrash folders will still be present/created - however, no further files should be added to them though (i.e. subsequent files will be deleted directly rather than moved to .SyncTrash)
  22. Ok, have a look in your "%AppData%/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync" folder - are there any files there? If so, with BitTorrent Sync not running, you could try restoring good "settings.dat" and "sync.dat" files, by renaming the "settings.dat.old" file to "settings.dat" and "sync.dat.old" to "sync.dat"... and then restarting BitTorrent Sync. This way, if either of these files became corrupt during upgrade, restoring the ".old" files in their place may solve the issue?
  23. Hmmm.. strange! What OS are you on?
  24. What version were you running prior to update? If it was a very old version, or indeed, if it was SyncApp - this will be the reason your folders have vanished from BitTorrent Sync, as changes were made to the way files were indexed a while back. You will need to re-add your folders again to BitTorrent Sync
  25. Yes! ...and if that's not working, it's likely to be a firewall issue (most likely at your work end). This post may be of use in helping you resolve firewall issues.