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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Hmm... not to my knowledge! ...unless there's something in the CLI (command line interface)? - The CLI is primarily for controlling/managing BitTorrent Sync, rather than reporting on current transfer status - but you could try running BitTorrent Sync with the --help argument anyhow to see a list of available commands, and see if there's anything there that may be of use!?
  2. Ok, well the developers have acknowledged various issues relating to high CPU/Memory usage across all platforms, and apparently "you should expect significant drop in memory and CPU usage for the next version" (Source)
  3. Hang on... you've seen BitTorrent Sync use 5.3GB of memory!???
  4. Yes, .SyncTrash folders may be safely deleted - they will, however, be automatically re-created if you have the "Delete files to Sync trash" option selected. Unticking this option will prevent .SyncTrash folders being created, but it will mean that BitTorrent Sync won't preserve removed files, and will simply delete them instead of moving them to .SyncTrash
  5. Yes, Automatic updating has not yet been fully implemented - you will have to manually update to the latest versions if they are not being delivered through the update system at this time
  6. There are currently high memory and CPU usage issues on all platforms - improvements should be coming in the next update - please see the unofficial FAQ entry "Why is BitTorrent Sync's CPU/Memory usage high?" for more info
  7. Please see the unofficial FAQ entry "Why is BitTorrent Sync's CPU/Memory usage high?" ...Memory & CPU optimizations are scheduled for the next update
  8. Duplicate post - please avoid posting the same question in multiple threads
  9. Duplicate post - please avoid posting the same question in multiple threads
  10. Not at present! ...the closest alternative would be to make use of the "predefined hosts" settings to manually define peers
  11. Nice tip, Kunal - this has now been referenced in the Unofficial FAQ As a further improvement, a Scheduled Task could be additionally setup to execute the batch file at recurring intervals, as a way of automating the emptying of trash
  12. The auto-update function isn't fully working yet - you will therefore need to manually update if you want the latest version, 1.0.134
  13. This is because the name of the program changed - In version 1.0.99 it was known as "SyncApp", in later versions, such as the current 1.0.134 it is known by the new name "BitTorrent Sync" This is the reason why you can currently have both programs installed! Two versions of SyncApp can't be installed at the same time, neither can two versions of BitTorrent Sync, but it is possible to have an obsolete version of SyncApp and a current version BitTorrent Sync installed and running at the same time. You should now uninstall SyncApp, leaving just BitTorrent Sync, otherwise, you're gonna run into some big problems!
  14. High CPU/Memory usage is a known issue, but optimizations are on their way - please see this thread
  15. Ermm.. I think you have the wrong forum, Yvonne! fact, you have wrong product! This forum is for discussion of BitTorrent Sync by BitTorrent Inc. BitTorrent Inc are not responsible for the "AeroFS" product. Incidentally, seeing as you've posted here, BitTorrent Sync is not a cloud storage solution, rather it's a way of synchronizing files between computers via secure, distributed technology, and therefore is capable of transferring data up to the speed of your internet connection! if you have several devices in sync, data chunks can be downloaded from multiple devices at once, further decreasing the overall time needed to transfer files. BitTorrent Sync also have a number of other advantage over AeroFS in that it allows you to sync ANY folder on your computer (AeroFS limits you to a single, central folder), plus BitTorrent Sync doesn't require Java be installed in order to run! I'd invite you to check out BitTorrent Sync, as it's far superior to AeroFS!
  16. Please see this thread - according to the developers, the "137 error" message is "just a status message - it does not mean any error"
  17. Remove the folder from BitTorrent Sync, and then re-add it again - this should generate a new .SyncID
  18. No, going off your original screenshot, it'll be the .SyncID's on the two folders on your network share that are missing/corrupt
  19. Yes, in order to "backup" (or rather "sync") a computer's internal drive to an externally connected drive, that external drive would need to be a supported NAS drive, also running a copy of BitTorrent Sync as well as the computer itself
  20. Well, this setting only affects the performance of BitTorrent Sync on the physical device it's running on. So, if you believe the issue is with your server, I'd suggest change the setting on BitTorrent Sync running on this device first to see if this helps. If there's little/no improvement , you could then also try changing the same setting on BitTorrent Sync running on your other devices - it may be a case of trial and error if you're not sure which device is actually affecting the speed of data transfer
  21. If you mean is there a WebUI for Windows like there is under Linux? - there's isn't! Please see the Unofficial FAQ
  22. Try changing the advanced setting "disk_low_priority" to false (You'll find this setting via the "Advanced" button on the Preferences tab), as it's likely that BitTorrent Sync is conceding resources to other server processes, which may be why you're seeing a decrease in sync performance at recurring intervals. Setting "disk_low_priority" to false should give BitTorrent Sync a higher priority on your server. Note: You'll need to restart BitTorrent Sync for changes to advanced settings to take affect
  23. It's actually technically still only an "alpha" - it's not even reached "beta" yet! (mind you, for an "alpha", you've gotta admit, it's pretty stable!) No specific release dates/roadmap for a beta or a "final" release have been made public as yet - but that said, development has been moving at quite a pace! ...when you consider that the very first initial "private" alphas of BitTorrent Sync (then known as "SyncApp") were available at the start of the year, with a public alpha being made available to general users last month - even in those 4 short months, BitTorrent Sync has come a long way! Given this progress, if I had to estimate - and I stress, this is only an estimate, I would think that the transition from "alpha" to "beta" might happen this Summer, with perhaps a graduation from beta in Q4 this year?
  24. 1.0.134 hasn't yet been publicly announced/released - when - or rather, if - it is, I'm sure release notes will follow. At time of writing the latest official release is 1.0.132, and therefore general users should not be encouraged to use a later build until its availability has been officially announced/the build has been officially linked to. UPDATE: 1.0.34 has now been officially announced!
  25. Thanks for your efforts, tuxpoldo! - this topic is now also linked from the Unofficial FAQ