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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. If your Windows 7 machine can already connect to the internet, no additional services should need to be enabled/started in order to use BitTorrent Sync
  2. As well as the .SyncIgnore list being the same at both ends, did you shut down both BitTorrent Sync clients before making your .SyncIgnore changes? Sync may not reload .SyncIgnore data until you restart. In addition, according to the Official FAQ, .SyncIgnore "will not work with the files that have already been synced" I agree with you, though, it will be great if/when a more "user-friendly" way to "selectively sync" comes to BitTorrent Sync!
  3. Please see "When a file changes, does BitTorrent transfer the entire file again, or just the part that's changed?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  4. You would need to exclude your %AppData%/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync folder from the sync in order to prevent the race condition you're experiencing. You can use .SyncIgnore to do this If you're an advanced Windows user familiar with "Directory Junctions", you may also be interested in this thread ...although I'd only recommend that if you've come across symlinks or directory junctions before, and know exactly how they work and what you're doing!
  5. First off, the auto-update isn't fully up and running yet anyway (i.e. if you're on 1.0.116, it doesn't yet alert you that there's an update available) What version were you running prior to upgrading? Manually updating shouldn't override any previous configuration/settings... unless you were updating from a very early build of SyncApp/BitTorrent Sync and/or installing to a different location than previous, in which case this may be the reason your settings/configuration was lost... but generally speaking, "manually" updating from one version to the next should retain all your previous settings
  6. Please see the Unofficial FAQ - an API is planned, however, at this time, there is no ETA on its availability. Remember, BitTorrent Sync is currently in "alpha" - the current focus therefore is on making it stable/eliminating bugs. More features I'm sure will be added in due course once it leaves "alpha"/"beta" stages.
  7. Well, you can already set BitTorrent Sync to "only communicate with known hosts" by using the "Pre-defined hosts" settings, and unticking Tracker, Relay, and Search options....but even if you specify "pre-defined" hosts, those hosts will still all communicate with each other! BitTorrent Sync isn't a "cloud storage" solution - it's primarily a "file synchronization" tool. At this time, there have been no indications from the developers that this core nature of BitTorrent Sync is likely to change.
  8. What you're trying to achieve isn't currently possible - remember, BitTorrent Sync "automatically syncs files between computers via secure, distributed technology." Therefore, if you have a number of devices all sharing the same "secret", these devices will all communicate with each other - you can't "pick and choose" which devices within a sync connect to which other devices - this would defeat the point of it being "distributed". Now, you could have a "central"/"master" server with a "read only" secret which would allow content on that device to disseminate to all other devices, and those devices won't transfer anything back to the "central server" - but even then all the other devices would still communicate with each other and transfer content between them! in essence, no, it's not currently possible to achieve what you're after with BitTorrent Sync
  9. This error can be produced if you've upgraded from a very early version of SyncApp/BitTorrent Sync to a more recent version. Just reset ownership, and they will be added back to BitTorrent Sync.
  10. Well, it's certainly worth a try! If you remove the folders from BitTorrent Sync on both devices, and then re-add them, they should re-index
  11. BitTorrent Sync doesn't currently natively install as a Windows service (although this functionality is planned!). For the time being, as Nairou has suggested, there are some work-arounds available that will allow you to run BTSync.exe as a service, so that it will continue to run even if you're logged off
  12. might be if you modified the .SyncIgnore files during a sync/index operation (.SyncIgnore files should be modified when BitTorrent Sync isn't running) If you remove the folders from BitTorrent Sync and then re-add them, this may resolve your issue. Also, the latest version of BitTorrent Sync is actually 1.0.132 it'd also be worth updating to see if this helps resolve your issue
  13. Hmm... seems to be having a problem with the same 4 image files each time (DSCF0059.JPG, DSCF0058.JPG, DSCF0057.JPG, DSCF0054.JPG) - are these files currently open in any other applications?
  14. Very large files are only transferred one at a time, however, multiple small files should upload concurrently
  15. Are you using .SyncIgnore by any chance to exclude certain objects for syncing?
  16. It's likely to be due, in part at least, to the size of the files - small files (<4MB) will tend to transfer slower than larger files (>4MB)... so if you've got several thousand tiny text files, BitTorrent Sync will be less efficient at transferring these compared to 8MB photos
  17. If you backup the entire contents of the folder %AppData%/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync, you can then install BitTorrent Sync on your re-installed OS, and then simply copy your backed-up %AppData%/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync folder across to the corresponding location on your new OS, and you'll then be able to carry on with BitTorrent Sync right from where you left off! So, in essence: 1) Copy the folder %AppData%/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync to a USB Drive, or other external storage device 2) Re-installed your OS 3) Install BitTorrent Sync 4) Close down BitTorrent Sync (if running) 5) Copy across your backed-up data to %AppData%/Roaming/BitTorrent Sync (overwriting the data already there) 6) Start BitTorrent Sync
  18. Although, when spoken this could sound like "Bits Inc."... and the last thing BitTorrent Inc. would want is Bits Inc. to sue(!)
  19. The .SyncIgnore files need to be identical on both ends i.e. .SyncIgnore on A and on B would need to have "Pictures/*"
  20. There are also dedicated Debian builds of BitTorrent Sync already available
  21. There is no "WebUI" for Windows - but the same can be achieve from the native Windows app interface.
  22. According to this post, "Previous build could save incorrect information in cache. Re-adding folder will rebuild cache", have you tried removing the folders from BitTorrent Sync, and then re-adding them again?
  23. Yes, there is a delay - 1.0.130 isn't yet available via auto-update - please see this post.
  24. I'm assuming that both folders have "full access" secrets? If so, please can you update to BitTorrent Sync 1.0.130 and see if this resolves your issue?
  25. krtaylor / linux only :- have you updated to the latest version, 1.0.130? If not, please update and see if this resolves your issues