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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Have you tried adding the IP addresses to the "pre-defined hosts" list? Also, untick the relay and tracker settings - this will force BitTorrent Sync to try to establish a direct connection between the devices (wherepossible)
  2. They can't without specifying the WAN IPs! - you would need to specify these in the pre-defined hosts list, and then ensure that at the WAN IP end that the port you're using for BitTorrent Sync is open/forwarded to the relevant device behind that IP. The alternative would be to run a VPN client, such as Hamachi or NeoRouter, etc to allow all your devices in various locations to all appear as essentially on the same "LAN"
  3. Yeah, fair point - perhaps I should have said it's "not currently natively possible..." Hardlinks/directory junctions are all well and good if you know exactly what you're doing, but they're not something I'd particularly recommend for the "average" user, as they can be difficult to keep tabs on
  4. There are no MIPS based builds of BitTorrent Sync at this time. Please search the forum for "MIPS" - there's a number of posts on the subject, including this one and this one.
  5. Yes, BitTorrent Sync is only able to sync devices when they are awake/online. Glad you're up and running though now!
  6. Yes, it was very obvious (but perhaps not to everyone) - either way, the original post in question has been swiftly removed from the forums
  7. At present, you can't specify your own tracker(s) for BitTorrent Sync. You can, however, add a list of your own pre-defined "hosts" which BitTorrent Sync should connect to when syncing (this setting may be found in BitTorrent Sync via Shared Folders -> Show Folder Preferences -> General on Windows)
  8. Sync uses AES encryption for secrets. Please search the forum, there's very active thread on security here which may be of interested
  9. Hi All, At least one website has recently popped up on the web (which won't be named) that advertises itself as a BitTorrent "secret shortening service", allowing you to supposedly enter your BitTorrent Sync "secret" and have it converted it into a shorter "link" you can then share with your friends. Just as you wouldn't enter the pin number to your back account, or give away your email account's password, etc, on random web sites, you should NEVER enter your BitTorrent Sync secrets on any such site claiming to offer a "secret shortening" service! I'm sure I'm no doubt preaching to the converted here, but "secrets" are "secret" for a reason, so do be weary of any site encouraging you to part with your BitTorrent Sync secrets, whatever the reason!
  10. Whilst not a Photoshop user myself, some graphics applications tend to keep the file you're working on (or a temporary "working" file copy in the same folder) "open" whilst editing, and changes are written directly to the file as they happen. If Photoshop is creating such "temporary" or "working" copies of files in the same folder, it would be worth excluding these from syncing (through the use of .SyncIgnore), so that the folder contents only changes when you physically "save" your file... this may then solve your problem!?
  11. There's a dedicated "Wishlist" thread available here
  12. Is it possible that the person who provided you with the key; Hasn't put any content in the folder they're sharing yet? They've removed the folder from BitTorrent Sync and are no longer sharing it? They've changed the folder's secret and are therefore no longer sharing that folder with you? Check the "Devices" tab - are you connected to any other devices?
  13. Yes, the cause of this is almost certainly the frequency at which your file is changing (i.e. it's changing faster than BitTorrent Sync can re-hash it). Once the "burst" of frequent changes subsides, BitTorrent Sync should then be able to re-hash it, but from what you describe, due to a high rate of failed hash attempts whilst the file has been changing, BitTorrent Sync (or rather the relay/tracker server) is "banning" your IP for what it see as "abuse" I know there have been plenty of requests in the wishlist thread for some form of "scheduled sync" to allow you to specify when/how often files should sync, which should be a suitable solution in your case if/when this is implemented In the meantime, if you're only syncing files across local computers on your LAN, you could consider disable the relay/tracker options - this would at least prevent your IP from being "banned" from the BitTorrent Sync servers!
  14. It's a good question! I suspect the "1 million" limit applies to "objects" (i.e. combined files and folders) rather than just "files" A FAT32 volume can hold a maximum total of 4,177,920 objects, limited to 65,534 objects per directory An NTFS volume can hold a maximum total of 4,294,967,295 objects, regardless of which directory they're in ...either way these numbers are way in excess of the current 1 million "object" limit in BitTorrent Sync No, it's not currently possible to have two syncs setup on a single folder at any one time
  15. I doubt anyone's published a paper on it yet - BitTorrent Sync is still in "alpha" and only became available to general users 9 days ago(!) The only real information available on "how it works", etc at the present time is on the BitTorrent Sync Website, see although there have been a further few "snippets" of information on exactly how it works, and the technology behind it, appearing here on the forums from the developers over the last week or so in response to questions/concerns... so do have a search of this forum too!
  16. Yes, that is the purpose of the Relay Server option in BitTorrent Sync to act as a "middle man" allowing your devices that cannot connect directly to instead connect via the relay server
  17. There are plenty of topics on issues with read-only syncs here on the forums (just do a search for them) But essentially, you should ensure both devices are fully in sync first, before making one of them "read-only". If you have two locations that are out of sync, one of which is read-only, then at present the only way to "force a full re-sync" so they are both identical again is to remove the read-only folder from BitTorrent Sync and re-add it with a "full access" secret
  18. I'm still unclear exactly what it is you're asking!? I also run Hamachi to essentially put all my computers on the same "LAN" - this allows BitTorrent Sync to "directly" connect to each. However, even with Hamachi disabled, BitTorrent Sync will still connect to my other devices via the BitTorrent relay server (instead of directly)
  19. xhystos, are you sure you're specifying an actual folder to sync on your second device, and not just inputting a "secret"? If you don't specify which folder to sync on ALL devices you wish to sync it with, you will see this error.
  20. This is a good suggestion, and one that has been mentioned previously too
  21. This is correct behavior. This is why you should make changes to .SyncIgnore when BitTorrent Sync ISN'T running, and also ensure that the corresponding .SyncIgnore files on your other devices are identical before restarting BitTorrent Sync on all your devices It's more a case of making sure you restart BitTorrent Sync after making any changes to SyncIgnore There's more information on how the steps to correctly modify .SyncIgnore files in this post
  22. There is already a tracker for BitTorrent Sync (See "Use Tracker server" option in each shared folder's preferences)
  23. "\folder1\sf1" for example won't ignore everything in "folder1"... it will only ignore files/folders within the "sf1" sub directory of "folder1". Any other files/folders within "folder1" itself won't be ignored (excluded) from the sync. To exclude the entire contents of "folder1" (including all its sub directories), consider using the "*" wildcard. There are some .SyncIgnore examples, including how to use wildcards, in the unofficial FAQ Don't forget as well that your .SyncIgnore files need to be identical at all the locations you're syncing your "projects" folder to.
  24. Personally I prefer the previously private alpha name of "SyncApp" over that of "BitTorrent Sync"!