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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Yes, once you've uninstalled SyncApp, you can safely remove the obsolete contents of %AppData%\Roaming\SyncApp There will still be a "metacache" folder in your "%AppData%\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync" folder - this is currently required for BitTorrent Sync and shouldn't be deleted. The developers are aware of the issues with the vast number of files created within this "metacache" folder, and the impact this has on overall performance - we should see some improvements in this regard in future updates!
  2. I think you can only do this if updating from 1.0.99 (or later) to 1.0.134, due to fundamental changes that were made to SyncApp between .95 and .99... but I may be wrong!? Anyhow, you can try following: 1) Stop SyncApp 1.0.95 2) Install BitTorrent Sync 1.0.134 3) With BitTorrent Sync not running, copy the contents of "%AppData%\Roaming\SyncApp" to "%AppData%\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync" 4) Start BitTorrent Sync ...if all goes well, all your previously syncing folders should then be present in BitTorrent Sync... but again, I stress, that this only works with the later builds of SyncApp (before its name changed to BitTorrent Sync) - the above may not work for as old a version as 1.0.95 ...oh, and then: 5) Remember to uninstall SyncApp!
  3. Were these .xls files open/being editied in Excel at the time by any chance?
  4. If you're experiencing a case of newer files being overwritten by older files, there are a few things to check; Firstly, check that the system clock on each device you're syncing is correct Secondly, with BitTorrent Sync not running on any of your devices, check your folders for the presence of any .!Sync files (i.e. partially synced files), and delete all of these files, then restart BitTorrent Sync and see if that resolves your issue!
  5. No, a .SyncID file must be within each folder you're syncing - you can't move these files to a location outside of the folder(s) you're syncing. BTW, there's another thread on BitTorrent Sync/Dropbox here.
  6. The window title bar in the screenshots would seem to suggest this!
  7. Yep, good idea! There is a dedicated "Wishlist" thread for such suggestions though!
  8. Hmmm... ok, let's have a look at some other available "tools that transmit large amounts of one's data over the internet"... Microsoft SkyDrive = Not open source!! Google GDrive = Not open source!! DropBox = Not open source!! LogMeIn Cubby = Not open source!! AeroFS = Not open source!! what makes the fact that BitTorrent Sync also isn't open-source, any different to any of the above?! I really can't understand, if people are fine with & accept the above products as being closed-source, why they feel that BitTorrent Sync should be open-source?!
  9. Apart from the blatant advertising in your post (including referral links that directly benefit you), the latest version of BitTorrent Sync is currently 1.0.134 ...have you tried that?
  10. Yes, they are created automatically, but they are hidden by default (along with a ".SyncID" file and a ."SyncTrash" folder). All 3 are created within in each folder you're syncing, but if you don't see them, it'll be because your Windows OS is currently set to "hide" hidden/system files
  11. The "137 error: <NULL> meta: 1" message itself isn't anything to worry about - please see the unofficial FAQ I wonder if the "?" issue is perhaps related to .SyncIgnore, as "?" is a "wildcard" character (as is "*"), so an actual physical "?" character may be tripping up BitTorrent Sync? ...have you made any modifications to your .SyncIgnore file, or are you using the default one that's created by BitTorrent Sync?
  12. Please see the unofficial FAQ entries, "Is BitTorrent Sync open-source?", and "Will BitTorrent Sync remain free, or will they start charging for it once it comes out of alpha?"
  13. Well, I think it basically comes down to what the core essence of BitTorrent Sync is - it's first and foremost a file synchronization tool designed to "automatically sync files between computers via secure, distributed technology"'s purpose isn't primarily as a backup solution from one drive to another! (there are plenty of other backup solutions available dedicated to that purpose) That said, you can use BitTorrent Sync to sync with an external hard drive, provided that your "external hard drive" is a supported NAS drive, and you also install BitTorrent Sync on the NAS as well as your computer
  14. Don't get confused between the amount of data being transferred and the speed that the data is being transferred. The "status" column of the Devices tab indicates the amount of date to be transferred/received, along with the corresponding up/down arrow Ok, I've done a bit more digging - are both your devices running the same version of Windows? If not, this will likely be the reason why one shows "U: 1.2GB, D: 3.2GB" and the other shows "↑ 3.2GB, ↓ 1.2GB". For instance, on Windows 7 and Server 2008, I see ↑/↓ arrows, whereas on Server 2003, I see U:/D: instead. It's therefore safe to assume that the "up arrow" is the same as "U:" and the "down arrow" is the same as "D:" (i.e. earlier Windows OS versions are perhaps unable to display the graphical arrows, and so they are instead substituted with corresponding U/D letters)
  15. An "up" arrow (↑) denotes the amount of data being sent from BitTorrent Sync to the device listed in the Devices tab A "down" arrow (↓) denotes the amount of data being received by BitTorrent Sync from the device listed in the Devices tab Not entirely sure about "U" and "D" - are you seeing these as well as up/down arrows? I have seen U: and D: in earlier builds, but assumed these had simply been replaced with up/down arrow icons?
  16. If you have a search around the forum for "security" or "encryption", there's already quite a bit of information on the security/encryption that BitTorrent Sync uses. This thread for example may be of interest
  17. Please refer to the other related threads on this topic, including this thread, this thread and this thread - your questions/concerns are covered in a number of previous threads, with comments/responses from the developers themselves
  18. This reflects the fact that at present, BitTorrent Sync is only in "alpha" phase - it's not even in "beta" yet. As with any "alpha" software, yes, things are likely to change/evolve before a beta or "release" version!
  19. There are already a number of topics on this specific question in this forum - try searching for "security", and in addition to the thread that Lighting has highlighted, the topic has also be extensively discussed here
  20. There are known issues with BitTorrent Sync handling more than 100,000 files, which the developers are aware of, and are working on improving for the next update - please see this post The same is true of BitTorrent Sync's current high CPU/Memory usage - please see the unofficial FAQ for more information
  21. I agree, it would be useful to see more than just the device name - especially as it's possible to have multiple devices all with the same name - which then makes it near impossible to distinguish between devices in "Devices" tab of the Windows client!! This has been previously raised with the developers, so hopefully we'll see some changes/improvements to the "Devices" tab in future updates! To only establish "local" connections, you will need to disable relay, tracker, and DHT options in each Folder Preferences dialog (Shared Folders -> right-click folder -> Show folder preferences)
  22. High CPU/Memory usage is currently a known issue across all platforms. The developers have said there will be improvements in subsequent updates - please see the unofficial FAQ
  23. I believe it's related to running BitTorrent Sync on some Synology devices, and their inability to update to glibc 2.4 - therefore, BitTorrent Sync builds using glibc 2.3 were made available for such instances. Please see this thread The "glibc23" builds should be used if your device isn't able to run glibc 2.4
  24. Well, from your screenshot, the highlighted folder appears to have been last modified on 23rd May at 03:20. BitTorrent Sync 1.0.134 was available from 15th May (via manual download/update), but was only really rolled out via auto update last week.... so it would be interesting to know when you updated to 1.0.134, and whether that was before/after May 23?
  25. Deco, please ensure that you are using at least version 1.0.130 (latest version is 1.0.134). This issue you refer to sounds the same as this one, which was resolved for 1.0.130 on 7th May