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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Yes, eventually - but if you want it sooner, use the link in the first post of this thread
  2. Please read the Unofficial FAQ - this error is explained there
  3. Information on how to report bugs may be found in the pinned topic "If you have SyncApp issue" ...however, are you running the same version of Sync on ALL of your devices? If not, may well be the cause of your issue, as not all versions of Sync are compatible!
  4. The "best way" is to wait until the ability to install/run Sync as a Windows Service is natively implemented by the developers - it is coming! Sync won't allow you to run multiple instances - if Sync is running, and you attempt to start a second copy, you'll get the error "It seems like BitTorrent Sync is already running, but not responding. Please close all BitTorrent Sync processes and try again"
  5. Indeed. The only cravat with omitting the /* is that if you happen to also have a file in the parent directory with the same name as the sub folder you wish to exclude, BOTH would be excluded from Sync
  6. 1. Yes 2. No 1. No, you need to add these rules to the .SyncIgnore of the parent folder you're syncing in order to exclude a sub-folder from the sync
  7. In short, no - It's not unusual for an initial index to take several hours to complete if it's indexing a large number (or size) of files, you're running Sync on a lower-end device. At least once the initial indexing process is complete, Sync shouldn't have to re-index the entire folder again!
  8. You could try renaming the file to remove the ".!sync" extension, however, the very presence of this extension indicates that the file was being transferred (written to), and didn't complete.. so as I say, try removing the ".!sync" extension, and you may be able to open your file (if it isn't incomplete/corrupt)
  9. ...or you can just get the latest direct download link for Android sync from the Unofficial FAQ!!!
  10. Yes - but make sure they match on all your other devices as well!
  11. Ok, well in that case, have you got Thunderbird running whilst this file is trying to sync? If so, does closing Thunderbird allow this file to complete its sync?
  12. The latest Android build is always directly linked to from the Unofficial FAQ
  13. Well, according to your log, this issue with your thunderbird.eml file looks like it could be related to the length of file name (or more specifically, the total combination of the length of its absolute path + filename)? Is the "thunderbird.eml" file nested really deep?
  14. Looks like the files in question are temporary Office files i.e. opening the file "H113252013002510.docx" in Word is creating an additional "~$H113252013002510.docx" file in the same folder (which will be removed once you close the main file in Word). This is normal behavior for Office, but you should consider excluding these temporary files from Sync by adding "~$" to your .SyncIgnore files
  15. No, this shouldn't be an issue... but when considering rolling it out to your "customers", do remember that Sync is currently only in an "alpha" phase.
  16. According to the developers a little earlier today in relation to the issue of power-consumption: "We should improve it next build ... We plan to release new build later today. Please also keep in mind, that it might be not a Sync issue, there is a known issue with Android Media server, if there will be new media files on the phone and it contains some tags that can't be parsed by Media Server it will endlessly try to read the file and exhaust the battery."
  17. Are all your other devices also running 1.1.27? (incidentally, 1.1.30 is now available)
  18. Agreed - but do bear in mind that Sync is currently in "alpha", and "versioning" has only just been introduced! - I've no doubt versioning will improve and will become more "user friendly" in time, but at present, given the current "alpha" nature of Sync, versioning's not really geared towards "non-tech savy employees" right now!
  19. Please search the forum for "nested" shares. If you wish to sync sub folders separately to different devices, you need to remove the sync from the parent folder, and instead setup individual syncs for each sub folder contained within. As I say, please search for "nested" in this forum, as this has been discussed loads!
  20. Whilst you can limit speed, you can't currently define/restrict the number of connections. However, assuming your computers are on the same LAN and can find each other, if you disable "LAN Search", DHT, Relay and Tracker options,this will significantly reduce the amount of connections that Sync will make.
  21. You can view the VirusTotal analysis for BTSync-1.1.27.exe here
  22. The purpose of .SyncTemp files is explained in this post They are safe to delete if you believe the file they relate to has subsequently successfully transferred
  23. Well, even if it is - feel free to add it again if you think it's an important feature
  24. Yes, because the size of debug logs can quickly become MASSIVE!!! you should have debug logging enabled only when necessary to troubleshoot an issue, or to generate logs to send to the dev team for analysis. The rest of the time debug logging should be disabled.