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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. No, once your friend has entered the one-time secret, they will continue to have access to that folder until such time as you remove the folder from Sync or change its Secret The easiest solution is to just change the folder's Secret once it has been sync'd, thus terminating your friend's connection
  2. It's just different development cycles as the two versions of developed by different sub-teams. The difficulty is that if a bug is found in say the Android version, but doesn't affect the desktop version, obviously the android version would be "bumped" up, but the desktop version wouldn't (it would be more work to push new builds for every platform if say just the android build changed!). The alternative would be to wait and not release builds as quickly just in order to keep version numbers the same across platforms. In an ideal world though, yes, all the version numbers would be the same! (btw, latest Android version is 1.1.23)
  3. Yeah, except the OP wishes to sync with his Nexus 1 ANDROID device - Truecrypt isn't, to my knowledge, available for Android!
  4. Sync won't "password protect" your files for you, you would need to use other methods/software to achieve this, which would depend upon the actual files you're syncing - for example, let's say you're syncing Excel workbooks - these can be password protected natively from within Excel itself. Alternatively, you could also look at compressed formats such as .zip and .rar, which allow you to password protect files... but of course, you'd need to find a solution that'll work across all your devices. Now, you don't specify the operating system of your Desktop or Laptop, but I'm going to assume they're running Windows, in which case, provided other users aren't Administrators, you could simply specify a folder to sync that's within your own "My Documents", as other users of the Desktop/Laptop wouldn't have access to this, so no need to password protect the files themselves - you could sync them to your Nexus without other Desktop users accessing your files. Either way, the bottom line is that BitTorrent Sync itself won't "password protect" your files.
  5. Provided that Computer 2 has a complete copy of the file from Computer 1 before 1 goes offline, Computer 3 will be able to download the file from 2. The changes will be downloaded from 2 to 3, and then when 1's back online, they will also propagate to that computer as well (assuming that either 2 and/or 3 are still online when 1 comes back online)
  6. If your devices are on the same lan, both ends
  7. Yes, disable the Relay, Tracker, and DHT options for that folder
  8. Have you tried pre-pending your UNC paths with "\\?\" - Please see this thread
  9. There's an easier way - save the Sync installer to a USB memory stick and run it from there. You will then see a "Portable Mode" option. Install using this option onto your memory stick. The end result is that all the files you need to run Sync are confined to your USB stick. You can then simply "copy" these files over to your other devices to essentially "silently install" Sync on those devices as well.
  10. Not at present, but I suspect this will probably be implemented as an advanced setting as some point. In the meantime, if your know the IPs of all your local devices, you could use the "pre-defined hosts" options, and disable "Search LAN", and you should see significantly less network traffic
  11. No, the 1 million file limit no longer applies. Please see "Is there a limit on the number/size of files I can sync?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  12. Well, the only way you can really achieve an "on demand" sync is to keep Sync "paused" (right click on the tray icon, and select "Pause Syncing") and then when you actually want to sync, right click and select "Resume Syncing"
  13. Yes, as you say, the link you reference is only for 1.1.21, and the link on that page will likely not be updated, as that page refers to the various builds available to coincide with the main Sync 1.1.42 release. I totally understand what you're saying, though, that you'd like some kind of static "BTsync-latest.apk" link that always downloads whichever is the latest build of Android Sync. Unfortunately, no such link exists at present, which is the point I was making in answer to your question.
  14. The Android .apk file under that link is for 1.1.21 The latest Android build is 1.1.23 (available in the Play store) There is no Android 1.1.42 build
  15. It sounds like it's still blocked! Sync does install and run just fine on WHS v1, but like you say, it is blocked by default. If when you run it nothing happens, but there is no error message, the file is still blocked. Right click it, select Properties, click "Unblock", and "Ok" - the file should then execute for you! There are a number of "workarounds" to achieve this until this functionality in natively included - please see the Unofficial FAQ
  16. Anyway, going back to the OP's question... Is the architecture of your Android device ARM or x86? If it's the latter, this will be why you are currently unable to install Sync on your Android device. x86 Android support is currently in development
  17. Not at present, you would need to continue using the Google Play Store to obtain the latest Sync build for Android
  18. The latest official .apk from BitTorrent Inc is for 1.1.23 and available in the Google Play Store here. If you've "found" a 1.1.42 apk posted online, it is almost certainly NOT an official BitTorrent Sync build, and so should be avoided!
  19. Ha! Well, if you want to make it that complicated(!) I was assuming you wanted to change a folder from a RW to a RO secret on the same device - this can be done without needing to go back to the "source device", as if a folder has a RW secret to begin with, you can copy its corresponding RO secret from the folder preferences dialog itself - no need to have to get the RO from another device! Yes, a re-index will always happen when you add a folder to Sync, even if it's been previously been indexed if it's been in Sync before. However, as long as the contents of the folder haven't changed, it won't have to transfer all your files/folders again!
  20. Sync references all times back to UTC when determining which files is newer/whether files have changed or not. The "sync_max_time_diff" setting is not to account for devices in other timezones, its to account for devices that have incorrect times regardless of whatever timezone they're in. For example, if it's 5 past a particular the hour in my timezone, and it's 5 past the corresponding hour in your timezone, yet your device's clock is incorrectly showing it as 25 minutes past the hour, Sync will fail (as the difference between 5 past the hour and 25 past the hour is greater than 600 seconds)
  21. Agreed. However, given that Sync has until this week only been in "alpha", the focus up to this point has been more on functionality than appearance, hence why the UI is perhaps a little sparse and perhaps not always as intuitive as it could be. I'm confident appearance/usability improvements will come in time.
  22. .SyncIgnore files are still there and do contain a set of default exclusion rules, so even if you've never edited them yourself, it's still worth checking that the files, filetypes & folders you're syncing aren't being excluded without your knowledge!