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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. The issue/difficulty here is that Sync is "cross-platform" - therefore, what may be considered a "read only flag" on Windows would not automatically directly translate into a "read only flag" on say Linux or Android, or Mac OS, etc
  2. You don't specify which operating system(s) your devices are running, but two thoughts immediately spring to mind 1) The system clock on one of your devices is incorrect - which is why Sync is trying to re-download previously in-sync files 2) It's a permissions issue - which is why Sync is reporting "cannot create file" when trying to overwrite an existing file
  3. The wishlist thread is certainly not a "black hole" - the developers are paying very close attention to every post in that thread and are taking note as to the popularity & recurrence of suggestions posted there!
  4. I think this is more to do with the limitations of the Mac environment - i.e. file changes are not reported to/detected by Sync as quickly as they are under a Windows/Linux environment for example. You could potentially lower the advanced "folder_rescan_interval" setting - which specifies how often Sync should also manually rescan your sync'd folders - to just a few seconds. Although if set that low, this may adversely affect overall system performance and lead to increased hard disc thrashing, etc. Personally, I don't think a delay of 10-15 seconds for file changes to be detected by Sync is all that unreasonable
  5. Also, try turning off the Relay and Tracker options - these can also contribute to the total traffic
  6. ...provided that the data you're moving stays within the folder structure you're syncing!
  7. Well, if you're that concerned about Relays/Trackers, may I suggest you setup/use a VPN to essentially make all your "remote" devices appear on the same LAN - that way you can disable the Relay/Tracker options within Sync and your devices will still be able to connect/communicate with each other.
  8. It's likely that the rates reported by Sync itself and by external applications will differ. For instance, upload/download rates shown in Sync relate to just that - upload/download rates, and NOT the total amount of traffic being sent/received. Remember, if you use the "Search LAN" or "DHT" options, for example, this will add more network traffic that won't be reflected in upload/download rates.
  9. You'd need to provide further information, specifically: 1) Your device make/model 2) Your Android version ...also, what other applications are running at the same time? i.e. if another application is currently accessing the camera, Sync won't be able to access it at the same time.
  10. If you remove a file from a folder you're syncing (either by deleting it, or moving it outside of the folder you're syncing), the file will be removed from (or moved to .SyncArchive) on all other nodes. This is normal, and expected behavior
  11. .SyncIgnore includes exclusion rules (one per file) for excluding certain files/folders from being synced, and may include wildcards. - Please see the Unofficial FAQ for examples There is presently no way to specify a separate set "inclusion" rules (Please search the forum for "syncinclude" for more discussion on this) There's a wealth of topics/examples on the format of .SyncIgnore - just search for this forum for "syncignore" - it's pretty extensively covered!
  12. Yes, this has been present in the Unofficial FAQ for a very long time! - it's always worth checking the FAQ, Unofficial FAQ and User Guide before posting in the forums as your question may well have already been answered!
  13. Yes, as follows: 1) Make a note of a folder's current secret 2) Remove the folder from Sync 3) Manually relocate the folder to its new location 4) Add the folder back to Sync using its previous secret
  14. Was the "backup host" always configured as a read-only? ...or was it initially full-access when first added, and then you changed it to a read-only secret afterwards? This would likely explain what you're seeing
  15. Well, you'd have to enable debug logging, and then parse this file - but be aware that this can generate very large files very quickly!
  16. This is somewhat off-topic as it isn't really a problem with Sync, rather an issue with your servers/connections.
  17. Hmmm... if I understand you correctly, what you're after is to have "Device A", for example, act as a "super node" or "private tracker" through which all other devices would be able to establish connections to each other. This is not how Sync currently works, as it is decentralized in nature. If you have 3 devices, A, B, and C, and you configure A in the manner you've described above, this will not automatically mean that B can communicate directly with C via A
  18. Please remember that Sync is still very much in "beta" - not every build is pushed via auto-update, or is available via the main download link. This is intentional. You can, however, always obtain the latest "beta" build here Auto-update will be fully enabled once Sync comes out of beta
  19. Yes - You can download it here
  20. Page 9 of the User Guide outlines how to use a Read Only secret and goes on to explain; "Read only secret ... is used for one-way synchronization. It means that any folder with a read-only secret will be fully synced, but changes made in it will not be reflected in the folders operated by a master secret."
  21. Sync still has to keep track of the contents of each folder that's being synced. Therefore, whether a folder has a full-access secret, or a read-only secret, Sync still regularly indexes the folder - in your case, every 30 minutes, as a fail-safe in case any real-time changes were not picked up. The solution is to increase the advanced "folder_rescan_interval" setting, this will allow your hard disk to sleep for longer
  22. Correct Correct (but if you're using SyncArchive, the file will still be present in the SyncArchive folder if deleted by another user) ...or you could consider using read-only secrets, or even changing a folder's secret/removing it from Sync once you've received all the expected files
  23. Yes, this is correct. As Sync is still in "beta", the latest builds will always be posted here in this thread several days/weeks before they become available via the main public download page and/or via auto-update. This is normal
  24. If the contents remain identical, Sync won't re-sync the entire folder. However, be aware that "moving" a folder to another location/drive will mean that you will need to re-add it back to Sync - Sync itself won't track the folder move. So, make sure you note down the secret of the folder in its current location, remove the folder from Sync, move the folder to your new location, add the folder back to Sync using the original secret. Sync will then re-index the folder, but won't transfer all the files again!