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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Please refer to the User Guide, the Official FAQ, and/or the Unofficial FAQ - how to use .SyncIgnore is covered extensively in all three.
  2. I see no reason why not! - Sync isn't limited to just specific filetypes! ...just remember that Sync will only sync files when they are not open/locked/in use by other applications. You can use .SyncIgnore to exclude certain files/folders from being synced. However, if your game "settings" file is in a higher directory than the one you're syncing, it won't be synced anyway!
  3. The issue is that currently Sync doesn't install and run as a Windows service, and therefore will only run when you're actually logged on to your computer/workstation (and when your computer/workstation is "locked"). If you physically "logoff", Sync will shut down, it doesn't keep running in the background!
  4. You're welcome - yes, this is the default setting for files downloaded from the internet on Windows Server 2003 & 2008 (and variants WHS v1 & WHS 2011) - it's a little annoying that you don't get any kind of notification/warning through when you try to run the downloaded file - it just doesn't do anything!
  5. Again, please do not post off-topic - the subject of this thread relates to the unattended installation & configuration on WINDOWS - Questions relating to the Android app belong in other threads.
  6. ...this also belongs in another thread!! The subject of this thread is "Unattended installation and configuration on Windows" - this bears no relation to your posts!
  7. Hmmm.... this belongs in another thread!! The subject of this thread is "Unattended installation and configuration on Windows" - this bears no relation to your post!
  8. Please refer to the User Guide (which is regularly updated and which covers "the various advanced options") and also the Unofficial FAQ (which is also regularly updated) No, this would create MORE confusion if it were called a "master secret" as this would suggest that a single secret applied to ALL folders you were syncing on a particular device! - this is not the case, each folder has its own secret - there is no "master" secret! ...because there are different types of Sync - RW (Read Write) syncs and RO (Read Only) syncs. "a full set of permissions" refers to adding a folder using a RW secret ...because the term "master secret" would be misleading! (see above) In short, no! - Sync is designed to keep folders in sync between different devices - not between different folders on the same device!
  9. Yep - it's still there in the latest build (1.1.48): ...but as I say, the "Portable Mode" option is ONLY available if you're running the installer directly from a USB Stick/SD Card, etc In theory! ...although I've not tried this myself
  10. .!Sync files are temporary files created by BitTorrent Sync when receiving incoming data transfers. Once a file is fully received, it is then renamed to have its .!Sync extension removed i.e. "file.mp3" will become "file.mp3.!Sync" on receiving devices until all data for the file is fully received, at which point it will be renamed back to "file.mp3". If your files are remaining with a .!Sync extension, this indicates that the transfer was not successfully complete. This may be due to a number of reasons, which you should investigate rather than renaming these .!Sync files yourself. Possible causes for the persistence of .!Sync files include: 1) The network connection was interrupted/dropped whilst transferring the file 2) The contents of the source file changed during the transfer process 3) The source file became locked by another process during the transfer Removing the .!Sync extension yourself may allow you to access the partial file that's been received, however, if Sync has got stuck (due to one or more of the above reasons), the better option would be to delete these partial .!Sync files in order that Sync can re-transfer the file again.
  11. It's quite possible that you'll need to unblock the installer on your server first in order to allow it to run (Right Click the file -> Properties -> Unblock -> Ok)...
  12. .SyncIgnore files are created automatically by Sync, and are only present in the root folders you're syncing. The rules within these root .SyncIgnore files apply to the files & sub-directories within the folder tree. Creating additional .SyncIgnore files in sub-directories of folder you're syncing will have no affect - you need to add all your exclusion rules to the .SyncIgnore file in the root folder you're syncing. There are a wealth of existing topics on how to do this in the forum (just search for "syncignore"), for example this one
  13. Please check the system clock on all your devices is correct, if one or more of them isn't this could explain why some files start to appear and shortly after seemingly disappear again.
  14. The clue is probably in the "WriteToDisk: Access is denied" error(!) This would generally indicate that Sync is unable to access the destination location in order to save data, perhaps because of insufficient disk space, or because the permissions on the destination folder prevent Sync from writing to it.
  15. It depends what you mean by a "disconnection".... If Sync is still running, but the physical network connection has been disconnected, Syncing will simply resume once the connection becomes available again. If however by "disconnected" you mean that Sync itself has been stopped and then restarted, Sync will re-scan the folders its monitoring for any changes upon startup, update its index accordingly, and then resume syncing. So, in essence, if all devices are in sync before "disconnection", upon "reconnection", Syncing will simply resume, and files/folder that are already in sync won't be transferred all over again.
  16. Assuming you're on Windows, a quick Google search reveals this tool (note, I have not tested this myself, and I'm sure other such tools are available also). If you're using Linux you can just "touch" the files to update their last modified date.
  17. It may well do! Check that the system time on all your devices is correct, because if one or more device's time is incorrect, this could lead to a "bad timestamp" message in the log when Sync encounters a file which has a timestamp seemingly in the future. Also, as I mentioned previously, ensure that the files in question aren't currently open/in use/locked by another process.
  18. "1.0TB in 242866 files" (on the Folders tab) This indicates that 242866 files have been indexed by Sync in that folder, and the combined size of all those files is 1.0TB "U:250.9GB" (on the Devices tab) This indicates that 250.9GB of data remains to be (or is in the process of being) uploaded from the folder the two labels relate to very different things. Once a folder is in sync across devices, you can expect the corresponding label on the Folders tab on all devices to show "1.0TB in 242866 files", and on the Devices tab on each device "Synced on xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx" (where "x" denotes the date/time that syncing was completed) If some devices report a different size/file count on the Folders tab it's likely that some files/folders are being excluded from that folder via .SyncIgnore, or that Sync can't currently access all the files within the folder (i.e. they are presently open/in use/locked by another process/application) If the Devices tab constantly shows a fixed "U:250.9GB" label (and the 250.9 number doesn't decrease), this indicates that Sync is currently unable to upload all the data within the folder (most likely because the files in question are presently open/in use/locked by another process/application. After closing these files in other applications, or the other applications themselves, Sync should then be able to continue transferring data, and you should see the "U:250.9GB" number steadily decrease.
  19. Any "traffic shaping" by your ISP will likely be based upon the total amount of data being sent/received in a given period on your account with your provider, rather than the type of traffic being sent/received. The purpose of "traffic shaping" is to ease traffic loads on ISP's networks to ensure that all customers receive a half-decent service during peak times, as such, it's far less important what the traffic is, just how much of it there is! If you are encountering "traffic shaping" because of the additional traffic on your connection caused by using Sync, you should consider using the upload/download rate limit settings within Sync to limit the amount of traffic flowing in/out of Sync.
  20. The Android app is currently only supported on Arm architecture. If your device is based on x86 architecture, it's not currently compatible. The team are currently working on x86 device compatibility for the Android app. Also, please note that the version numbers of the Android build do not relate to build numbers for the desktop version. There is therefore no "1.1.48" .apk - the latest Android build is v1.1.27 and the latest desktop build is v1.1.48
  21. Not at present, but feel free to post your desire for this ability in the Wishlist
  22. The links are all valid, and all work correctly - perhaps there is some filter/blocking on your network/ISP, or indeed country, which prevents you from downloading from the links provided ...or perhaps your IP has been banned/blacklisted?
  23. Please search the forum for "nested" shares. ...the bottom line is that you can't separately sync a sub folder if you're already syncing its parent
  24. ...please do share, because if my understanding of what you're after is correct, this isn't possible! My understanding is that you wish to have a parent folder sync'd across multiple devices (with only one having a RW secret and the others all having RO secrets), but then within this folder, a sub folder that has it's own RW secret across all devices? ...this isn't possible!