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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Assuming when you say "all my folders" you just mean your SyncArchive folders, then, no it's not currently possible to do this. You can always turn off SyncArchive on a per-folder basis, but then deleted files/folders will be permanently deleted rather than moved to their respective SyncArchive folders.
  2. It might reduce the amount of traffic, but it would adversely affect Sync's performance! Assume you have a large file on 3 devices (1 local device, 2 remote devices), and the file is to be sync'd to a 4th device (also local) that doesn't yet have the file. Sync will be far faster if different chunks of data can be simultaneously obtained from all 3 sources at once, rather than just 1 (the local one). If you really don't wish Sync to use "remote" sources when syncing, you can always turn off the Relay, Tracker, and DHT options
  3. Well, it's technically "beta" now... but the same principle applies - If you're syncing important/sensitive data using "beta" software you should always keep a backup! However, as Varnaga says though, you should be able to find copies of your "lost" files in the hidden .syncarchive folder (enabled by default in Sync)
  4. I have it on good authority that the current "free" (personal) edition of Sync will not be "crippled" and no existing features will be removed from it as/when a business-grade "Plus" edition becomes available. - (See also "Will BitTorrent Sync remain free, or will they start charging for it once it comes out of beta?" in the Unofficial FAQ) The Sync team are fully aware of the Cubby story, and are determined NOT to go down that same route! According to the team: "We do have specific plans for Sync for business. This version of Sync will ... have features that is required by enterprises and SMB. At the moment Sync is pure consumer product that might be used in some business cases." So for home and the majority of small business users (I don't mean business users who aren't very tall! ), the functionality that the personal edition of Sync offers will continue to be adequate for their needs! The business-grade "Plus" version will offer some additional features/enhancements geared more towards the needs of larger organizations/corporations and those with "enhanced" security needs. In summary then - the current free Sync product will remain free and not have features taken away from it!
  5. Try changing the advanced "folder_rescan_interval" setting from the default 600 (seconds) (i.e. 10 minutes) to a much higher value. This will mean that Sync won't do a complete re-scan of the folders you're syncing as often
  6. The latest version for Linux is 1.1.70 and may be obtained here
  7. Yeah, a "write-only" sync ability has been requested a number of times now - feel free to add your voice to the Wishlist
  8. This almost always indicates that the system clock on one of your devices (or your VM) is incorrect
  9. Firstly, no there are no maximum number of files/filesize limits. It's likely that either: 1) Sync cannot read/access all of the files in the folder - either due to their permissions, or the fact that they are currently open/in use/locked by another process 2) The files in question are being excluded from sync by the ignore rules in the .SyncIgnore file
  10. Given that Sync allows you to sync ANY folder (whereas with Dropbox, there's only one central folder), do you actually still need Symbolic Links/Folder Junctions, given that you can add all the original folders to Sync directly?!
  11. Yes, your .SyncIgnore files need to be identical on all the devices for the folder you're syncing. I'm not aware there are any issues with spaces in .SyncIgnore rules (although, I haven't personally tried this). You should be able to simply add the line: please use for temp storage your .SyncIgnore file. There are also plenty of other .SyncIgnore examples around the forum - just search for "syncignore"
  12. Hey, tuxpoldo - Congratulations on your marriage! ...but you're on honeymoon - you should be spending quality time with your other half, not worrying about BitTorrent Sync!!!
  13. No, there is not a "global" .SyncIgnore file governing all the folders you're syncing - each individual folder you add to Sync will have its own .SyncIgnore file containing rules for that folder (and any subfolder)
  14. Note down the folder's current secret, remove the folder from Sync, and then re-add it back using the previous secret. This will force Sync to re-index the folder. It's possible that the previous index of the folder is corrupt
  15. There is a much easier & cheaper way to "replace Dropbox" Just buy yourself a Windows Home Server (WHS), connect it to your home broadband, install Sync on it and Viola! - you have your own "always on" cloud storage! - no monthly fees, no hosting with a 3rd party - you are fully in control, and you can easily add more storage when needed!
  16. Try updating to the latest version ...then with Sync not running on any of your devices, locate & delete any .!Sync, .SyncPart or .SyncTemp files, then restart Sync on your devices
  17. See the very first post of this thread!
  18. Just exclude these temporary Office files from Sync via .SyncIgnore
  19. You don't need to find an existing post in the Wishlist thread - just add your suggestion to the end - it doesn't matter if there's already a post suggesting it there - the developers are logging how frequently each suggestion is made... so just add your suggestion to the end of that thread!
  20. Don't worry - it's not just you! Not every "Beta" build of Sync is pushed out via auto-update! Once Sync migrates out of Beta, auto-update will become fully enabled.
  21. I assume the problem resolves itself if you restart Sync after waking up the device once you've changed networks? Also, when you say it's on a different network, is the connection type still the same at both your home/work locations? i.e. wired LAN at both, or wireless LAN at both locations? - if it's wired at one, but wireless at the other, this will likely explain the issue, as Sync will attempt to connect to the same network card upon resuming after sleep - it won't go searching for other network cards until you restart the app.
  22. You misunderstand, I'm not for one minute saying that you would want to sync these files, only that for the vast majority of users of Sync, this wouldn't even be an issue because either 1) They don't use Windows, or 2) They do use Windows, but are not Syncing their ENTIRE system drive!! That's why it would be wrong to include these rules as "default" for EVERY user as they will only be applicable to the very very small sub-set of users who 1) use Windows, AND 2) wish to sync their ENTIRE system drive!! ...and those users can add these rules to their .SyncIgnore files themselves! Remember, the purpose of the "default" .SyncIgnore rules is not to account for EVERY possible case of things to ignore, just provide a handful of general rules that would be applicable to the MAJORITY of Sync user's typical syncing scenarios.
  23. I don't think these things shouldn't be added to the default .SyncIgnore file as they are very specific use cases!! The idea of the "default" rules in the .SyncIgnore file are that they are a "general" set of rules to exclude the most common types of files/folder that you wouldn't normally wish to sync, such as temporary files, etc. Most user's won't be Syncing their ENTIRE root drive, and therefore excluding the recycle bin and/or sys vol info/pagefile/swapfile etc wouldn't be needed! really, as yours is quite a specific-use case, such rules are unlikely to be considered "general" enough to added to every single Sync user's default .SyncIgnore files!
  24. I agree - automatic, and completely unattended updates would be great - especially for those running Sync on headless servers! I did suggest this exact thing way back in I think March/April time, so the devs are certainly aware of it... but hopefully this thread will help highlight the idea again!