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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Bare in mind that Sync is still only in "beta", and it only left "alpha" a couple of weeks ago! Please make sure the system clock is correct on all your devices - if one or more clocks is wrong, this can lead to the various issues you describe "Remote Peer" is not the actual name of a device!! - it's a generic term meaning "another computer you're syncing with" Give it chance!! ...and remember It's still just a "beta"!
  2. File counts may differ if Sync is unable to read all files/folders (i.e. if they are currently open/in use/locked by other applications/processes), or if the directory contains files/folders that are being excluded from syncing in .SyncIgnore
  3. It's likely that Sync is unable to open/read these files when they are in use/locked/being written to by Apache. Given that these would appear to be just log files, the question to ask yourself is, do you actually really need to sync these between devices? If not, it's worth consider excluding them from being synced through the use of .SyncIgnore
  4. *sigh* I don't know how many more times we need to say this - No, there are no limits imposed on the number/size of files you can Sync - the only limitation is your actual hardware. Please read "Is there a limit on the number/size of files I can sync?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  5. You will likely need to change "" in your config file to reflect your external IP address. For more information on what is see this article
  6. .!Sync files are not "corrupt files" as such, they are merely incomplete transfers - however manually removing the .!Sync extension from such files will not necessarily mean you can access them again, if they are incomplete. If you're sure that Sync isn't still in the process of downloading these files, you will need to: 1) Stop Sync 2) Delete all .!Sync files 3) Restart Sync ...when you restart Sync, it will detect that these files are not present in the folder, and should retrieve fresh copies of these files from your other devices.
  7. Not strictly true - if your devices are on the same LAN, you can set the advanced setting "lan_use_tcp" to "true" to use TCP instead of UDP
  8. Please see this thread for how to report your issue & submit logs
  9. ..both sides of what - the same LAN? ..or are your devices on different subnets/LANs? which case, this may be why they are unable to establish direct connections! Can you successfully directly "ping" your devices from each other?
  10. Please read my reply carefully - I never said a Read Only Secret should be used on the PC end - I said a read only secret should be used when "connecting your mobile"
  11. Just use a Read Only secret instead of a Full Access secret when connecting your mobile!
  12. This is a VERY old thread! - please see the Unofficial FAQ entry "When a file changes, does BitTorrent transfer the entire file again, or just the part that's changed?"
  13. At present, Sync is a "pure consumer product that might be used in some business cases" - which the developers have confirmed will remain free (see "Will BitTorrent Sync remain free, or will they start charging for it once it comes out of beta?" in the Unofficial FAQ). In the future, we will likely also see a "business-orientated" edition of Sync emerging, with additional "specific features required by enterprises and SMB" over that of the free "consumer" edition. Now, don't ask me questions about this, as I have no further information I can impart at this time!!! ...but if you're wondering how "BT plan to monetize their heavy investment of BT Sync".... I'd say that should offer some clues!
  14. Have you not read the User Guide? (which incidentally is linked to from both the Official and Unofficial FAQs)
  15. If you place data in "the middle" of a file, only the data from (and including) that point on will be transferred. Data that remains unchanged and unmoved before the point of insertion won't be transferred again.
  16. It's always advisable to update the latest build of Sync (currently 1.1.48) first to see if that resolves any issues you may be having, and then post back If the problem still persists after you've updated to the latest version of Sync.
  17. Sync cannot sync files whilst they are in use/locked by other applications. This would likely explain why you have differing file counts on your various devices. Try shutting down iTunes et al on your devices, and then Sync should then be able to transfer any files it's not been able to so far! Also, check the contents of your .SyncIgnore files to ensure that 1) They are identical for the folder you're syncing with on each of your devices, 2) Files/folders that you want/expect to be synced haven't been excluded from doing so by the exclusion rules already present in .SyncIgnore
  18. Yes, it's known about, but nothing to be concerned with - debug logs are primarily for the developers anyway! Also, a quick forum search before posting would have revealed this thread or this thread
  19. Yes, disable the "Store deleted files in SyncArchive" option The "Store deleted files in SyncArchive" option is a per-folder setting
  20. Basically, if you have a 2GB file, and you add 4MB to the very end of this file, only the 4MB you've added to the end will be transferred, and not the entire 2GB file again (as every other byte of the existing 2GB data remains in the same position within the file as it was before the 4MB were added to the end). However, if you instead add 4MB to the very beginning of the 2GB file, this will "shift" all other bytes of the 2GB of data back... and so the entire 2GB file will need to be transferred again.
  21. Well, please see this thread for how to report your issue & submit logs